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News roundup: City and county take last steps in consolidation

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia and Genesee County should wrap up the paperwork side of the dispatch consolidation of the county sheriff's office and the city police department, according to the Daily News. Meanwhile, most of the work is done, and the dispatchers at police headquarters on Main Street are set to move to the sheriff's headquarters on Park Road September 1.

Reporter Paul Mrozek writes: "The draft of the contract calls for a 20-year agreement (between the city and the county), with both sides having the power to opt out with notice to the other party."

The City Council should vote to approve the contract at its meeting on August 18, expecting the county to follow suit.

You can pick up your own copy of the Daily News wherever the paper is sold. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Muckdogs Blank Doubledays For Sole Possession of Second

By Mollie Radzinski

Still locked in a tie for second place in the Pinckney Division, the Muckdogs (29-19) went into Auburn (28-20) Thursday and won big on the road, shutting out the Doubledays 11-0.  Ramon Delgado (3-1) had a terrific start, going five innings with seven strikeouts and only one hit to get the win.  Auburn's Joel Carreno (5-2) pitched four innings with seven hits, five runs, three walks and five strikeouts for the loss.

Batavia started their big offensive night in the 2nd when Frederick Parejo scored the first run after he singled, stole second and came home on a Chris Swauger single.  They scored three in the 4th on a Charlie Cutler single, Xavier Scruggs double and a two-run homerun off the bat of Swauger.

The Muckdogs added another in the 5th when Jermaine Curtis walked and stole second.  Parejo then singled to drive him in.  The 6th inning was another big three-run inning.  It started off with a Jose Garcia double and a single by Colt Sedbrook.  Brett Lilley then flew out for an RBI.  Singles by Shane Peterson, Cutler and Scruggs set-up and scored the other two runs.

Batavia's last damage came in another three-run inning in the 7th.  Garcia started the rally again with his first homerun of the season.  Sedbrook singled and Lilley doubled to put two men on.  Sedbrook came in to score when Peterson grounded-out and Lilley came home on a Parejo single.

Swauger finished the night 2-for-4 with a homerun and three RBI.  Scruggs went 2-for-4 with a single and two RBI.  Parejo went 3-for-6 with two RBI and a stolen base and Sedbrook went 4-for-6 with a double.  In all, the Muckdogs had eighteen runs on the night.


With the big win over Auburn, Batavia now sits alone in second place, one and a half games behind Jamestown and one ahead of Auburn.  The Muckdogs look to rise in the standings tonight as they take on the Doubledays again for the final game of the series.  First pitch is scheduled for 7:05 and Dwyer's gates open at 6:00 with fireworks after the game.

Here is an update of where we stand in the NYPL:

  • Arquimedes Nieto remains 2nd in pitching, with a record of 5-0 and an ERA of 1.52
  • Adam Reifer still leads in saves with 13.
  • Jose Garcia is in 4th place with 16 stolen bases.
  • Shane Peterson's .409 on-base percentage is 2nd in the league.
  • Colt Sedbrook is tied for 2nd in triples with 5.
  • The team is 2nd in batting with a combined average of .268.
  • They are also 5th in pitching with an ERA of 3.28.

Batavia has fine showing in state journalism contest

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavian's Philip Anselmo garnered two awards in 2007-08 New York State Associated Press Association writing contest.

He won a first place award for Business/Finance coverage and shared a third-place award in the Continuing Coverage category.

Prior to joining The Batavian, Philip was a staff writer with The Daily Messenger in Canandaigua, where he wrote his award-winning pieces.

The Daily News also made a fine showing in the contest.

  • Spot News -- 3rd Place:  Family of four killed in head-on crash. Paul Mrozek, Scott DeSmit
  • Sports -- 3rd Place:  A lot of guts, a little glory. Tom Rivers
  • Columns -- 2nd Place:  Town supervisors, village mayors, define the working poor. Tom Rivers
  • Arts/Entertainment -- 1st Place:  It’s hip to be a ’Chuck.’ Ben Beagle
  • Arts/Entertainment Criticism -- 3rd Place: Holmes’ plays a lively game at Geva. Ben Beagle

The New York Daily News has published a complete list of awards.

Congratulations to all of the winners.

News roundup: A fowl spill (updated)

By Philip Anselmo

Thousands of live chickens spilled from their crates onto the state Thruway yesterday when a truck carrying nearly 10,000 of them overturned at the Route 190 off-ramp in Erie County. WBTA's Dan Fischer spoke with state police who said they had never seen anything like it. Dozens Thousands of chickens were killed. Many others were taken to the Erie County Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty. The truck driver was ticketed with unsafe lane change.

UPDATE (9:18am): The Buffalo News ran a full story on this sad crash—the photographs and video are unsettling. It turns out that not dozens but thousands of chickens died, either at the scene or later by euthanization. From that article:

Gina Browning, the public relations director of the SPCA in the Town of Tonawanda, described a grim scene of blood and broken eggs inside the SPCA facility.

“In 18 years [working at the SPCA], I can tell you I’ve never seen anything of this magnitude,” Browning said.

The facility closed 2 hours early to make room for the birds. SPCA officials used the auditorium and the garage to fit all the crates.

“It’s mortifying,” employee Julie Ruppel said. “It’s unimaginable what we’re seeing.”

In other news, Batavia's Rotary Club will be holding auditions for its upcoming musical production of Singing in the Rain. Auditions for the November performance will be held on September 3, 4 and 5 in the Batavia High School from 7:00 to 10:00pm.

News at the College: Arts, nursing and internationalism

By Philip Anselmo

Genesee Community College has been the site of many goings-on this summer. Here's a brief recap of campus news that's come our way over the past week:

Students from China's Sichuan Province will spend two semesters at the Genesee campus.

Genesee Community College will join 21 other State University of New York campuses in opening SUNY doors to 150 students from the Sichuan Province of western China, the site of a massive earthquake in May. Eight students from the province will attend Genesee this fall.

Gov. David Paterson said last weekend that "on behalf of all New Yorkers, we are pleased to welcome these students to our State University system and to ensure that there is no interruption in their college studies despite the tragic natural disaster that hit Chengdu in May. SUNY will provide these students with valuable leadership training, which will help prepare them to return to China to assist with rebuilding efforts and the aftermath of the earthquake."

A state grant will help boost the nursing program at the college.

A new State University of New York "high needs" program grant of $115,380 will boost the number of licensed practical nurses studying at Genesee to become registered nurses from about 15 to 35 or more each semester, Samson Olaode, Director of Grants Services reported to the College's Board of Trustees Monday evening.

Grant funds will finance the hiring of a nursing lab manager, an adjunct faculty member and nursing tutors.

Students in a three-dimensional design course at the college's Arcade campus took a trip to the Griffis Sculpture Park in Ashford Hollow, which is a little less than an hour south of Buffalo.

From the press release:

"The park features a collection of strange, surrealistic sculptures set among a beautiful backdrop of rolling hills, ponds, and forests. Students were able to examine more than 250 works of art created by over 100 artists."

"Park goers are encouraged to interact with the sculptures - touch them, photograph them, even climb on them as they would a jungle gym. Because the sculptures are not confined to a gallery, light shifting over them during the day gives a different affect to viewers over the course of a visit."

GCC's Board of Trustees appointed six new members of faculty and staff, including instructors of sociology, English, fine arts and health and physical education.

Ice Cream and Hymns

By Philip Anselmo

Emmanuel Baptist Church will host an outdoor concert with vocalist and evangelist George Miller on August 24 at 4:00pm under the church pavilion at 190 Oak St. The concert will be followed by an ice cream social, so "bring a friend and a lawn chair for this old-fashioned hymnfest."

Muckdogs Split Doubleheader With Auburn, Remain Tied For Second

By Mollie Radzinski

Batavia (28-19) and Auburn (28-19) entered Wednesday tied for second place in the Pinckney Division, and ended the day the same way after each winning a game of the doubleheader.

The first game was a continuation of the suspended July 20th game.  It started in the bottom of the 1st with two outs and two on for the Muckdogs who were down 1-0, and ended with a 2-1 win for the Doubledays.  Zach Pitts (0-3) suffered the loss in his five innnings with five hits, two runs and four strikeouts.  Daniel Farguhar got the win, going five and a third innings with two hits and three strikeouts.

Auburn scored the deciding run in the 3rd on a Bartolo Nicolas double and Adam Amar single.  The Muckdogs only run came in the 7th when Shane Peterson walked and moved to third on a Jermaine Curtis double.  Chris Swauger then came up with the RBI single.  Peterson ended the game going 2-for-3.

In the second seven-inning contest, Arquimedes Nieto (5-0) had an impressive start.  He went five innings with one hit, two walks and six strikeouts to earn the win.  Adam Reifer pitched the ninth with one hit, one walk and two strikeouts to get his thirteenth save.  On the losing end, Matthew Wright went five innings with five hits, one run, one walk and four strikeouts in the loss.

The only run of the game came in the bottom of the 5th.  Swauger started off the inning with a double.  He then came around to score on a sacrifice bunt by Beau Riportella and a throwing error on the same play.  Swauger went a perfect 2-for-2 in the game.  Newcomer Brett Lilley also went 2-for-2 in his first Muckdog start.

The two teams battle it out again in Auburn tonight before returning to Batavia for their final contest of the series.  Game time on Friday is 7:05 with fireworks after the game.

Also, for those fans who haven't heard, outfielder Jon Edwards and shortstop Domnit Bolivar have been moved up to Quad Cities.  We expect to have new players brought up from Johnson City...I'll let you know when we hear more!

Bialkowski: Charlie Mallow "has failed miserably as a leader"

By Philip Anselmo

In a letter to the editor in today's Daily News, City Councilman Bob Bialkowski urges Council President Charlie Mallow to resign. He writes:

Mr. Mallow has been demonstrating some unusual behavior lately. At our last meeting he would not allow any new business to be brought to the floor. He blocked several of us by asking for a motion to adjourn, moving to adjourn and then adjourning the meeting. He executed the entire sequence by himself, which violates all rules of conducting a meeting. Mr. Mallow should resign as council president because he has failed miserably as a leader. A good leader does not use the press to criticize and ridicule memers of his assembly.

The Batavian has requested a response from Mallow. We've included it in full below.

The skirmish between Mallow and Bialkowski has been going on for weeks now, reaching a fevered pitch at the last meeting of the City Council when Mallow asked for Bialkowski to recuse him from voting on the purchase of a sign by the city for the mall. Within days of the meeting, the city attorney, George Van Nest, drafted a letter requesting the city's Board of Ethics to convene and consider whether a "councilman" exhibited a conflict of interest in voting on the purchase of a mall sign as his "wife" is manager of the mall. Van Nest never returned calls made by The Batavian.

Mallow, in his turn, authored a pair of letters to the editor that appeared in the August 2 and August 5 issues of the Daily News. In the first, Mallow writes:

Mr. Bialkowski and Bill Cox are new on Council, very new. They believe they can coerce the rest of the Council into bending to the wishes of the (Mall Merchants Association). They have also shown me deep seated hatred for our city manager and city attorney. I'm not prepared to allow him to take political retribution out on our city staff. Enough is Enough!

Obviously, both Mallow and Bialkowski—despite the latter's own claims that he "detests conducting the business of the citizens by writing letters to the editor"—are fond of hyperbole. While the mall merchants have threatened the city with litigation, there is no "pending case" with the group, as Mallow asserts in his first letter. Van Nest said so at the last meeting of the council. And while Bialkowski may not be in a direct conflict of interest regarding the vote for the city to purchase the sign for the mall, his wife is the manager of the mall, and he would exhibit a sense of good behavior, if nothing else, if he just gave in and recused himself.

instead, both Mallow and Bialkowski—both grandstanding, both citing his moral superiority—turn city business into vehement personal attacks. I have to feel bad for Bill Cox who got dragged into the mess just because he wanted the city to look at a potential health hazard. While I can understand the exasperation of both Mallow and Bialkowski, I just can't understand why they opt to play out this farce in these terms: this one accusing that one of despotism, that one accusing this one of hatred. Hatred!? What is this? And I don't even want to hear any of these "Well, he started it" arguments, which amount to nothing more than further propagating the feud by couching it in terms of cause and effect, action and reaction, and villifying one term to the favor of the other.

Here's Bialkowski:

Lately some of us councilmen have received e-mails from Mr. Mallow in which he is very sarcastic, calls us names and as of late has used foul and abusive language.

Here's Mallow:

As of late Mr. Cox. has ... developed a strong interest in bird droppings on the roof of the mall. So much so, that he wrote a long rambling letter to the paper about this issue and how he believes he is being treated unfairly.

Why should Cox's letter be demeaned this way? Isn't that, in fact, treating him unfairly? Why can't he voice his opinion—no matter how much others feel it may not be relevant—without being cut down by his peers?

The following is Mallow's response, in full, to Bialkowski's letter:

I don’t  give much weight to the things Bob Biakowski says. He wants to run roughshod over our city manger and attorney and expects me to stand aside while he intimidates them. Bob has an agenda that doesn’t include working for the taxpayers of this city. I am deeply embarrassed that Bob Biakowski was the first sitting city council person to have an ethics body called to discuss his actions. Bob is going about his short term on council in an unhealthily way that limits his effectiveness.  His actions have turned most of council against him and he is acting out in an unprofessional way. I have 1 ½ years left on council and I’m going to spend that time watching Bob and his friends very closely. Bob and Bill Cox are both trying to bring a little taste of Albany politics to Batavia. We are a small city and have a non partisan government lead by a city manager. I’m sorry that things are not going Bob’s way and he feels he needs to have a temper tantrum to bring light to his problems.

For more background on these issues, check out some of our earlier posts:

News roundup: Five injured in Livingston County crash

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

  • Five people were sent to the hopsital yesterday following the collision of a tractor trailer and a car at the intersection of Routes 20 and 36  in the town of York in Livingston County. The driver of the car is alleged to have run a red light and crashed into the truck. No one was critically injured.

Video: How to build a race car

By Philip Anselmo

For those of you who haven't noticed, The Batavian now has its very own official speedway reporter. Racer and moto-enthusiast Chris Johnson has been kind enough to voluntarilty take occupy that position for us and get the dirt—get it?—on the local stock car scene.

Genesee Speedway will be holding its next race this Saturday, and Chris is hoping to be there with his new car, built himself. It's a modified Ford Mustang, stripped bear and fit with a roll cage. But enough of us getting in the way. Let's let Chris tell you all about it:

Edward Newton Rowell: Number 18 in "What Made Genesee County Famous"

By Philip Anselmo

Who is Edward Newton Rowell? And why is he so special that he warrants a place—at No. 18—among "The Twenty-Five Things That Made Genesee County Famous"? Well, he's a man at the center of a story of intrigue: a story of lies, trysts, jealousy... and murder. His tale is a tale of strange times past, and it's told brilliantly by none other than our very own paragon of local history, Pat Weissend, director of the Holland Land Office Museum.

Pat's done such a great job with this one that we won't even attempt a summary here. Just get over to the site and read it for yourself. While you're there, don't forget to poke around—the site is loaded with other fun facts, podcasts and virtual exhibits.

News roundup: How much would you pay for a lake?

By Philip Anselmo

Noblehurst Farms of Pavilion just bought Le Roy Lake for $500,000, according to the Daily News. Water from the lake will be used to irrigate crops on the 2,200-acre farm. Reporter Scott DeSmit tells us:

Lake Le Roy had been the source for village water until 2004, when Le Roy hooked up with Monroe County Water Authority to provide water to residents. The property, a 70-acre lake, 40 acres of land and a caretaker's house, had been listed for $3.8 million in 2004.

Village trustees even tried to sell the property on eBay! But no one was interested. From $3.8 million, the price dropped several times, until it was set at just under $1 million. But still, no takers. Not until Noblehurst picked it up for a fraction of the initial cost. Village trustees said they plan to use the money to "reduce debt."

In today's sports section, there's an interesting story by Christ Metcalf about a wrestler from Warsaw who is in high demand from college coaches. The profile of the wrestler, Ian Paddock, spans the whole front page and another half page inside.

In other news:

  • Robert Morales, 52, of 113 Bank St., was sentenced to 1 1/2 to 4 years in state prison after pleading guilty to a second-degree assault charge and admitting that he stabbed a man in the arm during an argument earlier this year.
  • Batavia's 25th anniversary of National Night Out drew about 100 people to St. Anthony's Parish Center last night. Genesee Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (GCASA) sponsored the event. GCASA Prevention Educator Kevin Keenan told reporter Scott DeSmit: "Parents need to find out who their child's friends are, where they're going, what they're doing."
  • Tom Rivers packs produce in the latest installment of his farm labor series.

You can pick up your own copy of the Daily News wherever the paper is sold. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Demolition in Le Roy: Tearing down the Temple

By Philip Anselmo

About a year ago, the owners of the Le Roy Masonic Temple on West Main Street near the intersection with Lake Street "agreed to an option to Walgreen's" to tear down the temple and the buildings on either side of it—including a vacant gasoline station and a numismatist—to make way for a retail pharmacy. Residents in the village were understandably shaken by the news. Village historian Lynne Belluscio admitted that she was overwhelmed by requests to know more about the historic temple that was at least a century old. She responded via an article that was run in the Le Roy Pennysaver last July.

The building is pictured in the book The Architectural Heritage of Genesee County, New York. It is described as a "simple Romanesque revival design in vogue in the mid-nineteenth century. Stylistic features include the arcaded decorative molding at the roofline, the ocular window in the gable end and the use of the Romanesque arch for window and door openings." Those of you who remember the difference between a Gothic arch and a Roman arch, know that the Roman arch is rounded and the Gothic arch is pointed.

Plywood boards now occupy that Roman arch. Chain-link fence runs the length of the sidewalk in front of the temple and its neighbors and wraps around the corner, around a pair of vacant homes on Lake Street. Demolition is set to begin on Monday. Walgreen's plans to start construction in about a month, once the debris is cleared.

In her article, Belluscio tells about the history of the site, tied in even to the fate of the notorious anti-Mason William Morgan. I can't say if anyone plans to visit the site Monday to bid the structure adieu. But surely, I hope, someone will be there.

The history of a building, (writes Belluscio), allows us an opportunity to examine the history of our community and the Masonic Lodge in Le Roy has played a significant role in the history of Western New York.

On the Police Beat

By Philip Anselmo

An investigation into the impersonation of a state police investigator has yielded an arrest for troopers in Clarence. Patrick T. Fuhr, 49, of Franklinville, was charged with five counts of second-degree criminal possession of a forged instrument and first-degree criminal impersonation, both felony counts. Investigators were alerted to the potential impersonation when an area rental car agency reported "a suspicious subject attempting to obtain a billing account for rental cars." That "subject" had identified himself as police officer Patrick T. Frank, a senior investigator with the New York State Courts Domestic Abuse Unit.

Police allegedly found Fuhr in possession of counterfeit identification cards that bore the identity of the fictitious officer Frank. It is alleged that Fuhr used the false identity to obtain approximately 22 rental cars from a different rental car agency.

Investigation continues, and further charges are pending.

Meanwhile, troopers in Boston, N.Y., are looking for information related to the theft of a safe from the Land Masters Group landscaping company, located at 3021 Transit Road in Elma. The incident occurred between the hours of 3:00pm, Sunday, and 7:00am, Monday. Anyone with information should contact the state police in Boston at (716) 941-9300.

In Batavia, the Genesee County Local Drug Taskforce announced an arrest made Friday at the home of Jeffrey Plath, 44, of 12 Hutchins Place, Batavia. Plath is accused of selling handguns, which he legally possessed, to individuals who did not have gun permits in exchange for money or illegal drugs. An undercover member of the taskforce purchased one handgun from Plath. Another was recovered in the city of Rochester. The county force was joined in the investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms in Rochester, where Plath will be tried on federal charges.

All of the above arrests were reported in published releases from the departments.

Arrests: August 5

By Philip Anselmo

Genesee County sheriff's deputies reported the arrest of a Batavian man on a felony count of second-degree criminal possession of marijuana today. Randy L. Leach, 22, of 612 Ellicott St., was apprehended by deputies at the intersection of West Main Street and Vernon Avenue in the city. Leach was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped around 2:30am this morning. Deputies allegedly found him in possession of 22 ounces of marijuana.

The driver of the vehicle, Thomas J. Mitchell, 19, of 29 Walnut St., was charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs and third-degree unlicensed operator. Deputies allege that Mitchell does not have a New York driver's license. He was also ticketed with unawlful possession of marijuana, unlicensed operator, unlawful tint and improper left turn.

Photographer showcases western New York

By Philip Anselmo

"The images range from a wind-whipped tree leaning over a snowy field to a close up of a soft sheep snout." So it's said of the upcoming exhibit from photographer Darrick Coleman at Genesee Community College.

DETAILS: An Intimate Look at Western New York opens August 18 in the Lobby Arts Gallery in the Stuart Steiner Theatre. A reception will be held August 28 from 1:00 to 2:00pm.

Darrick Coleman, 31, now a resident of Le Roy, NY grew up in Albion, NY and his photographs reflect both the continuities and the differences found throughout Western New York. Though some of the shots were taken at well-known local attractions such as Letchworth State Park and Genesee Country Village, they reflect the lesser known aspects of these locations.

For example, there are no shots of the popular waterfalls at Letchworth. Instead, there are photographs showing the intricate details of the ironwork on the train trestle, or the individual beauty of a single tree. Other photographs were taken during walks through the fields and woods around his home, in his grandfather’s aging barn, or in his own backyard.

“I almost always have my camera with me, and I just shoot what I see,” Darrick said. “I like looking closely at things, the way they work, the way they fit together. I guess that tends to come out in my photography too.”

DETAILS runs through September 26.

Stuff the Bus!

By Philip Anselmo

From Community Action of Orleans and Genesee:

Community Action Angels of Genesee County will be collecting school supplies as well as shoes and sneakers every Thursday in August at K-Mart from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. for area needy school-age children. 

The requests for school supplies in past years have been overwhelming.  As gas and food costs continue to rise, children’s need for school supplies and sneakers or shoes can not be a priority for struggling families.  Families in need are more concerned (and rightly so) with enough food and money to pay household expenses as well as obtaining gasoline for their vehicle.  Rod Bellengee of The Salvation Army Incorporated (Empire State Division) generously donated backpacks.

You too can be an Angel and assist us in out efforts!  Community Action Angels will be at K-Mart (on Lewiston Rd) every Thursday in August from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. collecting school supplies, sneakers, shoes and socks for our needy school-age children.  (Gently used sneakers and shoes are graciously accepted).  Our own Head Start School Bus will be on hand to collect the donations.  A receipt for tax purposes is available for all donors.  Everything collected will be distributed to needy families to help their child(ren) start their year off on the right foot.

Can’t make it K-Mart on Thursdays?  You can drop off your donation at our office located at 5073 Clinton Street Road, Batavia.  For more information on Community Action Angels, donations or other programs please call 585-343-7798.

News roundup: Growing healthy, eating healthy

By Philip Anselmo

If you're looking to learn more about washing zucchini or cutting lettuce, today's Daily News will not disappoint. In the latest installment of his farm labor series, Tom Rivers takes us through the vegetable fields of an organic farm in Elba — the "area's biggest," we're told.

We learn that zucchini should be picked when it's between six to eight inches and lettuce should be cut from the ground very deep on the stalk to keep the leaves from unfurling. Fans of the series — such as myself — will be pleased to find the usual dose of Rivers' wit and self-deprecating sincerity. Like when he writes:

I admit an odd thrill using the knife, as if I had graduated from the minor leagues of picking berries a few weeks ago to working with the knife-wielding pros.

Or, when he watches Katie "the Cornell grad" haul a heavy tote of veggies and gets a little showed up in his moment of machismo:

I figure I'll grab the next one and I grab a tote. It must weigh 75 pounds, and I adjust my grip about five times, take a few deep breaths and stumble over a sink... I tell Katie to enter an arm wrestling tournament.

Tom Rivers' tales of the farm aren't the only agriculturally-minded articles in today's paper.

Cornell Cooperative Extension wants 70 low-income residents of Genesee County to enroll in its eight-week nutrition education course. Extension Direction Bev Mancuso told Paul Mrozek that

it's important that people with limited incomes or those on food stamps shop wisely and not just buy "the cheapest food possible without even considering whether it's good for you."

Call (585) 343-3040, ext. 134 for more information or to register for the course.

Meanwhile, LeRoy will be holding a public information meeting at 7:30pm tonight at Town Hall, 48 Main St., to discuss protecting and preserving farmland in the town.

In other news:

  • Union Street will be closed Wednesday from Richmond Avenue to Union Square from 7:30am to 3:00pm for sewer repairs.

You can pick up your own copy of the Daily News wherever the paper is sold. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Police Blotter: Monday, August 4

By Philip Anselmo

All of the following calls were reported by the City of Batavia Police Department. Listed offenses do not imply that charges were filed. Calls may result in no official action.

  • 9:02am, 587 E. Main St., criminal mischief
  • 11:08am, West Main Street, accident
  • 11:47am, Main Street, accident
  • 1:26pm, 301 W. Main St., larceny
  • 1:40pm, 59 Main St., accident
  • 3:03pm, West Main Street, accident
  • 3:09pm, State Street, accident
  • 4:03pm, 29 Cedar St., accident
  • 4:29pm, 229 W. Main St., accident
  • 5:12pm, 3 Maple St., harassment
  • 5:36pm, 125 Pearl St., identity theft
  • 6:52pm, 565 E. Main St., harassment

Note: We don't include noise complaints, domestic disputes and routine police business.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered

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