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Excess teachers and counselors, not enough sharing of services part of staffing study: district leaders' rebuttal

By Joanne Beck

A lack of a comprehensive and strategic staffing plan, increased teacher positions paid for with additional federal and state aid despite declining enrollment, and a larger number of school counselors per federal recommendations were some of the findings of a consultant’s study at Batavia City Schools.

Thomas Ramming of International Deliverables LLC and Thomas Ramming Consulting, Inc., presented his report to the school board earlier this week. The Batavian asked every school board member and Superintendent Jason Smith for their comments regarding the outcome, which also included suggestions to rectify some of the seemingly misaligned student-to-staff ratios and revising contract language for more effective bargaining negotiations. 

The consultant's process included using an “efficiency lens” that relies on data to review staffing issues. He also met with Superintendent Jason Smith, administrators and principals, plus reviewed master schedules, enrollment history, collective bargaining agreements, average class sizes, financial information and related research.

One central point, brought out by board Vice President John Reigle, and echoed by other board members, was that Ramming’s prior studies had all been before COVID hit. Batavia was his first project to measure staffing following the pandemic, school shutdowns, masks, social distancing and such. Therefore, in reference to having increased teaching staff despite a downward enrollment, Reigle believes it’s justified.

“Pointing out again that this study, although has its positives, does not take into consideration the needs of the students, both academically and social/mental since post-COVID,” Reigle said. “I will continue to be a strong advocate of our students’ needs.  As Dr. Ramming pointed out, these additional positions were added utilizing those additional COVID funds.

“Our district was required to document how it was spent. I think that is a key factor to point out and keep in forefront of mind that some of our students, along with other students nationally, have had a learning loss due to COVID in regards to academics and their social/mental well beings,” he said. 

The COVID funds are that of the American Rescue Plan Act, which divvied up additional monies for municipalities, and for school districts to apply toward student-needed measures in the current post-pandemic era. The district dedicated a large portion to the hiring of a second school resource officer and several new teaching positions.

During his talk with the board, Ramming admitted that the whole COVID scenario was not calculated into the overall findings, but he also suggested that the district continuously assess whether the extra personnel will be warranted in the future. And if that’s the case, the district needs a plan for how to pay for those salaries and benefits, Ramming said.

Superintendent Jason Smith concurs that the suggested ratios were pre-COVID “when mental health needs were not as pronounced and as valued as they are now.” Batavia City Schools was a major recipient of “significant grant resources” that he and board members believe have been properly allocated to those needs.

As for possible remedies for staffing issues that Ramming highlighted, including certain language that hinders negotiations with the teacher’s association, and potentially excess staff, Smith said the district has “already started implementing suggestions.”

“Two vacant teaching positions (music and Spanish) were not recently filled and will not impact the instructional program,” Smith said. “We’re working closely with our music department to review schedules, and are always in respectful and professional conversations with BTA officers to promote efficiencies while recognizing the important work of our teachers.

“Additionally, each principal and district office administrator has thoroughly reviewed and analyzed this study, and it has been given prime attention at our internal meetings,” he said.

The savings by not replacing those vacant positions covered the $12,000 cost of the study, he said.

The district has been analyzing the need for “every single position as they become vacant,” he said, citing two cases of positions not being filled after ensuring that instructional programs would not be negatively affected, he said.

“Teachers whose positions are being paid through grant funds are notified right away upon acceptance of the position that it is a temporary position — this is a practice I have brought to Batavia,” he said. “It is fiscally sound to the district and fair to the employee.”

Smith argues that teaching positions are not “extra,” as they have been deemed as critical to the district’s mission and vision. And “we were thankful to have the grant money and federal funds to support these positions,” he said.

When asked how the district will assess the value and need for those additional teachers, there are "data tools" used to measure the social emotional learning needs of students, he said. 

"We can survey students and families, and there are objective tools we can utilize as well," Smith said. "In addition, the district will be using a universal screening tool and research-based tool known as DESSA. It is a standardized, strength-based assessment designed to measure social-emotional competence for students in grades K-12. This screener will provide the district with data to analyze and plan for student needs."

Board member Alice Benedict said the board requested this study “to make sure our district staff was right-sized” for the educational programs being offered and when compared to enrollment figures.

“We have been assured by the Superintendent that he and his administrative staff will fully review and consider the findings of this study,” Benedict said.

“I have come to realize that with the effects of the COVID pandemic, our student population has significant mental health concerns. Our district wants to provide adequate support for our students with as much help and support as they need,” she said. “I am sure the Superintendent and his administration will look hard at our staffing numbers and make the appropriate decisions with regard to the positions of counselors and social workers in the district.”


Board member Barbara Bowman said that, while Batavia is amazing as a district, "I know it’s not perfect."

"This study just confirmed for me that we have the ability to continue to move forward, and it gave us concrete, objective ideas to consider," Bowman said. "The (Batavia Teacher's Association) represents a precious commodity, our teachers.  They in turn provide above and beyond services to our students.  We are always in communication with the superintendent and I feel there is always room and ability to negotiate. We’re definitely on the same team!" 

When asked for their priorities, board members shared similar sentiments about wanting to move forward and working with key players in the district for each student's benefit. 

"I see our first priority to be working together with the parents, the administrators and the superintendent to identify priorities and effective ways to address them," Bowman said. "Communication is key on the part of all stakeholders to keep moving Batavia forward and upward."

John Marucci, board president, said that he was looking forward to working with Smith and the administrative team on study-related efforts.

“My priority is still doing what's best for the students,” Marucci said.

This was a first-time study of this kind for board member Jennifer Lendvay, she said.

“Whenever a study is done, no matter what we are researching, we do so to get an objective perspective from an outside source.  I found Dr. Rammings' results incredibly informative and personally look forward to working closely with our administrative staff and Mr. Smith to carefully analyze these findings and move forward,” Lendvay said. “Being somewhat new to the board, this was the first time I have been a part of a study in regards to our operations and staffing, so hearing the information was quite insightful.”  

She disagreed with the finding that the district didn’t do much sharing of teacher services — specifically cited as having “a lack of coordinated effort to share teachers between buildings.”

“Knowing that we currently do have teachers that are shared within the district, and none of those are related to the ARPA funds,” she said. “Our teachers go above and beyond for our students and have been willing to do what is necessary to assist in their learning, including traveling between schools. 

“At this point in time, our students are still in need of additional support: academic, social-emotional, mental health, etc. Dr. Ramming corroborated that we have been able to add teachers because of the funding,” she said. “The additional funding was spent to help address the learning loss. Mr. Smith has made it a point to be transparent with our employees, that being hired under these funds, that it is temporary funding.”

Newly elected member Korinne Anderson said that she looked forward to “learning more about this study as the year progresses,” and is glad that it was completed “because it gives a different perspective.”

Board member Chezeray Rolle did not respond to The Batavian’s questions. 

Primary suggestions given to the board include to:

  • Incorporate a five-year vision with specific and measurable academic, social and emotional goals in the strategic plan.
  • Identify a central office administrator to develop and implement, with input from other administrators, principals and the board, a strategic staffing plan and process.
  • Continue to review the impact of the collective bargaining agreement on staffing, scheduling, and instruction and seek to address the most significant issues through collective bargaining.
  • Objectively assess the value of positions funded by ARPA and determine their value. Consider reallocating resources when the grant expires. Also, as any position becomes vacant, objectively determine if the position nesds to be filled long- or short-term, or perhaps part-time.

Other suggestions include:

  • Update and consistently follow class size guidelines, student-to-teacher ratios and minimum class sizes.
  • Look at sharing special area teachers, such as physical education, music, art, especially between Jackson and John Kennedy.
  • Consider coordinating the schedules for middle and high schools to facilitate sharing of teachers;
  • Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of school psychologists, school counselors and school social workers, within the framework of a comprehensive plan, to determine appropriate staffing

To watch the presentation, go to Batavia City School District on

Alexander Road solar projects receive special use permits from town planning board

By Howard B. Owens

Town of Batavia Planning Board unanimously approved special use permits and site plans for two solar projects on Alexander Road at their meeting on Tuesday.

The projects are located at 9183 Alexander Road, known as the Pike Road Solar Farm Project, and 9071 Alexander Road.

The resolutions passed by the board entitle San Francisco-based Renewable Properties (RPNY Solar 6, LLC) to construct and operate the solar projects.

If the owner/operator changes, the special use permit must be reviewed again by the planning board.

Before a building permit is issued, the company must finalize a host community agreement with the Town of Batavia to include annual payments of $2,500 per megawatt for 25 years with a 2 percent annual escalation of payments or a lump sum payment approved by the Town Board.

The resolution includes provisions on grading and landscaping.

There are also provisions to handle any changes to the development plan.

The company must certify the completed project complies with the special use permit, applicable codes, and industry standards.  

There must also be sufficient funds on deposit to remove the installation and restore landscaping in accordance with the decommissioning plan.

The company must remove the installation at the end of its useful life in accordance with the decommissioning plan.

Town inspectors will be allowed reasonable access to the property during construction to check drainage and stormwater provisions.

Renewable Properties must abide by the required landscaping plan.

The project must be fenced and locked. The fire department will be provided keys.

A year after the project goes into operation, Renewable Properties must return to the planning board for a review of the special use permit.

Finally, Renewable Properties must obtain and retain appropriate insurance throughout the life of the project.

Brothers, former Ice Devils, enter hockey tournament in memory of father, raising funds to fight cancer

By Press Release

Press release:

This coming Sunday at Amalie Ice Arena in Tampa FL, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning, Will and Paul Barton, two brothers Batavia born and raised will be taking the ice in the Sk8 to Eliminate Cancer 3v3 Ice Hockey Tournament. All players who’ve entered the tournament are raising money for the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation – an organization dedicated to changing the future of cancer by funding advanced, innovative research that treats the cancer while sparing the patient

The Barton boys both played for the Batavia Ice Devils and Batavia Ramparts growing up. The two brothers are the only sons of the late local businessman and husband, Batavian born and raised Bill Barton, who passed away on Oct. 14, 2020, after living with Multiple Myeloma for 13 years.

Bill volunteered as a coach and fundraising for the Ice Devils and Ramparts when his sons were playing in the early aughts, and was a fixture down at the Royal Rink (David McCarthy Ice Arena) at all of both his son’s games. He loved everything about the game, especially the people and life-long friendships that were forged on those teams growing up.

Reached for comment, Will and Paul offered the following statement:

“Unfortunately, with cancer, everyone knows someone in their family or friend circle that has been directly impacted by this terrible disease. Our father lived to be 63, is gone too soon and is dearly missed – but so often, tragically, cancer happens to young people. We were lucky. Teenagers, children, cancer doesn’t discriminate by age. This is the truly tragic nature of this disease, and this is why it’s so important to support organizations like Scott Hamilton CARES, people working on solutions.

When we found out about the Sk8 to Eliminate Cancer tournament in Tampa being held near two years to the date we lost our Dad, there wasn’t much back and forth, we knew it was time to lace up the skates and pay tribute to our father and everyone who has lived with cancer by doing what he loved to watch us do most, playing hockey.

We want to express our love and gratitude to everyone who has supported our fundraiser to this point, we’re currently in 1st place…and with the continued support of our fellow Batavians, we’re confident we’ll make our hometown proud and finish in first place…in fundraising. In the tournament play…well we’re playing in the A/B division and we’re getting near 40, so we make no guarantees…but hey we’re gonna do our best and forget the rest!”

We are able to accept donations through this Sunday 10/23/22. We are asking for $25 donations, and are encouraging anyone who donates in honor or memory of a loved one from their own life to pay tribute in their comments.
Join the Fight, Donate and Support the Barton Boys and their team, the Gulf Coast Goons:

Batavia boys soccer team wins first-round sectional game

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Blue Devils boys soccer team won its first-round sectional game in Class B on Tuesday, beating Geneva 2-0.

Batavia came into the game as the #9 seed and Geneva was the #8 seed.

Goals were scored by Alex Bartz, assisted by Owen Halpin, and by Quintin Cummings, unassisted.

Submitted photo.

Next up: #1 seeded Hornell at Hornell on Saturday. Game time is 6:30 p.m.

'Try Hockey for Free' event slated for Ice Arena on Nov. 5

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on  Evans Street on Saturday, Nov. 5  for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 11:40 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the Event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves.  Skates are available at the Rink free of charge (due to  the generous offering of the Batavia Sports Facility Management LLC).  The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit     (Use zip code 14020)

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens from 2015. Brian Gildner teaches his daughter Nora, then 3, how to shoot a puck.

Owner in dog OD case willing to discuss future of her dog while criminal case is pending

By Howard B. Owens

The future of Oddey, the French bulldog that reportedly overdosed on narcotics three times in May and June, may soon be resolved while the criminal case against Oddey's owner, Cassandra Elmore, will likely remain pending for some time.

Elmore appeared in City Court today with her public defender Jamie Welch.

Welch indicated he needs more time to file motions in light of new evidence (he didn't specify what the evidence is), new discovery turned over by the District Attorney's Office (again, not specified), and his recent receipt of lab reports (he didn't indicate what the lab results reveal).

He indicated the charges of injuring an animal under New York's Ag and Markets Law are more complicated than typical penal statutes and required more research. 

Judge Thomas Burns agreed it is a complicated case and gave Welch until Nov. 25 to file his motions, and gave Assistant District Attorney Jenna Bauer until Dec. 8 to file her answering papers.  He set a hearing date on motions for Dec. 15 at 1:30 p.m.

If that's all there was to the case, Oddey would be guaranteed at least two more months of confinement at the Genesee County Animal Shelter, but after the motion dates were set, Welch said there was one more thing to discuss.

His client, he said, was willing to meet with representatives of the "animal rights" group following the case -- referring to Volunteers for Animals. He said he didn't know if there were any respresentatives in court today -- there were -- but invited them to stop by the Public Defender's Office and pick up a copy of his card so they could discuss the future of Oddey.

Burns said it was wonderful news that there are options for Oddey.

"Options are good," he said.

Bauer said, "I believe that's the top concern of everybody here."  She suggested that if an agreement could be reached regarding Oddey, a status appearance date be set so the issue could be resolved sooner than two months from now.

After meeting with the attorneys at the bench, Burns said the case will remain on the calendar for Dec. 15, but if an agreement is reached before then, the case can be recalled and the Oddey matter could be resolved in that appearance.

The case was then adjourned.


Batavia beats Eastridge in straight sets

By Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Blue Devils girls volleyball team beat Eastridge for the second time this season Tuesday evening, with scores of 25-11, 25-22, 25-23.

Olivia Shell led the Devils with nine kills, seven digs, and four aces.

Ella Bromsted had two kills, 18 assists, and three aces. 

Clara Wood had two kills, six digs, and two aces.

Emma Bigsby had four kills, four digs and two aces.

Ava Anderson had six kills, seven digs and four aces. 

"This team has taken the necessary steps to improve overall as a program and has been competitive all year," said Coach James Patric. "Our seniors and returning players set the goals for the team at the start of the season to compete for a Class B sectional championship.  We have been playing well in our recent games and have been peaking at the right time heading into sectionals.

The Blue Devils play their final regular season game tonight at home against HFL. Game time is 6:30 p.m. The game includes a first-ever teacher appreciation night.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

For your convenience, new shop open on West Main Street, Batavia

By Joanne Beck

Walk inside F&M Convenience and take a 360-degree tour of the multitude of items lining the walls, inside of display cases and on both sides of a freestanding shelving unit.

There are items from A — apple juice — to Z — Zippo lighters. And in between, there are assorted beverages of water, juices, sports and coffee drinks, pop, milk and beer; various foods from chips and snack cakes to cereal and ice cream; sunglasses; sports jerseys and hats; backpacks; gum; cigarettes, grinders, wraps and baggies; and the endurance supplement Kratom. And that’s just to name some of the large inventory of items selected by Manager Ali Mohammed.

“We wanted to have a convenience store here,” he said at the site on the triangular patch of property across from Top’s friendly markets at 4169 West Main St. Road, Batavia.

It’s hard to miss the big grand opening sign draped in front of the building, and Mohammed hopes that customers will visit and check out what’s inside. The store is brightly lit with a backdrop of colorful goods available for purchase. There is also an ATM and lottery tickets available, he said.

He has already had two grand opening barbecues and is planning a third one this weekend. It’s set to begin with grilled sausage and burgers at 3 p.m. Sunday.

The store is open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. Mohammed is looking to hire one more staff member with at least two years of experience and is 21 or older. For more information, call 585-250-4155.

New county jail creates more expense, 2 percent levy increase while assessments create lower tax rate

By Joanne Beck

A budget that includes a 2 percent tax levy increase to cover jail-related costs has a silver lining for Genesee County residents, County Manager Matt Landers says.

The itemized financial plan for 2023 totals $162,567,180, and although the levy is going up, the tax rate is expected to decrease due to higher property assessments, Landers said after Wednesday’s Ways & Means meeting.

The new jail debt service and additional personnel for that facility “were the drivers” of the spending increase of just under 1 percent from this year, he said. A 2 percent levy increase will be offset by increased property assessments, so the tax rate is projected to drop from $9.18 per $1,000 assessed value to $8.44, he said.

A pubic hearing for the budget has been set for 5:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Old Courthouse, 7 Main St., Batavia. Landers expects to have his written budget message ready by Thursday or Friday, he said.

“I try to be short and sweet. And I'll hit on the highlights of the overall percentage increases and things like that,” he said. “And then I'll cover it in more detail with spreadsheets at the actual budget hearing.”

This and future budgets will include a $4 million yearly debt service payment for the new, 184-bed jail facility in progress on Route 5, Landers said. That hefty tab of nearly $70 million has a payback plan for the next 30 years.

“So we're stepping into the cost increases instead of getting hit all at once. In the 2023 budget, we have increased costs for the debt service, and then also some positions, and then the 2024 budget will be heavy with even more stepped up cost increases that'll happen, operational cost increases,” he said. “And then hopefully in the back end of 2024, we can start budgeting for it. We should start getting some revenue with the anticipated boarding of inmates.”

Because of the new, larger facility that will also accommodate women inmates, the county will be hiring six new correctional officers (females, in particular), a maintenance worker assigned to the new jail, and a deputy jail superintendent, he said. Another investigator position being added to the Sheriff’s Office “is long overdue,” he said.

“There's piles of investigations, and it's our commitment to try to … the sheriff wants to protect and serve and I agree with them. This is part of our efforts to provide quality service to the people that come to expect that,” he said. “So those were the drivers (of budget increases) that serve as an in-jail position.”

File photo of Genesee County Manager Matt Landers by Joanne Beck.

Woman struck by truck in Alexander dies at hospital

By Howard B. Owens

An 89-year-old Alexander woman died this evening after being struck by the mirror of a passing pickup truck in the area of 10342 West Bethany Road, Alexander, shortly after 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the Sheriff's Office reports.

Investigators believe Ruth McVay, of Alexander, was crossing West Bethany Road at about 4:06 p.m. near the crest of a hill while a 2013 Ford F-150 driven by Patrick G. McCormack, 55, of Darien, was traveling southbound.

When McCormack came over the crest of the hill, he spotted McVay in the roadway and tried to avoid hitting her.  The driver's side mirror, however, struck her, causing serious injuries.

McCormack stopped immediately and called 9-1-1.

McVay was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital by Mercy EMS (Mercy Flight was grounded due to weather) where she died as a result of her injuries.

The accident remains under investigation by the Sheriff's Office, including the Crash Management Team.  Assisting at the scene were the Alexander Fire Department and Mercy EMS.

Photos by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service

In the mood for some Mexican fare? Señor Leon is open on Batavia's west side

By Joanne Beck

Guillermo Leon is a man of few words, but they’re backed up by integrity.

The restauranteur has opened a second Mexican-themed eating establishment in Batavia, this time on the west side of town.

“Batavia is growing, and there’s more room for different kinds of restaurants,” Leon said Wednesday at Señor Leon Mexican Restaurant. “People go to Walmart and then can come here to eat. It’s very convenient.”

He owns Rancho Viejo in the city’s downtown, and thought a second restaurant closer to the popular Big Box stores would be a good location. Señor Leon, with an investment of more than $300,000, is tucked into the plaza at 4140 Veterans Memorial Drive.

Double oak and glass doors greet visitors before entering the spacious site. Deep blue, high-backed booths and Mexican decor — gold-trimmed hats, paintings and other themed wall art — plus seating of tables and similarly deep blue, padded seating are ready for a comfortable dining experience.

Leon had the furniture shipped in from Mexico, he said, to provide that authentic touch.

“I wanted to make it look different than other restaurants,” he said.

His place has 10 employees, and he is currently hiring for full- and part-time positions, he said. It may take more than a glance at the menu to place your order, as it is an extensive offering of lunch and dinner options — including assorted burritos, enchiladas, tostadas, tamales, hard or soft tacos and quesadillas.

There are grilled and “authentic Mexicano” dishes, such as Pollo Asado, chicken breast with grilled onions and cheese sauce served with rice, beans and two tortillas; nachos supreme loaded with cheese and toppings; Chicken Popeye, a grilled chicken breast topped with creamy spinach and queso fresco with rice; and Chile Colorado, beef tips cooked with red chile sauce and served with rice, beans and tortillas.

Feeling peckish before dinner? Appetizers include fresh guacamole, chicken wings, fajitas nachos, tortilla soup, and ceviche with shrimp and/or octopus.

A native of Mexico, Leon wanted to expand upon Rancho’s menu with more seafood and “a bunch of different things,” he said. Seafood entrees feature red snapper, prawns, salmon or tilapia, and there’s a seafood soup with shrimp, fish, scallops, calamari, mussels, octopus and a king crab leg. If meat’s not your thing, there are also vegetarian and vegan options.

To top it all off with a little sweetness, there’s the fried cheesecake, churros, Mexican custard (flan), raspberry donut cheesecake, the “ultimate” chocolate cake with layered chocolate mousse and butter cake with buttercream chocolate icing, or a banana chocolate swirl cake and high peanut butter pie to choose from.

If you go soon, you may notice the bar area, which will be open once Leon receives his liquor license, which has been in progress with the state Liquor Authority, and he hopes to have soon.

Asked for his favorite, Leon didn’t name one of the Mexican dishes, and instead admitted “I’m more a steak person.” He added that the steaks are served on a rack and cooked “to taste” for each customer’s preference.

Newly opened, Señor Leon has been drawing customers, he said.

“Everyone who walks in walks out happy,” he said. “I guarantee if you don’t like it, you don’t pay.”

Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. For more information, call 585-250-4484.

Top Photo: Staffer Felix Ramirez shows a portion of the large dining space at the Veterans Memorial Drive restaurant; Sergio Suniga is about to serve a plate of Señor Leon house appetizers: fried chicken taquitos, sauced chicken wings and a chicken quesadilla with pico de gallo, sour cream and a special touch of the Mexican flag, above. Photos by Joanne Beck.

Recovering addict at DePaul in Batavia uses his time to try and help others

By Press Release

Press Release:

Mike VanSlyke has lived with active addiction from the time he was ten years old until less than a year ago at 39 years old.

“I’ve done big things, stupid things, painful things, awful things, some good things, all kinds of things,” he said.

Now 40, he’s been sober since moving into the Batavia Apartment Treatment Program last August. Mike said he’s been choosing to “do the next right thing.”

“I’ve been horrible at taking my own advice my whole life,” he said. “I think I’m smarter than my own advice. That’s where I’m at now. I finally decided to [take my own advice] instead of telling other people how to live.”

On April 7, 2022, Mike launched a peer-support network for those struggling with addiction, mental health, and/or coping with daily life called Forgotten Ones on Facebook, and now also on Instagram and Twitter. The Facebook page has 1,300 followers and growing!

Through Forgotten Ones, Mike is dedicating his time to being a ‘Friend, Guide, Advocate,’ as his contact card reads. He regularly posts positive, encouraging memes, shares his own story, and invites others to post their clean dates, doing his best to acknowledge milestones big and small.

“We’ll always be there when you need us,” reads the description on the Forgotten Ones Facebook page. “You matter!”

In addition, Mike has a phone number specifically for Forgotten Ones which people can call in crisis at any time of day. The hours on the Facebook page are listed as “always open.” He may have just made dinner, but if he gets a call, message or email from someone in need of support, dinner waits.

“That one second could save somebody’s life,” he said.

Mike reassures those who reach out to Forgotten Ones for support that everything remains confidential.

“I don’t ask them for anything except how old are you and what can I do to help you? For you to be happy, what does life have to look like? That’s where it starts. We go from there.

There is only one requirement to those who call.

“You need to be willing to do things to get better,” he said. “I won’t spin my wheels. If you come to me and want help, I’ll help, but if you’re not willing, I can’t do anything.”

Mike envisions building a team of volunteers in the future to better be able to serve those who seek support. He feels that people who seek out his help can relate to him because of his own personal struggles with addiction and mental health.

“There are very few things in this world I haven’t done or I haven’t been through.”

Now Mike is rebuilding with the help, encouragement and motivation of friends, family and counselors like Lisa Glow, a Program Director at Horizon Health Services.

“When I think about the growth that he’s made over the past ten years, he’s finally at a place where he wants this for him, not because somebody else is telling him to get sober or stabilize his mental health,” said Lisa. “He’s finally taken everything he’s learned, even when he hasn’t wanted to hear it, and acted on it. He’s finally really doing the work.”

Lisa helped Mike find DePaul and the Batavia Apartment Treatment Program.

“They added stability and structure that he needed in order to get through the early part of his recovery,” she said of the staff at the Batavia Apartments.

After moving in last August, he spent the first few days soaking in the feeling of being home and feeling safe in his own apartment.

“I can be alone in my apartment all the time, but there’s always someone here,” he said. “I’m the type of guy, I don’t ask for a lot of help but if I know someone is in the office, I’ll find a reason to come out and talk.”

Residential Supervisor at DePaul’s Batavia Apartments, Brionna Majors said Mike’s passion and drive to have a positive impact on the lives of others and in the world has been an inspiration to not only his peers, but staff as well.

“Everyone’s journey in life is a unique one,” she said. “Life can take all of us through so many different twists and turns and can place unexpected obstacles in front of you. The direction that you choose to take with the cards you are dealt is where you learn the most valuable life lessons.”

Within a few weeks of moving into the Batavia Apartment Treatment Program, Mike was diagnosed with lymphedema, a condition caused by a blockage of the lymphatic system which causes swelling in both of his legs. He finds it ironic that now that he has the motivation, drive and purpose to change his life around, he’s got physical limitations preventing him from moving forward.

“I might not be alright from the waist down, but from the neck up, I’m the best I’ve ever been,” he said. “That says a lot. Everything happens for a reason,” he said.

Instead of getting mad about something he cannot change, he decided to take a friend’s advice and turn a negative into a positive. That same friend is the one who sent him a computer, which allowed him to start Forgotten Ones.

“It’s all motivation, everything, the good, the bad,” he said. “I feel like the people who are in my life have deserved better from me …I’ve never given them what they deserve.”

And the next right move for Mike is to make it all count for something.

“This is going to be my life’s work,” he said.

Submitted photo.

Genesee County receives award for comprehensive planning

By Press Release

Press release:

At the 2022 Upstate Chapter Conference of the American Planning Association (APA), the Genesee County 2050 Plan was awarded the excellence in comprehensive planning award. The award was presented by the Vice- President of the Upstate APA Chapter, Sean Maguire, to representatives of the Genesee 2050 planning team present including Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein, Planning Director Felipe Oltramari, Deputy Highway Superintendent Paul Osborn, Deputy Planning Director Erin Pence, and members of the consultant team including, Mike Kane and Jenny Mogavero of Prospect Hill Consulting, and Joy Kuebler and Eve Holberg of Joy Kuebler Landscape Architect.

Genesee 2050 offers a new perspective on comprehensive planning and includes a comprehensive plan update and recreation plan. The new plan is designed to be used as an online document and focuses less on an exhaustive inventory – which is always out of date by the time a comp plan is published anyhow – and more on what the county’s data indicators mean.

Genesee 2050 was developed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and so necessitated creative solutions to gather public input. An engagement process was designed that included safe in-person gatherings, online engagement, phone and in-person interviews and extensive public and stakeholder surveys.

Genesee 2050 is written for quick reference and ongoing implementation. There are no lists of recommendations. Instead, a smaller and more general set of recommendations focuses on preparing for the future based on what has been learned from the past in each of the 10 elements. There are a very select few overarching recommendations focusing on the process and this vision and three succinct goals.

The planning process continues in 2023 and is open to all residents, landowners, businesses, or anyone interested in Genesee County. Please visit: to get involved. You can provide written input or be put on a notification list of any meeting or events related to the planning process. You can also join any of the 10 focus groups that will help chart the future of Genesee County. These are:

  • Agriculture & Food
  • Arts, Culture, Parks & Recreation
  • Community Wellness
  • Economic & Workforce Development
  • Education & Government Administration 6. Housing Opportunities
  • Land Use, Environment & Placemaking 8. Technology & Utilities
  • Transportation & Mobility
  • Safety, Security & Justice 

Music of The Beatles to be featured at Napoleone Foundation fundraiser

By Press Release

Press release: 

Napoleone Foundation Hosting a Beatles Tribute Fundraiser

The Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation is hosting the BBC Band, a Beatles & Sixties Tribute Band. It is being held at the Historic Palace Theatre, 2 East Ave.,  Lockport on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $40 for regular admission and $75 premier seats in the lower balcony which includes an hour reception prior to the show. All seats are reserved and may be purchased at There is a bus being organized from Batavia- if interested, call Diane at 585-409-3485.

Sponsorships are also available at

  • $1500 Diamond Sponsor    Full Page Ad &  (6) $40 Reserved Seats
  • $ 1000 Platinum Sponsor   Half Page Ad &  (4) $40 Reserved Seats
  • $500 Gold Sponsor              Quarter Page Ad & (2) $40 Reserved Seats
  • $25 Personal Tribute Ad  ( in memory, in honor, in celebration of)

All donations are tax-deductible

About the Band
Though the band has local roots in Buffalo, the BBC Band has a true connection the Beatles.

Russ Thomas has spent a good amount of time with Peter Best, the Beatles' first drummer, pre-Ringo. They talked about the early days and how the band had evolved while and after his tenure with the group.

John Connelly and his family had the opportunity to meet and spend some time with Sir Paul McCartney one afternoon, chatting about life, family and how Paul’s music has inspired and influenced John’s musical career.

John Connelly and his family had the opportunity to meet and spend some time with Sir Paul McCartney one afternoon, chatting about life, family and how Paul’s music has inspired and influenced John’s musical career.

Meeting a Beatle has offered musical insights and an incredible inspiration to The BBC Band. Their shows are magical, the music is infectious, making you want to jump out of your seat, sing along and dance in the aisles….and in the words of  “She Loves You”…You know that can’t be bad!

In August of 2018, The BBC Band performed six concerts at International Beatles Week in Liverpool, England, including two standing-room concerts at the world-famous Cavern Club. (

The beautiful Palace Theatre is newly renovated with spacious seating, your favorite “movie concessions”,  beer, wine and non-alcoholic items. There will be Autographed Bills jersey raffle and a 50/50.

A night to sing, dance and celebrate friends all while Lending a Hand for Hope to Others.   We do “Get by With a Little Help from our Friends” – Beatles.

With new residency law in place, Sheriff expands search for corrections officers

By Press Release

Press release:

Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. is excited to announce that the Genesee County Legislature passed and adopted Local Law 4, which creates an expansion to the residency requirement of Correction Officers for the County of Genesee.

In order to provide an adequate pool of qualified applicants for the upcoming Civil Service Exam, Correction Officer, O.C. #64-904, effect immediately, applicants are permitted to reside within the County of Genesee or any contiguous county (ie:  Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Monroe, Livingston, or Wyoming).

The deadline to apply to take the exam is November 2, 2022, and the examination date is December 10, 2022.  The civil service examination fee has been waived for the remainder of 2022.  You must take the exam in order to be considered for employment.  To find out more about the job specifications, and minimum requirements, and to view the new promotional video, click on the following link:  Correction Officer Video.

“Genesee County is currently building a new jail, which will allow for the housing of female incarcerated individuals.  As a result, there is a need to hire additional Correction Officers, especially female officers.  Start a law-enforcement career and join our family.  We’d love to have you,” stated Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr.

GCC library receives $20K grant

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee Community College's Alfred C. O'Connell Library is pleased to announce the receipt of a $20,000 grant from the COVID Library Relief Fund of the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA made available $1.55 million in emergency relief grants to 77 libraries that have experienced substantial economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. These funds are intended to bolster library operations and services including broadening technology access, developing collections, providing digital instruction, staffing, and expanding outreach, as well as maintaining and amplifying existing service strategies or adding new ones to extend impact through the end of 2022.

When the opportunity arose, it was an easy decision to apply for the grant. "Since the pandemic, we have been operating with fewer resources and the ALA funds will allow us to streamline essential systems. We are grateful for the monetary assistance," says Jessica Hibbard, Associate Dean of Library and Instructional Support Services at Genesee. The library plans to use the funds to enhance the library's engagement with the campus and GLOW region community by hosting several events and workshops, including the return of the poetry and photography contests. Upgrades to the library's study room spaces, feature new furniture and wall-mounted tablets to support an on-demand reservation system using the college's booking software, providing greater access for students and less staff time spent in scheduling.

The grant also provided enhanced streaming media and database access for some of the academic programs on campus, most notably the purchase of Visible Body, a database that supports online lab instruction for health care programs. As learning migrated online, streaming media is increasingly essential for coursework and the ALA funds made it possible for students to access videos for projects in general education courses such as cinema, history, journalism and musical theory/appreciation courses.

Hibbard reports that there isn't much time. "This grant cycle has a short window so we have already started to get some of these projects underway and are very thankful for the opportunity to make some enhancements in the library that we otherwise would not have been able to."

Acton Family Giving is the supporter of the COVID Library Relief Fund as part of its continued contribution to pandemic recovery. "We truly appreciate the continued generous support from Acton Family Giving to help so many libraries provide needed services to traditionally underserved communities across the country," said ALA President Patty Wong. "These grants will allow so many libraries to have a critical impact on those who depend on them during these challenging times."

To learn more about the COVID Library Relief Fund visit this

ALA distributes $1.55 million in COVID emergency relief to 77 U.S. (2022b, June 1). News and Press Center. Retrieved September 23, 2022, from ief-77-us-libraries

Pedestrian struck on West Bethany Road, Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A car has reportedly hit a pedestrian in the area of 10368 West Bethany Road, Alexander.

The patient is unconscious but breathing.

Mercy Flight is unavailable because of weather.

Alexander Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

An Alexander chief is on scene.

UPDATE 4:12 p.m.: A serious injury is reported.

UPDATE 4:51 p.m.: Multiple investigators on scene.  The patient was transported to Strong.

Portion of Park Road to be closed Friday for pavement treatments

By Press Release

Press release:

A portion of Park Road, from Richmond Avenue south to the intersection of Lewiston Road/Route 63, will be closed to all traffic on Oct. 21.

This is to accommodate the completion of specialty pavement treatments. This work will occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. The work is weather dependent. If work is postponed due to inclement weather, it will be rescheduled for the next business day.

Batavia Downs traffic is asked to enter and exit the facility parking area from the north end of Park Road near Richmond Avenue. Signage will direct Batavia Downs customers and staff to the parking areas.

For traffic needing to access Park Road approaching from Lewiston Road/Route 63, you are asked to follow the Park Rd Detour utilizing Veterans Memorial Drive.

For traffic needing to access Lewiston Road/Route 63 approaching from Oak Street/Route 98 and NYS Thruway, you asked to follow the Route 63 Detour utilizing Veterans Memorial Drive.

Park Road traffic from Oak Street/Route 98 to Richmond Avenue will not be impacted by this closure. 

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered

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