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Stafford man accused of threatening another person with a loaded rifle

By Howard B. Owens

STAFFORD, N.Y. -- A Stafford man is facing a felony assault charge after allegedly brandishing a loaded rifle during an argument early this morning.

Michael A. Nicometo, 24, was taken into custody without incident by Sheriff's deputies at 4:40 a.m.

Nicometo is being held in Genesee County Jail on $10,000 bail.

The Weather Service and 'Extreme Cold' alerts for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

I've been getting these "extreme cold" e-mail alerts from and when I open them the predicted temperature is something like 22 degrees.

After some of the below-zero frigidity we went through the past few months, it's hard to get much concerned about 22 degrees.

Here's the weather forecast for the next 24 hours. Yes, it will get cold -- one last wintry blast, I suppose. There might even be some snow.

Stay safe and stay warm.

Scott Doll could be free on bail, with conditions, as soon as today

By Howard B. Owens

BATAVIA, N.Y. -- Scott Doll, accused of murdering Joseph A. Benaquist, could be released on bail as early as today, according to District Attorney Lawrence Friedman, pending implementation of additional release conditions of the judge and fitting Doll with a GPS tracking device.

Doll must also surrender his passport and his pistol permit. He will also be prohibited from carrying guns.

"This is a unique situation," Friedman said. "It's what I call a hybrid. (In addition to bail) the judge is imposing numerous conditions on his release."

Depending on when all of the conditions of his release are met, Friedman said, Doll could be free either today or tomorrow.

Bail was set at $100,000 cash or $200,000 bond, Friedman said, and the defendent secured a bond.

His next scheduled court appearance is May 20 for pre-trial motions.

Friedman said the investigation is ongoing and there are no new developments that he can discuss.

Asked if a motive has been uncovered, Friedman said, "The nature of our obligation is to prove elements of the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Motive is not an element of the crime, and as you know, both sides have an obligation to ensure a fair trial so motive is not something I would even discuss."

Doll is the Republican candidate for mayor in Corfu and that election is being held today.

UPDATE: The Daily News has additional information from this morning's bail hearing.

UPDATE II: WBTA has audio of an interview with Friedman posted.

UPDATE III: The national media continues to pick up on the "accused killer running for mayor" angle. Here's MSNBC's short story.

Power outage hits 2,200 customers in Batavia and Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA reports that 2,200 homes and businesses have been hit by a power outage that has also disabled the stop light at Route 33 and Route 5.

The power outage effects the Aldi's shopping center, reaching into the Town of Batavia and Stafford.

UPDATE: Photo of downed lines along Seven Springs Road, submitted by Chris Olin.

Police Beat: Two early morning DWI's in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Brian Coffta, 36, of Sanford, Maine, was arrested in Batavia last night, on a charge of aggravated DWI. Coffta was allegedly observed driving in an erratic manner. Police say his BAT was .18 or higher.

Beth A. Brugger, 26, of LeRoy, is charged with aggravated DWI and leaving the scene of an accident. Brugger was allegedly spotted by another motorist driving erratically on Main Street in Batavia. A police officer subsequently observed her swerving on the road and then side-swipe a parked vehicle. Police say her BAT was .18 or higher. She was taken into custody this morning at about 1:20 a.m.

LeRoy resident already in prison arrested on new charges

By Howard B. Owens

Candy R. Coleman, 53, of LeRoy, who is already serving time in the state corrections facility in Albion, pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 90 days incarceration.

Coleman was facing other charges stemming from a December 2007 investigation.

The sentence for the guilty plea to the single charge will run concurrent to her current sentence, which stems from a conviction in Monroe County.

Detective John Condidorio, who arrested Coleman yesterday at the prison, said the other charge included alleged possession of stolen property.

In 2007, a search warrant of Coleman's Genesee Street apartment led to the discovery of alleged cocaine and paraphernalia along with items reportedly stolen from a neighbor, Condidorio said.

The investigation was delayed while Coleman went through the legal system in Monroe County on unrelated charges.

State police looking for Buffalo-area sex offender who could be anywhere

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE, March 18, 10:30 a.m.:  We received this note from the State Police:

Reference the attached press release sent on 03/17/09, NYSP Clarence BCI received an anon. tip that WEBSTER WIGGINS was staying at a location in the City of Buffalo.  WIGGINS was located and arrested without incident.

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- State Police are looking for a sex offender from Buffalo who could be anywhere in the state, according to Investigator Daniel Strozyk.

Webster E. Wiggins, Jr. 33, has refused to register as a sex offender since March 2004, according the Strozyk.

"He knows he's wanted," Strozyk said. "He could be anywhere. We know he was in Buffalo last week, but we received information that he moved and we don't know where."

Wiggins last resided at 2763 Main St., Buffalo. He's been known to travel elsewhere in the state.

Wiggins is 5-8, 155 lbs and has tattoos on both arms.

State Police are requesting anyone with information on Webster E. Wiggins Jr.  contact State Police at 716-759-6831.

News Round Up: Corfu election delayed a day in observance of St. Patrick's Day

By Howard B. Owens

People curious how many votes Scott Doll might get in the Corfu mayoral election will wait until tomorrow to find out.

Doll is charged with second-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of his business partner, Joseph A. Benaquist.

The unusual election made the CBS national news on WBTA this afternoon.

Village elections are usually held on Tuesdays, but Corfu, which has the only village election this year in Genesee County, delayed its election until Wednesday this year because of St. Patrick's Day.

In other news:

  • Construction on a $5 million roundabout, the first in Batavia, on Walnut Street, begins tomorrow. WBTA posted an interview with Asst. City Manger Sally Kuzon.
  • There will be no curb-side pick up of yard waste in Batavia this year and residents are asked to bring their waste, beginning April 1, to the Law Street collection station.
  • The municipal pools in LeRoy will not open this year due to lack of funds for needed repairs.

For more details on these and other stories, visit the WBTA news page.

Letter from Democratic congressional delegation indicated Sen. Gillibrand may face primary challenge

By Howard B. Owens

A group of New York's Democratic congressional members are in a snit over the state Democratic Party sending out promotional materially supporting Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the one-term congresswoman picked by Gov. Paterson to replace Hilary Clinton.

Ten members of Congress, including Eric Massa of Corning, sent party chair June O'Neill a letter urging the party not to openly support Gillibrand because the newly minted senator may face a primary challenge.

"Some of the co-signers of this letter may support Senator Gillibrand. Some are considering running for the seat," the letter, first reported about Monday by the New York Post, states.

"Others remain undecided. However, each of us wants a Democrat to win in a process that is fair, open and inclusive."

(via The Fighting 29th blog)

Police Beat: Teen arrested following ATV accident that left passenger injured

By Howard B. Owens

A Bethany teen-ager is facing charges after losing control of an ATV he was allegedly driving and getting into an accident that left a 16-year-old passenger injured.

The teen-ager, also 16, left the scene of the accident in Spring Road in Alexander, according to a Sheriff's office report.

No word on the seriousness of the injuries the passenger sustain. The driver was traveling at a high rate of speed, according to the report.

The driver has been charged with criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree and may face other charges.

A 16-year-old from Oakfield is charged with trespass after entering the driveway and yard of another person in Oakfield.

Sarah J. Moutrup, 29, of Oakfield, is charged with felony DWI following her arrest in Alabama. Moutrup is charged with aggravated DWI and driving with a BAT of .18 or greater.

Brian M. Glor, 36, of Oakfield, was arrested Monday for possession marijuana and obstruction of governmental administration in the second degree. Glor allegedly interfered with a DWI investigation in Alabama. Glor was arrested and during a search, the marijuana was found.

Ranzenhofer knocks proposal to give some state workers more time off

By Howard B. Owens

We received the following press release from Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer's office. 

The proposal to give extra days off to state workers with children strikes me a rather tone-deaf move by Sen. Antoine Thompson. At a time when the budget squeeze has never been tighter, when unemployement is at its highest in more than a decade, and everybody is feeling the pinch, Mr. Thompson wants to throw more benefits to state employees (who already have pretty cush jobs by private sector standards). 

Here's a Buffalo News article on the same topic.

But the most generous, proposed by Sen. Antoine Thompson, D-Buffalo, offers state workers two days off for every child to, in the words of his three-paragraph bill, “participate in child’s education.” While that would mean a state worker with four kids could take eight extra days off a year, the bill states that it would have no fiscal impact on the governments.

Anybody who as ever run a business understands that paid time off does in fact have a fiscal impact on the business, either in terms of lost productivity or the need to hire more workers or hire contract workers.

No matter how well-intentioned the measure, how does the state ensure the time off is used as intended? Furthermore, isn't it discriminating against childless workers, asking them to pick up the slack for co-workers who are getting a benefit unavailable to them?

I'm just a little flabbergasted at the proposal. I would have found it hard to believe on Ranzenhofer's say-so alone if I hadn't read the same thing in the News.

Press Release:

Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer today expressed his disbelief at a bill being offered by Sen. Antoine Thompson that would offer two additional paid days off per child to all 332,000 state workers to “participate in child’s education”.  This bill would be in addition to an excused leave program that already allows state and local government workers to take paid time off in addition to their sick and personal leave and vacation time for specific reasons. All of these leave programs amount to a massive unfunded mandate on localities and a waste of taxpayer money at both the local and state level.

“Government workers already receive more paid time off then anyone working in the private sector. The idea that we should spend more taxpayer money to allow them more time off should be called what it is-an abuse of the taxpayer and a giveaway,” Senator Ranzenhofer said. “We are in the midst of a very real fiscal crisis and what Senator Thompson and the democrats are proposing demonstrates that they really do not understand what the average New York resident or business is facing each and every day.”  

Senator Ranzenhofer remains committed to finding ways to reduce both unfunded mandates and the burden of high taxes “The people of the 61st Senate District sent me to Albany to enact policies that are in their best interests, not to cater to any special interest group, “ Ranzenhofer continued “taxpayers can count on me as an advocate and a friend, I will never leave them holding the bag.”  

Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer was elected to the New York State Senate in 2008. He represents the 61st Senate District which includes part of the city of Tonawanda, the Towns of Amherst, Clarence, Newstead and Tonawanda in Erie County and all of Genesee County.

Police Beat: Two DWIs and a shoplift charge over the weekend

By Howard B. Owens

Jason R. Anderson, 27, of Elba, was arrested Saturday on a charge of petty larceny. He is accused of stealing items from the Dollar Store.

Brandt L. Arnold, Jr., 28, of Corfu, was arrested on DWI related charges Sunday morning in Darien. Arnold was stopped at 3:30 a.m. on Fargo Road. He is charged with felony DWI and driving with at BAT of .18 or higher.

Steven M. Coakley, 25, of Bergen, was arrested on DWI charges Sunday morning in Byron. Coakley is charged with a misdemeanor count of DWI and with driving with a BAT of .08 or more.

DWI and it's aftermath...

By Vicki Newton

Recently in the Daily News was a column by the excellent Scott DeSmit.  He talked about the aftermath of a particular accident caused by DWI, and the very high price paid by the passenger on the motorcycle.  It was quite illuminating.  It allowed you a glimpse beyond the initial report of the accident to the consequences of it.  It gives a clear picture of how callously and selfishly the driver acted after the accident.  It begs the question that if he hadn't been so concerned about himself and gotten help for his passenger right away, maybe she wouldn't be as bad off as she is.

As I read, I felt very deeply for this woman and her family.  What they now have to face is a lifetime sentence, which is a whole lot more than the man who was drunk and chose to drive got at sentencing.  As I thought more and more about it though, I was struck by something which was never brought up in the column, and that was the choices of the woman hurt.  This was a 47 year old woman- a mother of a then 20 year old daughter.  Had she never had the discussion with her child about not getting into (or on) a vehicle with someone who had been drinking?  I am certain she must have.  Did this lesson not apply to her own behavior, then?  Wasn't she thinking about her own safety and life that night?  Why did she get on that motorcycle with her boyfriend knowing he had at least 4 DWI's in his lifetime?  Was she not aware that he was drunk?  Had she driven with him drunk before and thought nothing of it?  These are the questions which had my mind churning.

Please do not misunderstand me, I have a deep sympathy for the woman and her family- no one deserves to have their life destroyed in this way.  It was a horrible accident- but isn't it an accident that was completely preventable?  Isn't it an accident that we warn our children about regularly?  The type of accident caused by poor choices, not just dumb luck?

I write this entry not to blame the victim, but to illustrate to all of us how every choice, every decision can have lasting and horrific consequences.  The bottom line is this- DO NOT drink and drive (even a little bit!) and don't EVER get in (or on) a vehicle with someone who has been drinking (even a little bit!) no matter how sober they may seem.  The choice is yours, and the consequences can be fatal. 

Comments from Batavia after winning Far West Regionals

By Brian Hillabush

After a dominant performance last night, the Batavia basketball team was on cloud nine. The Blue Devils really weren't tested and destroyed Section 6 Class A champion McKinley 54-40 at Brockport, earning a trip to the state final four.

I had a chance to talk with Joe Schlossel (game-high 17 points), Marcus Hoy (15 assists) and coach Buddy Brasky after the game.

Joe Schlossel

On how it feels to go to states

"It feels unbelievable. I mean, people didn't even think we could compete because of our size and we are going to the state semifinals. It is an amazing feeling."

Talking about breaking the McKinley press

"In practice we played against seven guys so in the game it wouldn't seem that bad. We were able to break that easy. After playing teams like Freddie Thomas and Marshall, it was great preparation for us in this game."

Explains his huge second half (13 points)

"I wanted to make up for some missed shots I had in the first half. I knew I had to do it to help us get to the next game. We all did our part and played a great game."


Marcus Hoy

Talks about breaking the press

"I knew that was the main goal. We worked on it all week, going 5-on-8 in practice. I knew that's what I had to do. Early on I struggled but I got it together in the second half and was able to handle it."

On if the team gained confidence as the game went on

"We know we are a good shooting team. When shots aren't falling early, we know they are going to fall late. And our defense kept us in the game early. We knew that if we kept it up we were going to win."

On how exciting it is to go to states

"It's amazing. I didn't expect to be here so it's awesome. This is one of the wildest dreams. This is awesome."


Coach Buddy Brasky

Talking about the win

"I am so proud of the players. They fought that lack of size adversity all year long. Everybody kept telling them they weren't that good. They refused to believe them and kept working hard all year long. They worked tremendously hard in the offseason and that pays off. Good things happen to good people and I have a team that's a bunch of good people."

On Marcus' day

"He has to be (in control). He was uncharacteristically tentative in the first half and had five turnovers. It isn't like him. We told him at halftime that he's the leader and he's done it for us all year. He was too tentative to start the second half and we told him to just beat them with his right hand. It's his strong hand. He just had to beat them and start making plays."

Talks about returning to states and comparing this year's team to 2005

"We still have one great scorer in Andrew (Hoy) and a bunch of role players. We had Michael (Chmielowiec) and a bunch of role players and now we have Andrew and a bunch of role players. We are just going to ride the wave as long as we can."

Batavia moves on to state final four with win over McKinley

By Brian Hillabush

 715 p.m. - The Batavia basketball team is off to a nice start in the first quarter of the Far West Regionals at Brockport.

The Blue Devils have a solid 9-2 lead and have done so in a fast-paced period against a far more athletic team. McKinley has given Batavia opportunities with missed shots, many of which were bad attempts. 

It looked like the Macks were going to just be too much physically at the start, but the poor shooting opened the door for Batavia.

The first basket came 1:45 into the first when Joe Schlossel scored two of his four points. Andrew Hoy missed all three of his 3-point attempts but did score a basket.

Batavia's lead wound up being eight points because Adam Pettinella hit a 3-pointer with 1:11 left in the period.

The only McKinley basket came from Mansa Habeeb.

 7:33 p.m. - Batavia leads 22-15 after an ugly first half of play.

It is difficult to comprehend after watching McKinley shoot in the first half that they are the best team Section 6 has to offer for Class A. Again, the Macks would force shot after shot and that doesn't work if they don't go in.

Batavia expanded the lead to 12-2 when Marcus Hoy hit a pair of free throws to start the period, but McKinley looked like a competitive time for the only time in the first half over the next two minutes.

Terri Lowe scored and Kevin Chillis followed with a steal and basket. Chillis then drained a 3-pointer to cut the lead to 11-9.

Batavia answered right back with Andrew Hoy hitting his first 3-pointer of the game - and only one of the half - and Robert Hoy adding a trey and a layup, giving the Blue Devils an 18-9 lead.

Curtis Gardner hit three foul shots and Chillis had a 3-pointer to end the half for McKinley.

7:56  p.m. - This thing is pretty close to over. It is obvious that Batavia is the better team in all aspects. 

The 7-point halftime lead quickly became a 10-point Batavia advantage when Dakota Irvin scored and Andrew Hoy had a 3-pointer with a McKinley basket in between.

Joe Schlossel blew up in the third quarter for the Blue Devils, scoring six points and again taking on players bigger than he is. Andrew Hoy finished with six in the frame and Batavia has a whopping 38-24 lead.

 8:19 p.m. - Batavia wins 54-40.

The game was really decided after the third quarter and fourth was a formality that allowed Batavia coach Buddy Brasky to clear his bench by the end of the frame and the large BHS cheer section an opportunity to storm the floor and celebrate with their team.

Schlossel had the biggest fourth quarter for Batavia with seven points.

He finished the game with a game-high 17 points with seven rebounds. Andrew Hoy scored 13 points and Marcus Hoy dished out a 15 assists.

Batavia's defense held McKinley star Mansa Habeeb to just two points in the game.

The Blue Devils will be playing in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association final four next weekend in Glens Falls.

Care-A-Van Night Out

By Robin Walters

The Used Bowl and a Few Scraps



It was an interesting night out recentlyon the Care-A-Van Bus. God took us to one of the local trailer parks. Paul Ohlson, the Director and Founder of the bus was busy serving chili. As God and I got done with ministering with some of the families, Paul offered me a bowl of his and Bridget’s homemade chili. He joked that he would serve me out of a used bowl, as seen in the photo above.


The used bowl joke made me think about how some of feel in our walks of life. Have you ever thought that you were all “used up” and that there was no hope for you in life? Do you find yourself questioning where is my life going? What can God do with me? I am a nobody, I am just like a used Styrofoam bowl all flimsy and no stability. Your mind is telling you a lie. You and I are all worthy. Just like all the folks that God led to the bus tonight. There are people within this city with hurting souls. They do not understand why they lost their job, why their hours were cut. They are hurting. They are sitting with worry and frustration because of the situations that they find themselves in.


God does tell us in the book of Colossians 2:2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.


During these tough times when we sometimes feel like a used bowl, God wants us to understand and to be encouraged and love each other. We are finding that during these tough times there are many people that do not know and understand the true mysteries of God and how he will provide for them. He truly does have a purpose for all of us.


A beautiful young 8 year old girl came out to the bus. She was so excited to have found a used bible out on one of the tables. She was standing at the front of the bus with an armload of clothes. She shared with us that she really needed some play clothes. She had left and took her treasures home with her. Next thing we knew, she showed back up on the bus with her step sister who was in first grade. They wanted to know if we had another bible that her sister could have. We looked through the books that were on the tables and found one for her as well. On the bus, we also have the Hope books, which are the New Testament. These books were donated by the Assembly of God.  Each girl was sent home with God’s word in hand.




We had some gentlemen from the Church of Rock in Attica come out and volunteer with us. God even uses the scraps of animal horns for his glory. Kerwin can make beautiful sound on his Shofar – a musical instrument made from one of these animal horns.


Pastor Eric and Joe were a blessing to the bus this evening. They really helped with setting up the tables, knocking on doors and even delivering groceries to one of the homes.


So you see, no matter where you may be in life, there is hope. God went to the streets tonight to love upon those that feel useless, that feel like they are just a minute scrap in life and feel like they are all used up. With knowing Jesus, we all know we are made new and a great life awaits us.


Thank you to all who continue to make it possible for Care-A-Van Ministries to go out and show that burning bright light of hope and love and the true mysteries of God.


Robin Walters

Public Relations Director

Care-A-Van Ministries


PS I had other pics, but I sure am not a technical guru, I could not get them to upload..


Area Democratic leaders meet with governor in Rochester

By Howard B. Owens

Lorie Longhany of LeRoy submitted this photo along with the following information:

Left to right: Genesee County chair Lorie Longhany; Wyoming County chair Hank Bush; Livingston County chair Phil Jones; Governor David Paterson; Orleans County chair Jeanne Crane.

Wednesday night after his town hall meeting in Rochester, Governor Paterson had dinner with the four GLOW Democratic chairs, as well as the chairperson from Yates County. The Governor spent two hours discussing local issues over dinner, along with posing for some pictures.

Congressman Chris Lee co-sponsors legislation dealing with sexual misconduct in schools

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

AMHERST – Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26) was joined by community leaders at the Amherst Main Library today to unveil major legislation to protect students from sexual abuse in schools.

Lee and others were spurred to act after a national investigation conducted by the Associated Press uncovered thousands of cases in which incidents of sexual misconduct by school employees were not reported to the public.

As a result of this lack of reporting, offenders have the freedom to move from school to school – sometimes across the state, other times across the country – without the new school district being aware of the fact that their newest employee was fired from a previous job for sexual misconduct. As recently as 2007, only 17 states mandated collecting data of this nature.

“This unacceptable lack of transparency puts our students in harm’s way. It’s time to put student safety first,” Congressman Lee said. “We need to take serious steps to prevent these menacing acts and give our school officials the tools they need to keep sex offenders from ever setting foot in a classroom again.”

That’s why Congressman Lee recently partnered with Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL) to introduce the Student Protection Act (H.R. 781), which establishes:

·         A uniform reporting requirement for educators accused of sexual misconduct;

·         A commission in each state to investigate allegations of abuse;

·         A nationwide database where the names of school employees sanctioned for sexual misconduct would be kept on record and made available to the public;

·         A toll-free number for reporting incidents of sexual abuse by educators.

Congressman Lee was joined at today’s event by Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard, Amherst Central Schools superintendent Laura Chabe, and Edward Suk, executive director of the New York branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Ernie Allen, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, commended Congressman Lee for introducing this much-needed legislation: "This Act brings attention to the often-overlooked problem of child sexual exploitation in our schools. The vast majority of teachers are dedicated, decent professionals. However, when abuse occurs there must be meaningful sanctions and oversight in order to prevent teachers from moving to a new school and victimizing additional students."

Congressman Lee also noted that the Student Protection Act is an example of how the federal government can encourage states to work together without growing Washington: “Failing to adopt these common-sense policies at the national level leaves all states vulnerable when hiring educators from states with mediocre reporting procedures and lackluster ethical standards. Our students and our teachers deserve better than a piecemeal approach.”

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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