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Woman on UFO site claims object spotted in Pavilion area

By Howard B. Owens

An anonymous poster on a UFO site claims she and her husband saw a strange object in the sky in the Pavilion area Saturday night.

The poster says they spotted the object just around 8 p.m. and that other cars on Route 63 apparently saw it, too, because cars were swerving and stopping along the side of the road.

It was very dark out and about 8:15pm when we saw an object with 5 LARGE white lights and 1 SMALL red blinking light hovering low above the road in the distance ahead. Coming from Batavia we thought it was a radio tower or airplane or something of that nature. As we neared it we noticed it was some type of aircraft. We both were pretty calm at first because neither my husband or I believed in UFO's. As we drove directly under this object we both became extremely nervous. I didn't know what to make of what I just saw, my husband couldn't even speak. I know we were not the only ones who saw it because there were several cars in front of us an behind us.

The woman claims that they spotted another object later that evening from their house, and that object made some sort of humming sound.  The couple awoke about 3 a.m. when the same sound started again.

Darryl Sehm For LeRoy Town Justice

By Darryl Sehm

My name is Darryl Sehm and I am seeking the position of LeRoy Town Justice in the upcoming November 3rd election.

I have lived quietly in LeRoy for over 40 years and recently retired from a 34 year career in Law Enforcement.  I served 7 years as a Police Officer, 13 years as a Detective, 10 years as a Detective Sergeant, and the last 4 and 1/2 years as Chief of Police.

It was an honor and a privilege helping people in the community with their problems on

a daily basis.  It was very satisfying to be able to resolve conflicts, solve crimes and help restore some sense of order to victims' lives. 

I still have a strong desire to serve the public.  As I neared retirement I contemplated the idea of running for Town Justice sometime in the future.  This would allow me to continue to serve the public, except this time I would be able to serve the community in which I live.  This would provide me an opportunity to give something back to LeRoy.

If elected, I pledge to protect the rights of the people, be a stabilizing presence in LeRoy Town Court, and to be fair and impartial in the administration of justice. 

I was just recently endorsed by the Genesee County Deputy Sheriff's Association.  These are the road patrol Deputies that work throughout the County, including the Town of LeRoy and who assist the Village of LeRoy Police.  I was honored by their support and I feel it clearly demonstrates their faith in my ability to serve as a LeRoy Town Justice.  That being said, I feel it is my obligation to hold all police to a high standard in court if I am elected. 

During this campaign, I have knocked on the doors of over 2,000 residences in LeRoy.  It has been an honor to listen to the questions and opinions of so many people on their doorstep. 

I would greatly appreciate your support on Tuesday, November 3rd.

Darryl Sehm  


Halloween in Batavia

By Ronald Burroughs

Saw these two around Batavia last night. Any idea who they are?

Upstate artist captures the spirit of New York's history

By Howard B. Owens

This morning I discovered the art work of Jim Parker. He's an Upstate artist.

While none of his subjects seem to touch on Genesee County, I wanted to share this finding because I'm as fascinated by the style and quality of his work as I am by the subject.  

Billie and I have enjoyed what little exploration we've been able to do of New York. It's a beautiful and historic state full of charming rural scenery and buildings. 

Among Parker's favorite topics for painting are villages, landscapes and buildings from Upstate counties in the 18th and 19th centuries.  These paintings can really feed the imagination because so many of the buildings he paints are still standing, or buildings like them are still standing all over he state.

Three Genesee County businesses in D&C's Top 100 list

By Howard B. Owens

Three Genesee County companies made the 23rd Annual Democrat and Chronicle list of Top 100 companies in the region.

The local companies are: Lapp Insulators LLC, 130 Gilbert St., LeRoy; Liberty Pumps Inc., 7000 Apple Tree Ave., Bergen; and, Manning Squires Hennig Co. Inc., 8426 Seven Springs Road, Batavia.

Here's what the D&C says is criteria for making the list:

The Top 100 companies are ranked by revenue growth using a mix of dollar and percentage increases over the three most recent fiscal years. To be eligible, companies must be privately held, independent, have a minimum of $1 million in annual revenue and headquarters in the Rochester region, which includes Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, Livingston, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Seneca and Yates counties.

The D&C said the average growth rate for the Top 100 companies over the past two years was 25 percent.

Hurricane Warning: A day in the life of a Black Lab


It's that time of year when retrievers tend to shine, really making their owners proud. After considerable time invested in training, many a Lab’s owner will now savor the moment as their charge leaps from the cattail blind or camouflaged duck boat in pursuit of downed waterfowl, or maybe work the swale for upland game. Yet many a Lab isn’t trained to perform in the woods, fields or swamps – they are simply family pets and good companions. Such is the life of “Hurricane,” one of three Labs owned by the Kehlenbeck family of Alabama. And while not your conventional Lab, Hurricane possesses many character traits for which Labrador retrievers are noted.  

Attentive and focused......

though not always!

Always happy when getting attention.

Stately in appearance.......

and noble-looking.

but most of all, they're good friends.

PBA president comes out against revised charter referendum

By Howard B. Owens

City residents, when you vote on the revised City Charter on Tuesday, Frank Klimjack wants you to consider one additional thing: You may be voting on whether Batavia has its own police department in the future.

Klimjack, president of the Police Benevolent Association, is asking city voters to just say no.

"I really think what this administration is looking to do is over time get rid of the police department," Klimjack said. "They will tell you it will be a merge, but there's no merging. You have to abolish your police department, and then hopefully the guys who are still hanging, maybe the sheriff's department picks them up or maybe they get picked up by another municipality."

The proposed change to the charter would strike the words "There shall be a police department ..." and add in "the City Council may choose to establish a police department. ..."

"That's huge," Klimjack said. "That's a total 180 degree change, where they tell you they're behind the police, 'we support the police,' and then they turn around and want to run this charter by you."

And Klimjack isn't sure what the city would replace the current police force with.  It can't be the State Police, he said, unless state law is changed, and he isn't sure bringing in the Sheriff's Office will really save city taxpayers any money.

Currently, the city is patrolled, usually, by four police officers. The Sheriff's Office would need to hire 30 additional deputies to keep the same level of service.

"The Sheriff is not going to do it for free," Klimjack said. "Is there savings? There may be some small savings, but what do you get for it? You get an occupational force that has no ties to the city whatsoever."

Klimjack worries that low voter turn out in an off-year election will mean that relatively few people are deciding the future of the police protection and service they get.

He's concerned, also, he said, that the level of service for the city, without a local police force, will be not as good as what citizens get now.

"The consolidation of dispatch," Klimjack said, "you'll hear it's been great, but it's been nothing but a disaster on the working end, for the guys who are actually working in the field. Did we save any money? I don't think we did. I live in the City of Batavia and I didn't see it in my tax dollars. I just look at that as the first step in consolidation and do you really want to get rid of the Police Department?"

Nothing scary here, just a Halloween Deal of the Day

By Howard B. Owens

T.F. Brown's, at 214 E. Main St., Batavia, NY: T.F. Brown's is a great place for a good meal, good friends and to catch up on what's going on in the sports world. "If it happens in sports, it happens at Brown's." We have a $20 gift card for $10.

Center Street Smoke House, 20 Center St., Batavia, NY: Authentic Southern BBQ, from ribs to brisket with all the fixin's. We have a $25 gift card for $12.50.

Delavan's Restaurant and Tavern, 107 Evans St., Batavia, NY: To me, Delavan's is one of those restaurants where you want to eat frequently until you try everything on the menu. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Jackson St. Grill, 9 Jackson St., Batavia, NY: Try the fresh, skinless haddock fish fry on Fridays. We have a $10 gift certificate for $5.

Settler's Restaurant, 353 W. Main St., Batavia, NY: Settler's has a 25-year history of serving great, affordable breakfasts, lunches and dinners to Batavians. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Total Image Hair Salon/Sarah and Amanda Lowe, 226 Ellicott St., Batavia, NY: Time to update your style? Try something different or finally get the hair styling you've dreamed of, give Sarah or Amanda at Total Image a try. We have a $22 gift certificate for $10.

NOTE: If you've never bought Deal of the Day before, or are otherwise unfamiliar with the rules and process, click here.


Another deer in the city struck by a car

By Howard B. Owens

A deer that was struck by a car at Main and Oak is trapped in a fenced area at Prospect Avenue and Mix Place.

It is bleeding profusely, according to the report.

Police had received a report about the car striking the deer, and then the deer left the area, so police were searching for it when the call came in about its current location.

UPDATE: DPW has been requested to respond to scene and dispose of the carcass.

No rain in the forecast for prime trick-or-treat time

By Howard B. Owens

It's no fun to trick or treat in the rain, but ghouls, goblins as well as princesses and pirates shouldn't worry too much.

The forecast for this evening ranges from 0 percent to 10 percent chance of precipitation.

But it is going to be a little cold. The temperature is expected to drop into the high 40s.

The good news is, the wind will have died down by then.

Wind, did you say? Yes, there's a wind advisory in place from 4 to 6 p.m., with gusts of up to 40 mph expected.

Happy Halloween. Be safe.

Boyce Road home continues halloween tradition with haunted barn

By Howard B. Owens

There are 215 carved pumpkins in front of the home of Julie Allein, but that's just the introduction to a haunted house that has been scaring the bejeebus out of kids and adults alike for nearly two decades.

"It's all about the fright," says Allein.

Her barn is converted into two stories of horror show, with carved up body parts, cadavers and sculls and a ghoulish funeral that features a dead Michael Jackson as a guest.

Amazingly, it takes Allein and her family only about a month to prepare for the Halloween haunt, and that includes each of the 215 carved pumpkins, gutted by her mother-in-law and cut by Allein. Each one has a unique design.

She might not start the work until early October, but "the mind's always turning" she says, and she tries to think of ways of improving on the previous year's effort.

"It’s grown throughout the years, adding a bit here in there, but probably the last five years we can’t grow any more, so we just change it every year," Allein said. "This year, we made a real casket. It’s a lot of fun."

The Allein's haunted barn is located at 8894 Boyce Road. It will be open Halloween evening and admission is free.

Top photo, courtesy Julie Allein.

Alexander Road haunted barn 'the biggest yet' in third year

By Howard B. Owens

Mark Fry started turning their barn into a horror of haunts about three years ago just to scare their kids, but as more and more people stopped by, they kept adding to the show.

"This is the biggest yet, 11 rooms," Fry said. "Everybody this year tells us, keep it going. We were going to shut it down, because last year we had about 40 (visitors) but this year we’ve probably already had over 200 come."

And those are 11 pretty scary rooms, filled with more than a dozen local actors portraying everything from ghouls to flesh-eating surgeons.

If you don't get a little jolt of fear before the tour is over, your heart isn't beating.

The haunted barn on Alexander Road (Route 98) is free, and Friday night was going to be the last show, but on the spot last night, Fry and his wife decided to open for three more hours, from 3 to 6 p.m., on Saturday.

It's hard to close a good show.

Pet of the Week: Savanna, my heart's delight

By Pachuco Owens

I'm in love, I think. At the very least, this bella belle has caught my attention and, quite possibly, bewitched me in the process. I have named her Pet of the Week. I am her minion; she's my heart's delight, at least tonight. I am a dog, ya know.

She says: "My name is Savanna. I am an Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler mix. I am a very smart dog, I have my owners well trained. After my morning run I take my Kong toy out to the kitchen and it gets filled with peanut butter. When I am hungry, I nudge my food bag with my nose and I get fed.

"I am a ball of energy, and the Queen of the House. In exchange for spoiling me, I give my people lots of love and attention. I protect them and our home by letting them know anytime anyone comes anywhere near our house. I am a very good watchdog."

Happy Halloween!

From Pachuco,

AKA, Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

The Batavian 2009 Election Survey Results

By Howard B. Owens

Below are the results of the election survey taken of readers of The Batavian over the past three days.

Please keep in mind: 

  • This is somewhat experimental. We're curious how close we can get to accurately reflecting how the election will go. That question won't be answered until election night. But as a matter of transparency, we're releasing the results tonight (also, even while acknowledging the potential pitfalls of this survey, candidates are expressing an eagerness to know the results.
  • This is a non-scientific survey. Participants are self selected, which statisticians will tell you can skew results.
  • An online survey isn't beyond being gamed, or tricked, but I see no evidence of that taking place in this case.

All of that to say: You shouldn't let these results influence your voting decisions, from who to vote for or whether to show up at the polls. Treat this as a potentially interesting reflection of how readers of The Batavian are responding to the candidates, but not necessarily a prediction of what will happen on Election Day.

Two other notes. We are not randomly deleting responses as we previously said we would. We had to delete too many as it is because SOOO MANNNNY people didn't follow the instructions on the survey.

The most common reason we deleted surveys (and whole surveys were deleted, not just specific questions) was people voting in BOTH district elections for the County Legislature. The next most common reason, was saying you lived in the Town of Batavia or another town and then voting in Batavia races or on the charter question.

We have 165 completed surveys. We trashed at least 200 more for failure to follow the instructions and another 25 for stating not registered to vote and unlikely to vote (you see, those were trick questions). We also deleted five surveys with duplicate IP addresses.

We're also not displaying results for jurisdictions that had only one or two respondents.

Here's the results:

Very likely to vote: 149 (90%)

Batavia City Council - Council at Large   Answer   Marianne Clattenburg 49 (22%)   Timothy E. Buckley 45 (21%)   Frank C. Ferrando, Jr 44 (20%)   Phillip J. Ricci 39 (18%)   Sara J. Balbi 26 (12%)   Julie Ann Wallace 15 (7%)


City of Batavia Charter Revision   Yes 52 (64%)   No 29 (36%)


Genesee County Legislator District 7 (Wards 1 & 6)   Robert H. Radley 22 (59%)   Rosemary Christian 15 (41%)


Genesee County Legislator District 8 (Wards 2 & 3)   Christopher M. Charvella 17 (55%)   Hollis D. Upson 14 (45%)  


Darien Town Clerk   Alice E. Calmes 5 (56%)   Linda P. Graber 4 (44%)


Darien Town Council (Vote for 2)   Michael A. Plitt 7 (35%)   Stephen J. Ferry 5 (25%)   Christopher M. Nicastro 4 (20%)   Charles J. Flagg 3 (15%)   Jimmie E. Flaming 1 (5%)


Darien Town Council, unexpired term   David D. Riker 7 (70%)   Samuel E. Williams 3 (30%)


Le Roy Town Justice   Answer   Kermit Arrington 13 (65%)   Darryl D. Sehm 7 (35%)


Le Roy Town Council (Pick 2)   Thomas Stella 15 (58%)   Christine M. Smith 8 (31%)   Jay E. Whipple 3 (12%)


Le Roy Town Council, unexpired term   Kelly J. Lathan 14 (67%)   Jennifer AO Keys 7 (33%)


Stafford Town Council (Vote for 2)   Ronald Panek 10 (38%)   Donald L. Mullen 9 (35%)   Michelle Mouery 7 (27%)  


Stafford Superintendent of Highways   Answer   Steven Boldt 13 (87%)   James D. Pontillo 2 (13%)


Candidate has not volunteered for CASA, contrary to repeated claim

By Howard B. Owens

"The children" is a key part of the City Council campaign platform for Julie Wallace, but when it comes to her claims of serving the kids of Genesee County, there appears to be inconsistencies in her resume.

In our Oct. 15 candidates' forum in which The Batavian and WBTA interviewed Wallace, Wallace said, "I do a lot for the children. That's basically what I want to do. I want to do more for the children than anything."

She also claimed that evening that she is a volunteer for CASA, a claim repeated in her bio in the Daily News interview earlier this week.

"I do a lot of volunteering," Wallace said Oct. 15. "I volunteer for CASA."

After being tipped by a reader, The Batavian called Tara Pariso, executive director of CASA, and Pariso said Wallace has never volunteered for CASA.

CASA stands for "Court Appointed Special Advocates" and the job of volunteers is to help children in foster care.

Pariso said her predecessor, Sara Munger, had started the application process with Wallace, but Wallace never completed the interview process required for all volunteers. Pariso said Wallace was supposed to do one of the two required interviews last week, but missed her appointment. She also said volunteers require an extensive background check, checking for any criminal record, and Wallace has not yet had a background check.

Wallace today had a different story. She didn't explicitly repeat the claim to volunteer for CASA, but she did say that Munger interviewed her and cleared her for training to begin in November.

When asked if she had that in writing, she said she did not.

"I just touched base with Tara last week, since Sara had left," Wallace said. "Everything was all set to go with Sara."

Wallace was adament that she will start training in November. 

When we spoke to Pariso yesterday, she was equally adament that Wallace had done no volunteering of any kind for CASA and that she needed to be interviewed and pass a background check before she could start volunteering.

UPDATE Monday, Nov. 2, 9:42 a.m.: We just received this e-mail from Sara Munger:

As the former director for Genesee County CASA for Children I would like to   verify some misconceptions that have been shared with your readers.  I did in  fact interview a Julie Wallace near the end of my service as the Director for  CASA for Children.  At no time during the interview did I tell Ms. Wallace  that she was accepted as a volunteer for CASA, or that she would be going  through the training process as a volunteer.  When interviewing CASA  advocates it was my policy to review all of the materials after our  interview, check at least three references (by phone, or through mail) and  complete a thorough back round check on all potential candidates.  When I  interviewed Ms. Wallace I explained to her that after reviewing her  application and completing these appropriate steps, I would then contact her  to set up a time for training.  Shortly after our interview, I stepped down  from my position as the Director, and Mrs. Tara Pariso was hired as the new  CASA director.  At this time Ms. Wallace's application was handed over to  Mrs. Pariso, and the application process and background checks had not been  completed.  Ms. Wallace did contact me to follow up with the interview, and  it was explained to her that due to current circumstances, I was not able to  move forward with her application, but ensured her that I would hand over her  information to the new director.  At no time did I indicate to Ms. Wallace  that she was accepted as a CASA advocate, or indicate that she would be  training in November.

Graham Corp. announces new contracts totaling $16 million

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia-based Graham Corp. today announced more than $16 million in new contracts.

Graham manufactures equipment critical oil refineries and the petrochemical industry. The  new contracts are for two refineries in the Middle East and a fertilizer project in Asia.

James R. Lines, Graham`s President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "It is encouraging to see increased purchasing activity in our international markets, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, where we expected the recovery from the global recession to begin. We are also seeing renewed quoting activity in South America. However, we do not believe our markets are in full recovery, and we continue to expect non-uniform order levels for several more quarters."

Less than a month ago, Graham laid off 15 local workers.

Doing it for the Future of Batavia - My Home Town

By Sara Burk-Balbi

Hello, My name is Sara Burk-Balbi and I am a candidate for Batavia City Council at Large. I would like to take this time to thank all the people of Batavia that have been supportive and wonderful during my campaign for City Council. My neighbors, family and friends have encouraged me, walked door-to-door with me and campaigned for me. I am blessed with a lot of support.

I would like to remind each and every registered voter in the City of Batavia to go our and vote next Tuesday. It is important that we exercise our privilege and participate on Election Day. I also hope that you will consider supporting me for City Council. I want to be your Council Person. I want to work for the people of Batavia and I want to insure that your City Council handles issues openly and fairly. I am not a fan of back room politics. I like to make sure that as much that can be discussed out in the open is discussed and executive session material stays private. An open government is a good government.

I pledge that I will work hard. I will represent you fairly and I will be available to listen and to learn. I want to bring new Industry and Retail back into the city. I support fair wage jobs so that families and young people have the means to support themselves again in Batavia. I think the expansion of the Industrial as well as Retail development is by far one of our most important issues.

With increased Industrial and Retail programs comes an increase in property tax revenue that is currently the burden of the home owner. It is not enough to talk about new jobs and “green jobs” and new stores. You must act on them and provide a more intensive effort to make this a reality. Our tax base has to increase in order to see significant savings on our city taxes. You can only cut so much.  You have to depend on an increased base to spread the tax burden to a greater number of tax payers.

I also understand the need to provide services to our senior citizen and youth populations. They require our support and need services that both take care and improve their quality of life. Senior Citizen Programs increase self dependence and Youth Programs decrease incidents of youth crime and delinquency. These are very important programs.

I am humbled at the support and guidance that I have been shown during my campaign.   Next Tuesday, please consider voting for me so that I can serve you. Batavia is such a wonderful place. I would be honored to serve as your Councilperson.

I am endorsed by the City and County Democrat Committee, the New York  State Working Families Party, The Eleanore Franklin Foundation and Senator Kirster Gillibrand.

Sincerely and I thank you for your kindness and support,

Sara Jane Burk-Balbi

Why I Value Your Vote

By Chris Charvella

Dear Friends and Neighbors of the 8th District,

We are nearing the end of the campaign season and by Election Day I’ll have knocked on every door in the 8th District.  It has been a long and interesting road but meeting and talking with you has made it all worth the effort. 

Over the course of the campaign we have discussed balance, oversight and transparency as being the essential ingredients to an efficient and open government and it is plain to see how much you and I really believe in them.  So, today, I would like to put all of the campaign talking points and issues discussions aside and let you know what your vote means to me.

I believe that your vote is a distinctly personal thing. Your vote means that you believe in my ability to successfully represent you and your ideals with the energy and tenacity that you deserve.  For six months now I have represented the 8th District as a private citizen.  Many of you have witnessed firsthand my willingness to make phone calls, write letters and elevate the issues that are important to you.  As your Legislator, I intend to continue this work and to treat your family as if they were my own.

I believe your vote is a measure of thanks for the time I spent on your doorstep discussing your concerns.  I will commit to you now as much of my time as you need to continue our discussions.  I will not disappear from your neighborhood, like most politicians, until the next election season when I need your vote again. Instead I will continue to walk the Wards I represent and hear what you have to say.  I will actively represent you and your ideas.

I believe that your vote is, at its core, a gift.  I will not take it lightly or treat it with disdain.  If you see fit to give me your vote, I will, in turn, give you the very best of myself.  I will give you the full measure of my time and effort, but more importantly, I will offer you an open door, an open ear and an open mind.

So I am asking you, the people of the 8th District, to give me your vote.  Rest assured, that I will cherish, honor it, and treat it with all of the dignity and respect that it, and you, deserve.


Chris Charvella

Hit-and-run driver causes rollover accident on Route 20

By Howard B. Owens

A blue pickup on Route 20 has reportedly hit a car, causing it to roll over, on Route 20 in Bethany.

The truck is reportedly eastbound on Route 20.

The car was reportedly rear-ended by the truck. The truck will have front-end damage.

The injuries are reported as minor.

Bethany Fire and Mercy EMS are responding.

View Larger Map

Top Items on Batavia's List

Town Court Clerk Below are two lists: one details the myriad responsibilities that fall within the purview of the court clerk; the other summarizes the knowledge and abilities that court clerks possess or acquire through training. These lists are provided so that a judge and municipality can intelligently discuss the benefits that a court clerk can provide. The items below can also form the basis for a list of job duties should a municipality need to fill a vacancy in a court clerk position. Primary Responsibilities A. Maintain confidentiality of records and information when required to do so B. Prepare court calendar C. Collect monies, reconcile daily receipts, deposit receipts, prepare reports for monthly disbursements, reconcile bank accounts, and prepare administrative reports D. Enter convictions on drivers' licenses and prepare conviction reports electronically transmitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles E. Enter criminal conviction on NCIC reports and electronically send same to Division of Criminal Justice Services F. Respond to inquiries-in person, by phone, by e-mail and by mail-and provide assistance to lawyers, litigants, media, and members of the public G. Prepare monthly reports that are electronically sent to the Office of the State Comptroller H. Prepare orders, summonses, warrants and other court forms i. Communicate with outside agencies in order to coordinate the Court's activities and provide services to litigants. Such agencies include: ii. Law enforcement agencies, such as local police departments, New York State Police, Sheriffs office, FBI and CIA, US Armed Forces, and the Office of the District Attorney; I. Other courts, including superior courts and other local town and village courts; and i. Miscellaneous county agencies, such as Community Service, Community Dispute Resolution Center, Pre-trial Release, Probation, Stop DWI program, Victim Impact Panel, and Youth Court. ii. State agencies that require periodic reporting, including the New York State Unified Court System, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of the State Comptroller, the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and the Office of Court Record Retention. J. Examine court documents to ensure their accuracy and completeness K. Receive and file summonses, traffic tickets and other documents for court proceedings i. Assist the Justice at the bench during all Court proceedings Knowledge of: 1. The functions and organization of the Unified Court System ii. Basic legal terminology, codes and abbreviations iii. Court forms, practices and procedures, including those set forth in the Uniform Justice Court Act and the Uniform Civil Rules for the Justice Courts (22 NYCRR Part 214) 2. Ability to: i. Prepare judicial orders and decisions ii. Effectively communicate information orally and in writing iii. File and retrieve materials, extract data from various sources for entry onto court form iv. Research and interpret laws outlined in court documents and litigants' motions and other papers v. Perform mathematical tasks in order to compile court activity reports, total receipts, accept payments, and verify bills vi. Refer to appropriate documents, statutes, citations or other sources in order to respond to specific questions from attorneys, litigants and members of the general public vii. Interpret policies, statutes, rules and regulations and apply them in specific contexts viii. Establish work priorities ix. Constructively manage conflict with court users Qualifications: Highschool diploma recognized by the NYS Dept of Education or appropriate equivalent. Along with 4 years of college, specialization in criminal justice, law, business administration or related field. -OR- 2 years college with specialization in Business Administration or related field. Please email your resume to no later than 12/16/2024. Pay is based on experience.
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