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Batavia man accused of letting wife OD sent to prison

By Howard B. Owens
Makeen Ithna-Asheri

A Batavia man accused of letting his wife die of a drug overdose on New Year's Eve 2021 was sentenced to 2 1/3 to seven years on his manslaughter conviction on Monday.

Makeen Ithna-Asheri, 62, was charged after Anda Ithna-Asheri, 61, was found dead in their apartment at Northside Meadows.

She died of an overdose and Ithna-Asheri did not provide aid.

Their children, ages seven and 10, were present at the time of their mother's death.

District Attorney Kevin Finnell said the sentence was in accordance with a plea deal that was made with Ithna-Asheri in order to spare the children the hardship of testifying at trial.

BOCES, Sheriff's Office partner for speed trailer outside Pavilion school

By Press Release

Press release:

As a grantee of the New York State Department of Health's Creating Healthy Schools and Communities (CHSC) initiative, the Genesee Valley BOCES (GV BOCES) collaborated with multi-sector stakeholders and the community at large in Pavilion to increase roadway safety and active transportation opportunities for users of all ages and abilities.

A CHSC-funded mobile speed trailer was placed near Pavilion Central School to enhance roadway safety and walkability.  The speed limit in this area is 35 mph.  Since installing the mobile speed trailer, the Genesee County Sheriff's Office has been monitoring and collecting data.

Prior to the speed trailer, speeding was a major issue.  The violations hit over 80 mph at times.  The most recent data shows violations dropping below the 50 mph range.  The average speed in June 2022 was 39 mph, and as of October 2022, the average rate of speed is now 30 mph.  

The Town of Pavilion’s Comprehensive Plan articulated an overall vision for Pavilion, and a means to achieve that vision.  This included efforts for the community to gather, celebrate and work together towards common goals, such as revitalizing Hamlet so it continues to be the useful and attractive heart of the town.  Additionally, the plan focused on developing strategies for keeping the community attractive to current residents and desirable for drawing new residents to the community.

Road safety and efficiency for users of all ages and abilities are Pavilion’s primary transportation concerns and are connected to enhancing the community.  NYS Route 19, a north-south, 2-lane arterial and NYS Route 63, an east-west, 2 to 3-lane arterial, intersect in the Hamlet of Pavilion.  Both state routes experience considerable traffic volumes with significant tractor-trailer traffic as these state bypass routes are used to minimize freight travel distance. Safe passing options are limited in the areas just beyond this main intersection, and vehicles often perform illegal and risky maneuvers to circumvent freight traffic.  To compound matters, the elementary and middle/high schools are located a short distance from the intersection. 

In 2021, GV BOCES and the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Genesee Transportation Council, collaborated to facilitate a walkability tour and Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index Assessment with a multi-stakeholder advisory committee consisting of residents, the Town Supervisor, the Superintendent of Schools, the Director of School Transportation, the School Resource Officer, and the New York State Department of Transportation to learn more about roadway safety and walkability near the schools and the Hamlet of Pavilion.  Based on the data collected, an action plan and recommended interventions were developed.  The audit allowed the advisory committee to use multiple data points to identify potential improvements to support roadway safety and promote walkability.  

One data-driven recommendation made by the advisory committee included implementation of speed indicators.  As a result, GV BOCES Creating Healthy Schools and Communities funds supported the purchase of a mobile speed trailer to be deployed at multiple locations near the schools and Hamlet area to improve roadway safety and the quality of the transportation system.  

“Addressing roadway safety issues and enhancing opportunities for pedestrian activity support the vitality and economic development of the Hamlet and the health and wellness of the community.”  Rob LaPoint, Pavilion Town Supervisor

Moving forward, additional opportunities exist for community planning and interventions that increase safe and accessible physical activity to establish a community environment that supports the health and wellness of residents and the economic development of the area.  

“The mobile speed trailer helps to support the moderation of traffic conditions to improve the safety of operations for all roadway users with a particular emphasis on areas near the schools.  The mobile speed trailer has noticeably reduced speeders in front of the school.  While school is not in session, the unit is being used near the fire hall and the little league fields to increase awareness.  It has been a blessing to have the speed trailer added to our community.” Deputy Jeremy McClellan, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and School Resource officer Pavilion CSD.

Cornell extension offers Garden Talk series

By Press Release

Press releases:

Join the Genesee County Master Gardeners for their monthly Garden Talk programs starting February 2, at noon.  Master Gardener Connie B. will be our host for “Hidcote and Hever, two English Gardens of Renown.”  Escape from winter with an armchair adventure touring these two wonderful English Gardens.

March 2 – “Kitchen Gardens” with Master Gardener Kathie W.  Kitchen gardens have been around for as long as humans have lived in communities.  And no, they are not gardens in your kitchen!  Join us to find out a little history, a little design, and what exactly is a kitchen garden, and what can be planted in yours.

April 6 – “Starting a Compost Pile.”  Making your own compost can be a fun and rewarding activity.  There are many advantages to making compost, including a healthier garden and less yard waste going to a landfill.  Come learn with Master Gardener Lori G. how you can easily make your own compost using items from your kitchen, yard, and gardens.

May 4 – Houseplants 101” with Master Gardener Brandie W.  Houseplants aren't a new concept, but lately, they have enjoyed a massive surge in popularity.  Houseplants are a great way to decorate and connect with nature indoors.  Becoming a proud plant parent isn't as hard as you think.  We will go over basic houseplant care, including choosing the right plant, light, watering, fertilizer, when to repot, and more.

June 1 – “A Summer Palette of Native Plants for Monarch Butterflies” is the third Garden Talk with Master Gardener Pam M. that discusses ways you can help the Monarch Butterfly.  Adult monarchs feed on flower nectar and need a tasty buffet as they travel north from their wintering grounds in Mexico.  What flowers, especially native plants, can you grow in your garden from early summer to early fall?  Learn what plants will help provide much-needed nectar corridors for monarchs to travel safely and produce their next generation.

Garden Talk programs start at Noon and can be 30 to 60 minutes long, depending on the topic.  This free series is open to all, but registration is required.  You can attend in person at the CCE office (420 East Main Street, Batavia) or via Zoom.

To attend in person, please contact Mandy at 585-343-3040 x101 or

To register for a Zoom link, visit our Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at  A Zoom link will be sent to your email with your personal link to the event.

Garden Talk programs are recorded and posted to our CCE Genesee YouTube page at  Upcoming Master Gardener events will be posted on the CCE Genesee County website.

“CCE of Genesee County is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.”

Today's Local Deals: Settler's Family Restaurant, Islands, Eden Cafe, and more

By Howard B. Owens

Reminders of how the Deal of the Day program works:

  • To make purchases, you must be registered. Deal of the Day uses a registration system that is not connected to the registration for commenting on The Batavian (the main user login in the upper left of the homepage).
  • Once registered you must sign in using the "sign-in" link in this box.
  • You click on the orange button, which appears if the item is not sold out, and it takes you to a PayPal button. This allows you to pay either with your PayPal account or with a credit card/debit card. The login for PayPal is completely separate from our accounts.
  • The first person to successfully complete the PayPal transaction wins the gift certificate.
  • You are eligible to buy the same item only once in a four-month period. We use the registration system to track this for you so you don't have to.
  • Only one gift certificate from the same business PER HOUSEHOLD is allowed in each four-month period. We do not have a way to automatically track duplicate purchases within a household; however, if we notice such a purchase, we reserve the right to cancel the purchase and refund the purchase money. Each individual buyer must use his or her own PayPal account for purchases. It's important that participating businesses not be asked to redeem multiple gift certificates from the same person/family at the same time.
  • Gift certificates should be used within 30 days of receipt.
  • Sign-in issues? First, make sure you are registered for Day using the link at the top of this post; Second, if you know you're registered, use the "sign-in" link in this post; do not use the "login" box on the left side of the page.
  • Problems, questions, concerns about the Deal of the Day? Email Lisa Ace:

State represenatives react to governor's 2023 State of the State message

By Press Release

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Speaking about issues is certainly different from acting on them. If Gov. Hochul wants change in New York, she will have to offer proposals that don’t just benefit her political base. It is my sincere hope she will work with us to fix their disastrous bail “reform”, resume the elimination of state sales tax on gasoline, and to pass our inflation relief bill that would slash taxes on home heating fuel and groceries.”

“Public safety and affordability of basic items are issues that affect New Yorkers daily. This year, I look forward to seeing whether Gov. Hochul takes strides to work with us in a bipartisan manner for the betterment of all New Yorkers.”

Statement from State Senator George Borrello:

“As we approach a new legislative session and fresh opportunities to steer New York State in a positive direction, there were proposals in the Governor’s State of the State address that sounded promising and others that raised red flags.  

“I was glad to hear Governor Hochul recognize that New York State’s outmigration is a problem we can no longer ignore. Acknowledgement is the first step in fixing any problem. However, the blueprint she outlined won’t stop the exodus. Some crowd-pleasing talking points accompanied a series of proposals that fall short of the change in direction we need..  

“Perhaps the biggest disappointment was her lack of emphasis on public safety. Since our bail and parole laws were turned upside down, crime has spiraled in our cities and communities. While the Governor made vague references to ‘room for improvement’ with regard to the bail law, we need more than a lukewarm fix, particularly with poll after poll finding crime is the number one issue for New Yorkers. This so-called ‘reform’ has been such a disaster, we need to repeal it and start over.  

“I do agree that strengthening our mental health system should be a priority and was encouraged at the investments the Governor promised in expanding inpatient mental health beds, outpatient services and better continuity of care. Proven programs like assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), a.k.a. Kendra’s Law, are tragically underutilized which is why I support legislation that would expand its impact.  

“While we can agree that our state needs more affordable housing, the Governor’s proposal to make local governments responsible for achieving this or risk having the state step in and take over set off alarm bells. Restrictive zoning changes aren’t the only reason affordable housing is in short supply. The state’s overregulated construction industry, high taxes and other state-created obstacles play a role as well and unless changes are made on those issues, we won’t achieve a lasting solution.  

“Our small businesses could be devastated by some of the proposals floated in this address, including the idea of tying the minimum wage to inflation and the Cap and Invest proposal. Another glaring omission was any mention of the state finally taking responsibility for its fraud-fueled $8 billion in unemployment insurance debt, which it has unjustly placed on the shoulders of our employers.” 

“I look forward to receiving more detail on these proposals in the Executive Budget. While we all aspire to restore the ‘New York Dream’ the Governor referenced, we need a fundamental shift in direction to achieve that. Nothing I heard today has convinced me that true, significant change is on the agenda.   

For more on Gov. Kathy Hochul's State of the State message, visit the governor's website.

Tenney lauds new rules package approved by House members

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today issued the following statement after the Rules package for the 118th Congress passed the House by a vote of 220-213. 

“This rules package is the first critical step in making good on our commitment to America. It rolls back the authoritarian policies of Nancy Pelosi and returns power back to the people, where it belongs. The provisions in this rules package will ensure a more transparent, accountable, and effective government. 

 “All legislation should be read and adequately understood before being considered, which is why House rules now require a mandatory 72-hour review period before a bill is voted on. The rules package ends proxy voting, requiring all members of Congress to show up for work just like the American people do each day. 

“Importantly, the rules package also re-establishes a super majority vote for any tax increase. After years of the Democrats’ inflation-fueling tax and spend agenda, this change will return fiscal sanity to Congress. I was honored to support this rules package and am eager to get to work on behalf of the American People.”

  • Some of the best provisions in the Rules package:
  • Eliminates proxy voting; 
  • Requires in-person committee hearings and markups; 
  • Creates a more open and accessible amendment process so the voices and views of Members can be heard; 
  • Enacts a CUTGO rule to ensure there will be spending cuts to offset any increase in mandatory spending; 
  • Requires a supermajority vote for any tax increase
  • Prohibits including instructions to raise the debt limit in a House budget resolution, budget reconciliation instructions, or a Budget Resolution Committee Report; and
  • Includes a single subject requirement to ensure legislation is narrowly focused on the issue at hand.

Ministry of Concern looking for used furniture donations

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern is in great need of gently used furniture donations to be redistributed to those in true need. We pick up and deliver beds and bedding, couches, chairs, tables and electric appliances. We do not distribute incidentals such as wall hangings, TV’s, etc.

Pickup of your no longer needed furniture can be arranged by calling the Ministry’s Furniture Coordinator, Michele, at (585) 589-9210.


Genesee Valley Wind Ensemble to hold its Fall Concert on Jan. 22

By Howard B. Owens

A Genesee Valley Wind Ensemble concert originally scheduled for November has a new performance date: Jan 22.

The concert begins at 4 p.m. at the Oakfield-Alabama Junior/Senior High School.

Conductor Philip J. Briatico will lead the ensemble through a varied program.

  • Ride - Samuel Hazo
  • Into Battle- Christopher B. Taylor
  • The Lion King - Arr. Calvin Custer
  • Foundry - John Mackey
  • Selections from the musical: Chicago - Arr. Ted Ricketts
  • Selections from the musical: Mama Mia - Roy Phillipe
  • National Emblem – E.E. Bagley
  • Toccata for Band - Frank Erickson
  • Children’s March - Percy Grainger

Tickets: Adult, $10; seniors, $8, students, $5, and children five and under are free.  


East Pembroke Fire District announces meeting schedule for 2023

By Legal Notices

East Pembroke Fire District Meeting Schedule for 2023

  • January 10, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • February 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • March 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • April 11, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • May 9, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • June 13, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • July 11, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • August 8, 6 p.m budget workshop
  • August 8, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • September 12, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • October 17, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • October 17, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • November 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • December 5, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • December 12, 6 to 9 p.m. district commissioner vote
  • December 26, 7 p.m. district end-of-year meeting

Initial application for $212M manufacturing project to be considered for STAMP

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) will consider an initial application for incentives from Edwards Vacuum, part of the Atlas Copco Group, for the $212 million first phase of the company’s semiconductor dry pump manufacturing project at the Science Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Park (STAMP) in the town of Alabama, NY. The GCEDC Board of Directors will review and consider the application at its January 12, 2023 meeting.

Edwards Vacuum’s “factory of the future” is being constructed to serve the semiconductor industry and advanced manufacturing sectors and would create approximately 343 new high-paying jobs. The new facility is projected to generate more than $13.4 million in future revenues to the Town of Alabama, Genesee County, Oakfield-Alabama School District and the Alabama Fire Department over 20 years.

“Thanks to Senator Schumer and his leadership in passing the Federal CHIPS and Science Act and New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s advocacy in passing New York's Green CHIPS legislation, we are bringing a ‘factory of the future’ to STAMP now,” said GCEDC President and CEO Steve Hyde.

Atlas Copco USA Holdings Inc. & Subsidiaries (Edwards Vacuum) is requesting sales tax exemptions with estimated savings of $4.34 million and a 20-year property tax abatement with approximately $12.85 million in estimated savings. The project is estimated to generate $644 million in payroll and projected future municipal revenues, a $39 benefit to the local economy for every $1 of public investment.

If the incentives application is accepted, a public hearing will be scheduled on the proposed project agreements in the town of Alabama. The GCEDC Board meeting is Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 4 p.m. at 99 MedTech Drive in Batavia.

2021 File Photo of Sen. Charles Schumer and Steve Hyde, CEO of Genesee County Economic Development Center during an announcement about Edward's Vacuum, by Howard Owens.

Almost Queen kicks off Rockin The Downs summer concert series

By Press Release

Press Release:                     

Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel has announced the lineup for their sixth Rockin’ the Downs concert series, presented by Pepsi, which will take place outside on the racetrack, with eight Friday dates, starting in June and running into August of 2023.  

Kicking off the series on Friday, June 23rd is Almost Queen.  The Ultimate Queen Tribute show delivers a live performance, showcasing signature four part harmonies and intricate musical interludes. Donning genuine costumes, Almost Queen recaptures the live energy and precision that is the Queen experience.  Almost Queen was the first post-pandemic concert to take place at Batavia Downs in June of 2021 and played to a packed house.  Hear hits like We Will Rock You, We Are the Champions and many more.

Next up, on Friday, June 30th, Batavia Downs welcomes back Get the Led Out.  One of the best attended concerts from last year, this group of professional musicians are passionate about their love of the music of Led Zeppelin, making it their mission to bring the studio recordings of the Mighty Zep to life on stage.  Songs performed by the band could include Led Zeppelin hits like Black Dog, Immigrant Song, Stairway to Heaven and many others.

Making his debut on Friday, July 7th is Country Music Artist, Craig Morgan.  Morgan has charted 17 times on the Billboard Country Charts including That's What I Love About Sunday, Almost Home, Redneck Yacht Club, Little Bit of Life, International Harvester, Love Remembers, and Bonfire.  Morgan’s New Album, God, Family, Country has just been released along with his memoir.  Morgan is an Army Veteran and is involved with several Veterans charities, having also been inducted into the U.S. Field Artillery Hall of Fame in 2022.  Opening for Craig Morgan will be Drake White.

Rocking the stage on Friday, July 14th is Heavy Metal Rockers Skid Row. After forming in New Jersey in 1986, the band has performed all over the world with hard guitars and a unique songwriting style.  They’ll be performing their hits; In a Darkened Room, We Are the Damned, Youth Gone Wild, 18 and Life and many more.

On Friday, July 21st, Batavia Downs welcomes back Southern Rock legends The Marshall Tucker Band.  MTB will bring their 40 years of hits to Batavia Downs with hit singles like Heard It In a Love Song, Fire On The Mountain, Can't You See, and Take The Highway, The Marshall Tucker Band earned seven gold and three platinum albums. During the 90's, the MTB scored four hit singles on Billboard's country chart and one on Billboard's gospel chart.

Performing on Friday, July 28th  is the returning Herman’s Hermits starring Peter Noone. Peter Noone is a multi-talented entertainer, who achieved international fame as Herman, lead singer of the legendary Sixties pop band Herman’s Hermits.  His classic hits include: I’m Into Something Good, Mrs. Brown, you’ve Got A Lovely Daughter, I’m Henry VIII, I Am.  The Grass Roots will once again open for Peter Noone.  Last year’s Concert featuring both artists saw one of the largest concert crowds in Batavia Downs History.

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Don Felder, formerly of the Eagles, will perform on Friday, August 4th.  As a renowned former lead guitarist of The Eagles, one of the most popular and influential rock groups of our time, Don has helped write and perform many iconic classics.  His 2008 memoir was a New York Times best seller.  Don will perform solo and Eagles’ hits during his set including Heavy Metal (Takin’ a Ride), Hotel California, Life in the Fast Lane, the Long Run and Tequila Sunrise.

Closing out the series on Friday, August 11th is Mike DelGuidice and the Big Shot Horns. A recording artist, singer and songwriter who is currently on tour with Billy Joel, Mike has wowed audiences across America with his voice and musicianship .  Mike and the Big Shot horns enjoyed a standing ovation after each of their last 5 songs during last year’s concert series.  Mike and his band play all of Billy Joel’s big hits along with other renditions of classic rock songs.

“We are excited to be welcoming new artists and some of the most popular ones from year’s past,” said Henry Wojtaszek, President and CEO for Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel. “We’re appreciative to have Pepsi again as our headline sponsor this year and looking forward to allowing great charities like Make-A-Wish Western New York and Kat Colony Animal Rescue to utilize our events to help raise much needed funds for their organizations.”

Tickets for all eight concerts will be available only at beginning on Wednesday, January 11th at 10 a.m.

Tickets this year will be $15 for General Admission, $30 for VIP, $60 for Premium and $75 for front row seats.  All tickets can be redeemed at Player’s Club at any time in the three days following the concert for $10 Free Play to be used on one of Batavia Downs Gaming’s 950+ gaming machines.

Season Tickets are also back and will also go on sale for General Admission, VIP and Premium Sections.  A Season pass for General Admission will be $100 (a savings of $20) Season Passes for VIP tickets are $200 (a savings of $40). A Premium Season Pass is $400 (a savings of $80).  Season passes may ONLY be purchased online.

Until February 8th, tickets purchased online for the General Admission section will only be $10. Concert goers will still receive $10 in Free Play on show day with this ticket.

Concerts are held Rain or Shine.  Additional information may be found at

Photos: File photos.  Top photo, Almost Queen by Philip Casper; second photo. Get the Led Out, by Howard Owens

BDC director excited to share economic development progress in Batavia

By Joanne Beck

Although the Batavia Development Corporation was established in 1994, Tammy Hathaway has been the new director for just under a year, hired for the position in May of 2022.

She brought with her a passion for finding answers and being inquisitive about the mechanisms of how things work. And since buckling down in her first-floor City Hall office, Hathaway has been learning more about grant programs, housing projects, construction sites, and even mall markets. 

Hathaway was given the spotlight Monday evening to present the nonprofit agency’s activities, projects and benefits to City Council during its conference session at City Hall. The BDC has a number of historical objectives, she said, including to:

  • Improve the quality of life within the city through planning, collaboration, and programming;
  • Encourage retention and development of small businesses;
  • Promote additional and maximum employment opportunities; and
  • Retain and enhance the community’s fiscal base and attract new business.

Hathaway believes that economic development is important because it means private and business investment, job creation, industry diversification, new construction, rehabilitation projects, business retention and expansion, improved quality of life and sustainability and longevity.

With 54 percent of Batavia businesses being run by one to four employees compared to 2.6 percent having 100 or more, there’s one clear fact when it comes to the small business world here, she said.

“We cannot deny that small businesses are a critical component to our economic development,” she said.

Other stats include 10,318 people that are employed in the City of Batavia, 2,500 of which are filled by city residents and 7,818 commute to work in Batavia.

The top four industries here are health care/social services, manufacturing, retail and office work, she said. An important question to ask is, “what do we do that make people want to live here, work here, and play here?” she said.

Diversity of projects may be a good start. Projects such as the Ellicott Station apartment complex on the city’s south side, renovation of the adjacent former Della Penna building for a future restaurant/brewery, renovation and expansion of the GLOW YMCA and Healthy Living campus in downtown, continuous evolving of Harvester Center on the east side, and redevelopment of Creekside property behind the ice rink are five key undertakings in designated brownfield areas being or having been cleaned up and prepared for new ventures.

Hathaway likes to say that it’s about learning about what you don’t know so that the unknowns are known. Once that happens, then action can take place.

Other completed projects include Hunt Real Estate’s purchase and renovation at the corner of Main and Jackson streets, Main St. Pizza Company’s ongoing upper-floor apartment project, and Dr. Neppalli’s overhaul of 99 Main St. for office and apartment space.

Eight projects, which also include the former Carr’s building, Theater 56, Jackson Square and City Centre, were awarded funds from the Downtown Revitalization Initiative, she said, for an estimated total $66 million investment.

“BDC’s dedicated efforts have increased assessed values by almost $10.5 million,” Hathaway said.

Photo of Tammy Hathaway by Howard Owens.

Sponsored Post: Reliant Real Estate: Open House this Saturday

By Lisa Ace

OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY 11am-12:30pm - 6380 Oak Orchard Road, Elba.
 A solid country home! If you are looking for a little land in the country -the kind that is move in ready but you can still make your own with an affordable price tag?? Then here you go! This home sits on over an acre of land, surrounded by fields and pasture views with a new 16x24 back deck to enjoy great nites! This home has 4 bedrooms (including a first floor bedroom, if needed!) There is first floor laundry, sunny and bright kitchen and large open living and dining room floor plan -perfect for large gatherings!! New roof and gutters in 2019 as well as new furnace and central air too!! All new windows on first floor, bathroom redone as well as kitchen. This home is ready for the next person to make it their own! Easy to check out, come see for your self! Call Reliant Real Estate today! Call 344-HOME(4663)

Scott Culp wins Scratch Memorial tournament at Mancuso Bowling Center; LeRoyan Aaron Philp rolls 300 game

By Press Release

Press release from Genesee Region USBC:

Scott Culp of Honeoye Falls successfully climbed the stepladder finals consisting of five former champions to claim the 69th Genesee Region USBC Scratch Memorial Tournament title on Sunday at Mancuso Bowling Center.

The high-revving 44-year-old right-hander, who won the event in 2017, 2018 and 2020, saved his best for last -- rolling a 279 game to defeat Matt Slocum of Perry, who posted 204. Slocum won the tournament in 2007.

The victory was worth $700 for Culp, who has been one of the area's finest league and tournament bowlers for the past two decades. Slocum, who has returned to action this season after suffering a collapsed bicep muscle in his right arm, earned $350.

Culp, qualified in the fourth position for the stepladder finals, and proceeded to defeat Jake Rosenbeck of Medina, 198-190; No. 3 seed Adam Philp of Le Roy, 222-195, and No. 2 seed Kevin Gray Jr. of Warsaw, 245-180, before facing Slocum.

Culp said he didn't think he'd get past the first game of the stepladder finals due to a sore arm.

"My arm started bothering me in the first match, so I backed off a bit -- (releasing it) easier at the bottom," he said. "Bowling on the same pair for the finals, I was able to get lined up and that made it tough for the guys coming in."

He said he used the Storm IQ Tour for most of the tournament -- ending with that ball and the Roto Grip Hyper Solid Pearl in the title match.

Slocum, another powerful righty, said he was happy to be in top form after suffering the injury in the same tournament last year.

"I was able to line up in practice and used the same ball throughout -- the Roto Grip Hectic. Slocum posted a 933 score for the four-game semifinals, edging Gray Jr. by 13 pins for the top seed.

Gray Jr., the 2016 and 2019 champion, won $240, while Philp, who won in 2011, earned $200, and Rosenbeck, the 2021 champion, pocketted $180.

Gray earned an additional $25 for being the overall high qualifier with 1,000 for his four games. Rosenbeck fired 277 in his fourth semifinal game to jump into the finals.

The tournament -- which was contested on a special "Challenge" oil pattern designed by Kegel -- drew 74 entrants over three qualifying squads (two on Saturday and one on Sunday morning). The GRUSBC added $300 to the prize fund.

The top 17 bowlers after qualifying bowled four more games on Sunday afternoon to determine the five finalists.

Medina's Curtis Foss placed sixth, Batavia's Mike Pettinella was seventh and Le Roy's John Lowe was eighth. All won $160.

In ninth through 12th place, each earning $135, were Dave DiSalvo of Mount Morris, Brian Green of Batavia, Aaron Philp of Le Roy and defending champion Devon Leach of Batavia.

In 13th through 17th place were Nick Johnson of Bergen, Hayden Allis of Medina, Dennis Van Duser of Perry, Brady Weber of Perry and Jim Pursel of Batavia. They each won $120.

Aaron Philp had the tournament's high game -- his first USBC-certified 300 game during the opening qualifying round.

For a complete list of the tournament scores, go to

First day of winter meet in decades at Batavia Downs draws record wagering

By Howard B. Owens

It was a good day for harness racing at Batavia Downs on Monday. It was cold.  But it was good.

Don Hoover, director of live racing, said that while patrons mostly huddled inside during the races, the turnout for the first night of winter racing at the Downs, in many decades, was strong.

"If you compare this to like Wednesday nights during the season, or regular racing, we have more people here than a typical Wednesday and people seem to be enjoying it," Hoover said.

And they were betting.

"We're only through eight races (at the time of the interview with The Batavian), but the handle looks good," Hoover said. "I'm being optimistic right now because we still have races to go, but our total handle today could surpass any day of last year. It's possible, but it'll definitely be in the top five."

Hoover's prediction proved correct. Total wagers on for the evening were $257,510. That total was over $20,000 higher than any race card of 2022 and the best overall handle at Batavia Downs since 2019 when betting topped $339,000 during the New York Sire Stakes Night of Champions.

The winter meet came about, he said, because the Western New York Harness Horseman's Association came to Batavia Downs and said the Buffalo Raceway said it wasn't going to hold winter meets any longer. 

"They had a raft of cancellations (due to weather) last year," Hoover said.

After some negotiations, Batavia Downs agreed to host two race events each week in January and February. Assuming drivers and trainers can get to the track on a winter's day, Hoover said he thinks Batavia Downs is well-positioned to host the planned events.

"We have a great track crew," Hoover said."We bought some new equipment. We have a different starting gate if needed. So we're hoping that the preventative measures we've taken will overcome the weather unless, you know, if we have blizzard conditions, nothing can overcome a blizzard."

While Batavia has a bit of an advantage over Buffalo in terms of storm impacts, being further from Lake Erie, many of the race participants have to travel from or through the area to get to Batavia.  That could have an impact on races.

"The first time we canceled in November, we were fine here, but the problem was there was a travel ban," Hoover said. "Many of the horsemen come from the Hamburg area, and there would have been no way for them to get here. Kevin Cummings, Jim Morrill, other drivers are coming from that area, so they couldn't get here. So even though we're not Buffalo, and we think the track will be in better shape, because we won't have as extreme weather, we also have to factor in, 'can the participants get here safely?'"

The 15-day session will run through Feb. 27 and operate on a Monday and Thursday schedule. Post time for each race day is set at 3 p.m. 

Hoover is optimistic this winter meet won't be a one-and-done experiment.

"We have to see how it goes and see if it's worthwhile doing it again," Hoover said. "I mean, we're committed for this year, and then we'll, at the end of February, we'll take a look at it and see how it worked out. But if you were going to ask me today how it's working out, I'd say it's working out great."

See also: Stalbaum steals the show in Batavia Downs winter opener

Photos by Howard Owens. 

Bad to the Bone, winner in the eighth.

Efficiency, equality, emergency response on deck for city police requests during Monday's council meeting

By Joanne Beck

A one-time salary adjustment, three years of increases, an extra holiday, and a $1,500 stipend have been negotiated into the city police contract that was set to expire on March 31, city management says.

City Council approved the new contract during its business meeting Monday at City Hall.

In an effort to retain employees and become more competitive with cities comparable to Batavia, the deal was struck to bump up salaries with a 3 percent increase the first year, followed by a 2.5 percent for each second and third year, Assistant Manager Erik Fix said.

The total budget impact for the three-year deal is an extra $296,220. Fix was pleased with how negotiations went with the Police Benevolent Association union, which will pay increased healthcare premiums of between 15 to 30 percent.

“We both brought a lot of respect to the table,” Fix said.

June 19, a newly declared federal holiday will be added to the department’s holiday schedule, and, while the average pay is currently more comparable to other cities, the top salary is still above Batavia’s pay, he and City Manager Rachael Tabelski said. This new agreement will bring that more in an equitable range, they said.

The $1,500 stipend, considered much the same as a signing bonus, will be a one-time payment to come from American Rescue Plan Act funds doled out as post-COVID relief monies.

Councilman Bob Bialkowski asked if the extra holiday would cause any issues with overtime for officers. Chief Shawn Heubusch said that extra holiday could be paid out to those not wanting to take the day off, or it could be used as a floating holiday. He didn’t promise that overtime wouldn’t be an issue, though he hoped that wouldn’t be the case.

In other police action, City Council approved spending $62,292 to replace firearms — from the Glock 22, 40 calibers to Glock 17, 9 mm -- a projectile that has come "a long way" in accuracy and precision. The department also asked to purchase five AR-15 rifles to ensure that each member of the department will have access to one during a type of crisis active shooter situation, Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp said.

The detective bureau's vehicles are not currently equipped with AR-15s, he said.

"They can go to the Armory to pick one up, but that's not realistic, in my opinion. We want them to have them in their vehicle ... to save lives," Camp said.

Other equipment requests included community speed display signs and street surveillance camera replacement for $20,908 and $99,700, respectively. Such community displays are “great visual reminders and reinforce the speed limits in appropriate areas,” he said, and cameras have been “instrumental in solving cases across the spectrum for the department.”

Tabelski recommended that the council approve a transfer of $100,000 from video lottery terminal funds (a portion of the city’s total from Batavia Downs’ proceeds) to go toward the equipment expense.

Council approved the transfer and purchases during its business meeting.

Photo: Assistant City Manager Erik Fix and City Manager Rachael Tabelski discuss a PBA contract during Monday's conference session at City Hall. Photo by Howard Owens.

No matter whether incoming or outgoing, all are thankful for city service, opportunities

By Joanne Beck

If not for God’s call to become a pastor, Donald Shirk may have been working alongside the men in blue he so proudly served as a police chaplain, he says.

Shirk was honored for that service of 22 years by City Council during its conference session Monday evening at City Hall. The senior pastor at Grace Baptist Church now for 36 years, Shirk was led to a different path, and has embraced his chaplain role as “a great privilege” to work with the men and women police officers at the city station, he said.

“I’ve been so honored to serve along with them in the course of time and to also consider them as friends. And so I just have greatly appreciated that, I also just wanted to say what a tremendous privilege it's been to serve the past and present officers of our community. We have extraordinary men and women in that capacity,” Shirk said. “No one has the kind of front-row seat into the challenges of dealing with the darkness and the brokenness of this world than our law enforcement community. And that can take a toll on you. And it's been my privilege to be able to come alongside them and help remind them of that because law enforcement is God's idea. It comes with his blessing and his comfort and his strength.”

Shirk also gave a nod of confidence to incoming chaplain Zack Dawson and his heartfelt thanks to the City Council for the group’s “tireless work” on behalf of its citizens. Dawson said he was thankful "that I get the opportunity to serve the police and the community in this way and to be a part of helping to better any needs that are here."

"And to be a support to the police officers in the department and then the community members as well," he said. "So I'm just thankful for the opportunity."

A Stakeholder Group report was issued in January 2021 regarding various aspects of the city police department, including the fact that being a law enforcement officer can be extremely stressful and challenging enough to impact the mental wellness of police officers.

Batavia Police Department planned to implement an Officer Wellness Program to support the safety, health (both physical and mental), and wellness of every member of the force with additional resources to help them cope with the acute and long-term trauma of police work and the effects it can have on one’s personal life. Resources such as the Police Chaplain program were to be made available to the members on a confidential basis.

In other recognitions Monday evening, Wade Schwab was presented with a proclamation for his baker's dozen of “dedicated service as a vital member of an emergency response team” since September 2009.

Schwab was “instrumental” not only in training other team members and coordinating resources but as a leader working in the field.

“He served his community with professionalism and compassion,” Councilwoman Kathy Briggs said, reading the proclamation. “In a true spirit of appreciation for over 13 years of selfless, dedicated service to the city of Batavia, the City Council of the City of Batavia does hereby make this proclamation to sincerely thank Wade Schwab for his service to our community and to wish him well.”

He in turn thanked the city for the opportunity, noting that it has been “a very humbling experience.”

Top Photo of Rev. Donald Shirk; incoming police Chaplain Zack Dawson; retiring emergency response team employee Wade Schwab; and City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. presenting the proclamation to Donald Shirk during a City Council meeting Monday evening. Photos by Howard Owens.

Alexander Fire honors its own in return of annual banquet

By Howard B. Owens

Back in October, a woman was hit by a vehicle in Alexander, and the injuries were serious.

Two Alexander firefighters arrived quickly on scene, along with EMS Captain Ryan Hinz.

Hinz said he knew it was bad as soon as he arrived on the scene, but it turned out the firefighters, not necessarily trained as medics, were able to step in and assist. 

The firefighters were Paul Hirsch and Patrick Pietrzykowski.

"And I've got to give a ton of credit to these two guys because, by the time the engine got there, we had done everything we could to the point where, when the ambulance pulled up for Mercy (EMS), we put her in, and they were going," Hinz said. "These two guys gave her the best possible chance that they could have."

Hinz awarded Hirsch and Pietrzykowski certificates of appreciation for their efforts at Saturday's installation and awards banquet for the Alexander Volunteer Fire Department.

Other awards that night included firefighter of the year and the chief's award.  Tim Yaeger, Genesee County's emergency management coordinator, also administered the oath of office to the 2023 officers for Alexander.

The department also held a short service to honor firefighters who have departed. 

2023 Firematic Officers:

  • Paul Hirsch, chief
  • James Burkhardt, deputy chief
  • Dean Hendershott, 1st assistant
  • Sean McPhee, 2nd assistant
  • Thomas Green, 3rd assistant
  • Ryan Hinz, EMS captain
  • Jenn McPhee, EMS lieutenant
  • Anthony Johnson, truck captain
  • Nicholas Yackeren, truck lieutenant
  • Nathan Fix, training captain
  • Matthew Pietrzykowski, training lieutenant
  • Marshall Merle, safety officer
  • John Meier, parade chairman
  • Heidi Richmond, parade co-chairman

Service awards:

25-year members: Thomas Lowe and Tammy Kreutter


  • Brian Anderson - social - 50 years
  • James Bouton - social - 50 years
  • George Buckenmeyer - social - 70 years
  • David Feary Jr - active until 1991 - 40 years
  • Charles Hirsch - active until 1997 - 40 years
  • Arnold Kirch - active until 1991 - 60 years
  • Myron Kirch - active until 1991 - 60 years


  • Martin Hinz - active - 40 years
  • William Hirsch Sr. - active - 60 years
  • Ralph Robbins - active - 50 years

Ryan Hinz was named Firefighter of the Year

Anthony Johnston received the Chief's Award from retiring chief Marshall Merle for 2022.

The department did not hold an installation and awards dinner in 2022, so Nicholas Yackeren received a belated Chief's Award for 2021.

Accident reported at Oak and Richmond, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A car and tractor-trailer accident is reported at Oak and Richmond in the City of Batavia.

Unknown injuries.

City Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 10:11 p.m.: The truck driver has a hand injury. No other injuries.

Reader-submitted photo.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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