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County announces Crime Victim's week seminar at GCC on April 24

By Press Release

Press release:

Each year in April, the Office for Victims of Crime helps lead communities throughout the country in its annual observances of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW), which will be observed April 23- 29, 2023. This year’s theme is “Survivor Voices: Elevate. Engage. Effect Change.”.

In Genesee County, the annual observance will include an event open to the public on April 24, 2023 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at Genesee Community College. It will feature a morning full of presentations and speakers on various topics, including those surrounding crime victims' rights. It will be held inside the Conable Technology Building (Room T102) at Genesee Community College, 1 College Road, Batavia, NY.

The cost is $10 per person or $5 per student or senior (age 62+). Register by April 14, 2023 by calling Sharon Burns at 585-344-2550 ext 3929 or emailing for registration details.


Opening Remarks
- Joseph Graff: Chief Deputy, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office

Keynote Speaker

- Janine Latus: an award-winning journalist, author and advocate, best known for her memoir, If I Am Missing or Dead: a sister’s story of love, murder and liberation, but Latus has had a long career of satisfying curiosity – her own and her readers’. Her work has appeared in O, the Oprah magazine, More, Woman’s Day, Family Circle, Parents, All You, American Baby and the inflight magazines for US Air, American Airlines, Continental and TWA.

Elder Abuse 101

- Stephanie Good: Helpline Coordinator for the Elder Abuse Helpline for Concerned Persons, Lifespan of Greater Rochester

- Sue Talsania: Elder Abuse Prevention Program (EAPP), Upstate Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan Bullying in Schools

  • -  Officer Miah Stevens: School Resource Officer, City of Batavia Police Department

  • -  Deputy Jordan Alejandro: School Resource Officer, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office

  • -  Detective Eric Hill: Detective, City of Batavia Police Department

    Closing Remarks

- Robert Zickl: Assistant District Attorney, Genesee County District Attorney’s Office

Thank you to our sponsors: Genesee Community College; Grace Baptist Church; GCC Criminal Justice Club and Student Activities; Batavia City Police Benevolent Association, Inc.; Genesee County Interagency Council; GCASA; Hotel at Batavia Downs; YWCA of Genesee County, Inc.; Cakes by Lili; Genesee County Deputy Sheriff’s Association; Genesee County Sheriff's Employees Association; My-T Acres, Inc.; Our Lady of Batavia Knights of Columbus; Polish Falcons of America Nest 493; Triple-O Mechanical, Inc.

Chamber of Commerce announces expanded Barn Quilt Trail of Le Roy

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it has updated and expanded the Barn Quilt Trail of Le Roy, in cooperation with Le Roy Historian Lynne Belluscio and the Le Roy Historical Society, by launching a new website and new self-guided trail brochure.

The original 2012 Barn Quilt Trail began as a bicentennial project for the Town of Le Roy, with the first being painted in 2011 at the annual Oatka Festival. In the following 10 months, the trail surpassed its goal of 25, with over 70 barn quilts being painted and erected.

Today, the trail features a collection of over 100 hand-painted barn quilts along four driving tours in and around LeR oy. Explore the scenic countryside while spotting each unique barn quilt that’s displayed on an array of barns, garages, homes and other outbuildings. Each quilt pattern has a story to tell, and these stories, along with full size images, can be found on the new website.

Barn Quilts are known to drive heritage tourism for rural communities as visitors search out authentic experiences that represent the stories and people, past and present, of the area. For Genesee County, the barn quilts have come to represent the pride shared by the people of LeRoy, a town with a rich agricultural heritage, deep appreciation of its history and immense pride in family heritage.

The Barn Quilt Trail expansion is supported through the Tourism Matching Funds program, administered by Empire State Development and I LOVE NY, New York State's Division of Tourism. 

The Chamber invites everyone to explore the trail and discover the beauty and history of the area. The brochure can be requested online at or picked up at the Chamber’s Visitor Center at 8276 Park Road in Batavia. This, and other local brochures, can be found in our vestibule, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will also be available in LeRoy this spring at the Town Hall, Village Hall, McDonald’s, The D&R Depot Restaurant, JELL-O Gallery Museum and the Woodward Memorial Library. Watch for special Barn Quilts programming at the Woodward Memorial Library this spring.

Tenney backs bipartisan bills aimed at combating opioids

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, took part in a committee markup of seven bills, including H.R. 1734, the Testing, Rapid Analysis, and Narcotic Quality (TRANQ) Research Act. This bipartisan piece of legislation, which Rep. Tenney cosponsored, was led by Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), Rep. Yadira Caraveo (D-CO), Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK), and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA).

This legislation works to combat the spread of synthetic opioids across our country. The bill directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to expand its research and focus on the science needed to understand and cease the spread of synthetic opioids. The usage of xylazine, also known as “Tranq” or the “Zombie Drug,” has skyrocketed. Nationwide, xylazine-related deaths have increased by 1,000% in some states since 2020. Xylazine’s presence is growing across the state, including in Western and Central New York. This drug, often laced in fentanyl, is immune to standard opioid overdose treatments and has horrifying side effects, including causing large wounds that won’t heal.

The Committee also included an amendment offered by Congresswoman Tenney to require the Director of NIST to report on their implementation of this critical legislation. Further, the amendment allows the Director of NIST to make legislative recommendations to improve NIST’s ability to implement the TRANQ Research Act.

“Since 2020, deaths from the terrible ‘zombie drug’ xylazine have skyrocketed nationwide, including in New York State,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Our communities have been devastated by the opioid crisis, and the emergence of this deadly drug has only worsened the crisis. It is essential that we combat the opioid epidemic. It was my privilege to cosponsor the TRANQ Research Act, which will help us target this dangerous zombie drug and work to save thousands of lives. I am also honored to have my amendment included to make sure Congress can continue to monitor the implementation of this act.”

Additional original cosponsors include Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR), Rep. Valerie Foushee (D-NC), Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-CA), Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA), Rep. Tom Kean (R-NJ), Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC), Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA), Rep. Kevin Mullin (D-CA), Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL), Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY), Rep. David Trone (D-MD), Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), and Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL). 


Shed fire reported on Bowen Road, Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A shed fire with smoke and flames showing is reported at 10950 Bowen Road, Alexander.

Alexander Fire, Darien Fire, and Attica Fire dispatched.

Proposed Laude system in Le Roy aimed at encouraging higher student achievement

By Howard B. Owens

In 2018, Le Roy started phasing out the traditional ranking of top students based on GPA, instituting instead a system that would also take into account challenging coursework.

A senior could no longer skate by on easy electives or study hall to preserve a high GPA.  In the new system, students would need to acquire points in Advance Placement classes, for example, to achieve Summa Cum Laude.

High School Principal David Russell, who was hired after the 2018 revisions, introduced modifications to the Laude System to the Board of Education at its last meeting that would further encourage students to aim for high achievement instead of competing with classmates.

"We want to push students to make sure they're pushing themselves," Russell said.

The proposed revisions would be based on the total number of credits a student takes and a cumulative GPA.  Each course would be valued the same as the number of credits the course is worth on a transcript. Students taking AP courses and CTE courses that have college credit would continue to receive an additional five points added to their average for that course. 

The maximum possible score would be 36 total credits with a 100 GPA. To achieve Summa Cum Laude, a student would need at least 32 credits and a 95 GPA.  Magna Cum Laude would be 30 credits and a 90 GPA.  Cum Laude would be 28 total credits and an 85 GPA.

Cum Laude is Latin for "with distinction."  Magna Cum Laude means "with great distinction," and Summa Cum Laude means "with highest distinction."

The Class of 2023 will be the last class to graduate under the Top 10 system.  The classes of 2024, 2025 and 2026 are under the Laude system but will be eligible to move up to a higher Laude if they qualify for a higher Laude under the proposed revisions. If the revisions are approved, the Class of 2027 would be the first class to graduate under this new Laude system.

The goal of the Laude system is to give every student who makes the effort, regardless of life or career goals -- whether in a STEM field, the arts, or athletics -- to graduate with a Laude distinction.  Every pathway, Russell explained, gives students who work hard to achieve distinction for the effort.

"One of our fundamental pillars as a public school is to create opportunities for whatever pathway students take on, we're helping prepare them for whatever future they want to go into," Russell said.

The Laude system, Superintendent Merritt Holly noted, is the antidote for "senioritis."

"When we look at the class rank, what we're in right now, that one ends at the end of the first semester," Holly said. "So in January, the Top 10 is really set and done at that point. One of the things you'll hear from the committee and our teachers always is 'senioritis' sets in. As Dave mentioned, what I like about this is it can run all the way up to the end of the school year."

The class rank system does require some hand calculation, Holly said, which is why the class rank is set after the first system.  And Russell noted that the class rank is made public, which encourages students to compete against each other.

In the Laude system, only the student, his or her parents, and school counselors will know if a student is headed toward a Laude tier.  There is no competition.

"That (competition) can really be unhealthy at times," Russell said.

The rank system also produces the graduation speakers -- the valedictorian and salutatorian.  In the new system, students can nominate themselves or others to speak at graduation.  School administrators will review those nominations to ensure those truly worthy of speaking will be given the opportunity to be selected as class speakers in a vote of their peers.

The Board of Education will vote at its April 11 meeting on whether or not to accept the proposed revisions.

Photo: Principal David Russell. Photo by Howard Owens.

Haxton library Trustees ask community to vote to make the facility a school district library

By Joanne Beck

Haxton Memorial Library, which offers a list of programs that has grown over the years, has also been dealing with a budget that has been shrinking in comparison, library trustees say.

The Oakfield staple established in 1963 is in danger of ceasing operations without an influx of more revenue, Board of Trustees President Carol D’Alba said after a recent public presentation about the situation.

“We really won’t be able to keep our doors open for very much longer,” she said to The Batavian. “The main reason is that minimum wage is going up, and the need for current materials. We have been scraping by. As a school district library, our tax base will be the same, it represents the geographical area of the village and town of Oakfield. The school will be the tax collector.”

The board presented its proposal last week to make Haxton a school district library, which doesn’t change anything other than which entity collects the taxes, D’Alba said. Oakfield-Alabama Central won’t run the library in any way, she said.

Library taxes are expected to go up two cents per $1,000 assessed value, from 55 cents to 57 cents per $1,000, or from $55 to $57 a year for a home assessed at $100,000. The total proposed budget is $158,790, and taxpayers will have an opportunity to vote for that, the proposition to establish a school district library, and the school budget on May 16.

This tax rate has decreased considerably, as residents used to pay 85 cents per $1,000 from 2018 to 2020, she said.

“It’s our independent budget. We do our own reports,” D’Alba said. “A school district library will function the same, and the public will have more control.”

She emphasized that the state has been encouraging library boards to move in this direction to secure their revenue sources, and it has been sorely needed at Haxton library.

"It's important that people know that the New York State Board of Regents continues, for the last decade, urging libraries to try to stabilize funding. And one way to do that is to redistrict, from Municipal Library to School District Public Library," she said. "We had a nearly 30 percent reduction in funding from the town during COVID. And that money was never restored."

Town funding dropped by more than $22,500 from 2020 to 2021, and then by more than $4,600 more from 2021 to 2022, and remains flat for this year. 

"So that's the main reason, is that the funding was never restored. And so we really won't be able to keep our doors open for very much longer. If we don't make this move, we might have a few years under us with our savings account. But we're using, you know, we're tapping that savings now, our reserves," she said. "So, that's the main reason, but the minimum wage is going up, and, obviously, in order for the library to stay current, we need the current materials. We've been really suffering, scraping by for the last few years. And so that's why we need to make this move now."

Oakfield is catching up to others in Genesee County who have already become school district libraries, including Corfu, Pavilion, Le Roy, and Batavia.

“Everyone is looking to do this now,” D’Alba said. “We’re all looking to make this switch.”

Some 50 people attended the presentation last Tuesday evening, and some spoke on behalf of the importance of Haxton and how much their families enjoy the programs there, D’Alba said.  Those programs include story time for preschool, summer reading, baby story time, music, dance and art activities, book club, craft night for adults and children, technology help, special one-time adult, family and youth sessions throughout the year, plus various computer, Internet, material and workspace services.

“There was just so much love in that room,” she said. “People did not know all of the programs the library offers; there’s a lot going on here, and we want to do more outreach that we haven’t been able to do without more funding.”

The board has had to do some belt-tightening, according to 2021 data, spending $7,313 on materials (books, DVDs, periodicals, computer software and upgrades), compared to Corfu’s $13,898, and Byron-Bergen’s $24,793. Program expenses have been another disparity, going from Corfu’s $2,058 to Haxton’s $689.

The presentation led to the board’s final decision that, “after consideration over the past few years, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution to transition from a Municipal Library to a School District Public Library that would be funded solely by a voter-approved budget.”

Again, what is a school district public library?

  • The school district collects tax money for the library and turns it over to the library board.
  • The school district would have no involvement in the library’s operations.
  • Libraries can secure funding through a district-wide public vote on a budget.
  • If approved, the library would revise the Charter to be a school district public library, and trustees would be elected.
  • The coverage area is the service area that serves the entire school district. This means that the service area would include patrons in the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District.
  • This establishes secure and reliable funding for the library building, utilities, materials, personnel, programs and Nioga services.

The proposed budget of $158,790 includes a part-time library manager and two part-time clerks; 10 additional hours of operation, going from 25 to 35 hours as mandated by the state; the ability to purchase more materials and to offer expanded programming, and keep up with new technological programs and equipment (computers and software); and library utilities and maintenance.

For more information about Haxton library, go HERE.

Top Photo (submitted) is the kick-off of a summer reading program at Haxton, and, above, an art exhibit with guest artist Anthony Terrell, by Joanne Beck, as two of the many programs offered at the Oakfield library.

Le Roy schools grappling with unpaid student meal bills

By Howard B. Owens

By policy, every student in the Le Roy Central School District has an opportunity to be served a lunch or breakfast every school day that is healthy and meets established nutritional guidelines.

If they can't pay for it, there's no shame.

These two policies sometimes contradict each other. In circumstances where a child isn't eligible for a free or reduced-price meal but doesn't have any money -- even if they haven't paid for previous meals -- they get served if they step into the meal line.  No staff member is allowed to remind a student of past-due bills.  That's the district's "no shaming" policy.

However, the district is now in the red on unpaid meal bills this school year to the tune of $2,751.58, Superintendent Merritt Holly informed the Board of Education at this past week's meeting.

Currently, staff members are contacting families with unpaid bills.  If a family reports back, "geez, we're really going through a rough time right now," the parents are encouraged to apply for the free or reduced-priced meal program.

"Many times, family situations change," Holly said. "Our job is to help families and bring them in through it."

There are families who aren't paying the bill but don't qualify for the program, so they're expected to pay their past bills. 

"Right now, there's no conversation or take anybody in small claims court are doing those type of things," Holly said. "We're trying to generate, 'Hey, are you aware?' Then if we can, we will work out a payment plan for those families. Sometimes, they're not aware that their child has racked up that bill."

If a parent or guardian doesn't want to keep running up the tab, they can inform the school in writing not to serve a meal to their children.

Even for students not getting free or reduced-priced meals, breakfast and lunch in the cafeterias on each campus are inexpensive. 

At the elementary school, breakfast is $1.70.  At the middle/high school, it is $1.75.  Lunch is $2.25 to $2.40.

Holly said the district tries to be as nice as it can be about approaching parents with bills for unpaid meals, but even so, they've had at least one parent indicate she was offended by the debit letter.

The district has been helped at times by community members making donations to pay meal balances for families, Holly said.

The current no-shaming policy was approved by the Board of Education in 2022 and prohibits students from being stigmatized while in line to get a meal, and students can't be required to wear wristbands, hand stamps or other identification to indicate they have an unpaid meal bill. 

Parents are supposed to be notified when a student has reached five unpaid meals and informed they can apply for the free or reduced-price meal program.

Any student from a home receiving government food assistance or aid for needy families automatically qualifies for the free or reduced-price program.  Other families may qualify but must submit an application and be approved by the district.

The district also has a policy that states, "The Le Roy Central School District wishes to establish a school environment that promotes wellness awareness and is conducive to healthy eating and physical activity for all." The policy is aligned with state and federal guidelines.

Harloff strikes again! Batavian posts 300 for second straight week; Merle registers 296

By Mike Pettinella

For the second straight Friday night, Batavian Geoff Harloff found perfection in the County Line Stone Trios League at Mancuso Bowling Center.

The 47-year-old right-hander posted 214-300-235--749 earlier this week after recording 300-230-222--752 the previous week.

The most recent perfect game is his third of the season in the Genesee Region USBC.

Jim Pursel of Batavia took top honors for the evening with 750 series, including a 279 game.

In the Tuesday Night Coed League at Mancuso's, Marshall Merle flirted with his second 300 of the season before finishing with a 296 game for a 744 series.

Elsewhere around the GRUSBC:

  • Lefty Brian Cline raised his average to 235 with a 279-222-269--770 series in the Mancuso Real Estate Monday Doubles League. Jason Quilliam was close behind with a 279--769.
  • James Townsend substituted in the Thursday Owls League at Rose Garden Bowl in Bergen and led the way with a 287 last game and 770 series. Bill Neubert rolled 279--761 and Frank Jarkiewicz posted 257--745.

For a list of high scores, click on the Pin Points tab at the top of the home page.

Photos: Beach Boys celebrated in tribute band concert at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

It was sun, sand and crashing waves in Batavia Downs' Park Place Event Center on Saturday night, where the Beach Party Boys, a tribute band honoring the legacy of the quintessential Southern California surf band, The Beach Boys, put on a rocking show.

 The Beach Party Boys ran through all the Beach Boys' biggest hits for a near-capacity crowd.

Previously: 'Good Vibrations' expected at Batavia Downs on Saturday with Beach Party Boys in concert

Photos by Howard Owens

The Batavian honored by NYPA for Winter Storm Elliott coverage

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavian was awarded first place for Best Online Breaking News coverage on Saturday by the New York Press Association for its coverage of Winter Storm Elliott.

The stories of the storm that led to the award were written by Howard Owens and Joanne Beck.

The primary stories considered for the award were: 

Second place in the Online Breaking News category went to the Albany Times Union for a deputy-involved shootout, and third place went to the Queens Chronicle for Winter Storm Elliott coverage.

To see all of The Batavian's coverage of Winter Storm Elliott and its aftermath, click here.

Photos: Xtreme Ice Racing at The McCarthy on Friday night

By Howard B. Owens

The David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena was full of racing fans and the roar of engines on Friday night for Xtreme Ice Racing night, sponsored by the Batavia Muckdogs and CanUSA.

Muckdogs/CanUSA owner Robbie Nichols said as many as 200 more people wanted to attend but tickets were sold out by Friday morning. He said there may be two nights of racing next year so more people can enjoy the event.

Photos by Howard Owens

Students, faculty go Bald for Buck in support of cancer patients and cancer research

By Howard B. Owens

Oakfield-Alabama held a fundraiser for cancer research at Roswell Cancer Institute in Buffalo with its Bald for Bucks event in the high gym on Friday.

Top photo: Colton Ketchum, talking with Zach Watts from My Cut Barbershop in Batavia, was the first batter up to get his impressive curly red locks shaved off, which he said he did so he and a friend could participate together. 

The My Cut crew focusing on Colton includes Ray Williams, Connor Hyde-Hamilton, and Victor Thomas (in back).

This is the first time Oakfield-Alabama hosted the event since 2018.

Besides the crew from My Cut, barbers from Canzoneri’s and stylists from Jagged Edges participated in the event.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Gavin Snyder raised the most money, $1,050, among all the students who participated.

Jackson Burndett

D.J. Anthony, from Buffalo, kept the crowded lively during the event.

Alaina Williams gets sparkle strands in her hair from a stylist with Jagged Edges.

Today's Local Deals: Oliver's Candies, Bourbon & Burger, Pastore's, and more

By Howard B. Owens

Reminders of how the Deal of the Day program works:

  • To make purchases, you must be registered. Deal of the Day uses a registration system that is not connected to the registration for commenting on The Batavian (the main user login in the upper left of the homepage).
  • Once registered you must sign in using the "sign-in" link in this box.
  • You click on the orange button, which appears if the item is not sold out, and it takes you to a PayPal button. This allows you to pay either with your PayPal account or with a credit card/debit card. The login for PayPal is completely separate from our accounts.
  • The first person to successfully complete the PayPal transaction wins the gift certificate.
  • You are eligible to buy the same item only once in a four-month period. We use the registration system to track this for you so you don't have to.
  • Only one gift certificate from the same business PER HOUSEHOLD is allowed in each four-month period. We do not have a way to automatically track duplicate purchases within a household; however, if we notice such a purchase, we reserve the right to cancel the purchase and refund the purchase money. Each individual buyer must use his or her own PayPal account for purchases. It's important that participating businesses not be asked to redeem multiple gift certificates from the same person/family at the same time.
  • Gift certificates should be used within 30 days of receipt.
  • Sign-in issues? First, make sure you are registered for Day using the link at the top of this post; Second, if you know you're registered, use the "sign-in" link in this post; do not use the "login" box on the left side of the page.
  • Problems, questions, concerns about the Deal of the Day? Email Lisa Ace:

Easter Bunny hops over to Robert Morris for early visit Friday

By Joanne Beck

The Easter Bunny made an early visit Friday to children at Robert Morris School in Batavia as part of his busy holiday rounds throughout the area. He posed, chatted with, and got hugs from the kids, and saw the creative crafts that the youngsters made, during their afternoon time together. 

Photos submitted by Batavia City School District.

Notre Dame announces retirement of Principal Wade Bianco

By Press Release

Press release:

The Board of Trustees of Notre Dame High School has announced that after eight years of dedicated leadership, Principal Wade Bianco will retire from the school in the summer of 2023.

Bianco retires after over 40 years in education. He joined Notre Dame in 2015.

“Mr. Bianco has dedicated his 40-year career to the success of students,” said James Sutherland, President of The Board of Trustees.  “He led our school with passion and commitment and made countless contributions to the school’s vibrancy and success.” 

Bianco’s many accomplishments have resulted in impacts that will endure well past his retirement and will continue to strengthen the school and community. The Board of Trustees reports the following as just some of the many highlights of Mr. Bianco’s tenure:

  • Continued Notre Dame’s Number 1 ranking in the GLOW Region by Buffalo Business First Magazine, a streak that lasted 18 consecutive years.
  • Continued Notre Dame’s excellent graduation rate and college placement rate.
  • Maintained Notre Dame’s presence by drawing students from across Western New York; enrollment currently includes students from 21 different school districts.
  • Managed the complete renovation of the school campus, including state-of-the-art technology throughout the building.
  • Guided Notre Dame through the COVID pandemic as a school that remained open for in-person instruction every day, allowable by New York State.
  • Oversaw the addition of Notre Dame Junior High (7th and 8th grades), which has been a driving force in the recent increase in enrollment.
  • Developed relationships with major donors that allowed for continued campus improvements, while preserving the Notre Dame High School Endowment.
  • Supported excellence in athletics and fine arts, while continuing the strong Catholic tradition of Notre Dame High School.

“Mr. Bianco will be missed immensely, but his inimitable spirit will continue to inspire the students he served,” said Sutherland.  
A succession planning process will be conducted over the next weeks to help The Board of Trustees identify the best candidate to serve as principal upon Bianco’s retirement. Those qualified individuals with interest in the role can send their resumes to:

Photo: File photo by Steve Ognibene.

Two people suspected of making purchases with stolen credit cards

By Press Release

Press release:

The Batavia Police Department is investigating a larceny that occurred at United Memorial Medical Center on 3/24/2023.  The victim's stolen credit card was used shortly thereafter at our local Target.  The two individuals pictured are the ones suspected of using the stolen credit card.  If anyone has information leading to the identification of these individuals, please contact Officer Andrew Mruczek at (585) 345-6350.  

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered

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