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First health care-related GLOW With Your Hands announced for March 24, sponsors sought

By Press Release

Press release:

GLOW Works Inc. is building on the momentum of its annual GLOW With Your Hands manufacturing event with an expansion to serve the healthcare sector with GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare on Friday, March 24, 2023, at Genesee Community College.

“A critical component of the success of that event is the support of sponsorships by companies across the GLOW region to bring hundreds of students to one location for an immersive career exploration experience,” said Karyn Winters, GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare Co-Chair.

“Sponsors are one of the main reasons we have seen so much success with the GLOW With Your Hands manufacturing event, and we are hopeful that healthcare entities will experience similar success by supporting this event,” said Chris Suozzi, GLOW With Your Hands Co-Chair.  “Similar to the manufacturing sector, there is strong demand from healthcare employers to identify the next generation of workers for great careers in Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming counties.”

GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare will provide the healthcare sector with the opportunity to meet and recruit their future workforce. Students will have the opportunity to learn and interact with companies from various sectors of the healthcare industry, including hospitals and health systems and jobs in nursing, mental health, social services and first aid.   They will also engage with local colleges, universities, and secondary and post-secondary training programs to learn about career pathways that will provide a sound return on their investment.

“This is another incredible opportunity for students to learn about good-paying careers in the healthcare sector with companies right here in the GLOW region,” said Angela Grouse, GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare Co-Chair. “Healthcare is a dynamic field and an essential component of the regional economy as evidenced by various expansions and developments across the GLOW area, and the robust training programs for students ready to explore careers in healthcare.”

There are sponsorship opportunities for the March 24 event at the Platinum ($5,000), Gold ($2,500), Silver ($1,000) and Bronze ($500) levels.

For more information about GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare, visit or contact Chris Suozzi

Child sex predator convicted by jury, faces possible life in prison

By Howard B. Owens
Melvin Huntley

A 41-year-old Town of Batavia resident was convicted Tuesday by a jury following a weeklong trial on the majority of counts against him in a child sex abuse case.

Melvin A. Huntley, a Wilkenson Road resident, could spend the rest of his life in prison following his conviction.

There were four victims in the case.

The jury found Huntley guilty of:

  • Five counts of sex abuse in first degree;
  • Two counts of sex abuse in the third degree;
  • Two counts of rape in the first degree;
  • Two counts of predatory sex against a child;
  • Predatory sexual assault;
  • Four counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

Three of the counts are Class A felonies and two are Class B felonies.

Sentencing is scheduled for January 11.  He has been ordered held in the Genesee County Jail without bail pending sentencing.

“We are very gratified by the jury’s verdict, which was made possible by an excellent investigation by the Sheriff’s Department headed up by Investigator Howard Carlson, tremendous victim support by Theresa Roth and the CAC, and most importantly, the courage of the four victims who testified at trial,” said Assistant District Attorney Robert Zickl, who prosecuted the case.

Today's Local Deals: Bourbon and Burger Co., The Coffee Press, Chap's, and more

By Howard B. Owens

Reminders of how the Deal of the Day program works:

  • To make purchases, you must be registered. Deal of the Day uses a registration system that is not connected to the registration for commenting on The Batavian (the main user login in the upper left of the homepage).
  • Once registered you must sign in using the "sign-in" link in this box.
  • You click on the orange button, which appears if the item is not sold out, and it takes you to a PayPal button. This allows you to pay either with your PayPal account or with a credit card/debit card. The login for PayPal is completely separate from our accounts.
  • The first person to successfully complete the PayPal transaction wins the gift certificate.
  • You are eligible to buy the same item only once in a four-month period. We use the registration system to track this for you so you don't have to.
  • Only one gift certificate from the same business PER HOUSEHOLD is allowed in each four-month period. We do not have a way to automatically track duplicate purchases within a household; however, if we notice such a purchase, we reserve the right to cancel the purchase and refund the purchase money. Each individual buyer must use his or her own PayPal account for purchases. It's important that participating businesses not be asked to redeem multiple gift certificates from the same person/family at the same time.
  • Gift certificates should be used within 30 days of receipt.
  • Sign-in issues? First, make sure you are registered for Day using the link at the top of this post; Second, if you know you're registered, use the "sign-in" link in this post; do not use the "login" box on the left side of the page.
  • Problems, questions, concerns about the Deal of the Day? Email Lisa Ace:

GCASA offering training to reverse opioid overdose

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism & Substance Abuse has scheduled in-person and virtual Naloxone & Opioid Overdose Prevention Training sessions into June of next year.

Twelve sessions will take place at The Recovery Station on Clinton Street Road in Batavia and six will be held at GCASA’s Outpatient Clinic in Albion starting in January. Additionally, six virtual training classes are scheduled, beginning Jan. 9.

The dates at The Recovery Station are as follows:

  • Jan. 20, 10 a.m.
  • Feb. 23, 6 p.m.
  • Feb. 17, 10 a.m.
  • Feb. 27, 6 p.m.
  • March 17, 10 a.m.
  • March 27, 6 p.m.
  • April 21, 10 a.m.
  • April 24, 6 p.m.
  • May 19, 10 a.m.
  • May 22, 6 p.m.
  • June 16, 10 a.m.
  • June 26, 6 p.m.

The dates at the Albion Outpatient Clinic are as follows:

  • Jan. 9, 6 p.m.
  • Feb. 13, 6 p.m.
  • March 13, 6 p.m.
  • April 10, 6 p.m.
  • May 8, 6 p.m.
  • June 12, 6 p.m.

Virtual training dates, all at 1 p.m., are Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 13, April 10, May 8 and June 12.

Participants are asked to register in advance by sending an email to or calling 585-815-1883.

Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. Examples of opioids include heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, and morphine.

The GCASA series is partially funded by United Way.

Genesee Chorale performs 'From Star to Star' on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee Chorale performs its annual holiday concert -- From Star to Star -- at 4 p.m. on Saturday at St. James Episcopal Church.

Ric Jones is the director. Janine Fagnan is the associate conductor, and Doug Hanson is the accompanist.

Tickets are $10 and are available at the door or at

St. James is located at 405 East Main St., Batavia.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Millions of lights at Red Osier brighten smiles for children and restaurant's owners

By Howard B. Owens

It's a lot of work, Tim Adams admits, to decorate the Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford. But it's worth it when he sees a kid's face light up to see all of the sparkling colors that are spread around the property.

"We had a customer last night that called the display 'magical,' which is pretty cool," Adams said during Saturday's free Community Christmas event.

He spends five or six weeks putting up the lights each year.  He gets some help, but does most of the work himself. Christmas is his favorite time of year, he said.

"It's nice to see all the kids who enjoy and appreciate the lights, because there's really not a lot of places to go and see something like this," Adams said.

Adams and partner Steve Foster started the annual tradition seven years ago, about the same time the annual light display on Fargo Road was ending its long run as the county's premier Christmas light destination.  Adams and Foster decided the best way to show off their holiday light display was to host a free Community Christmas, which they did this past weekend.

They offered a food trailer, carriage rides, a visit with Santa, and, of course, a chance to walk through and around the light displays provided for free to the community. The holiday tour at the Route 5 restaurant came with some help from the volunteers of Stafford Fire Department.

"We wanted to do something nice for Stafford and our local communities," Adams said.

The tradition actually began about a month before the official season of Santa Claus, Foster said.

"I think what made it right for us, and it happens every year, is on Thanksgiving, we weren't having Thanksgiving dinner until later, and we were out doing Christmas lights, and a van full of kids came through and said, 'Merry Christmas. We love your Christmas lights.' That's why we do it," Foster said.

Red Osier is also once again collecting holiday-time donations. This year the donations are going to Toys for Tots, Western New York Heroes, Little Tots, and the community pantry at St. James Episcopal Church.

Photos by Howard Owens.

O-A cheerleaders looking to lift holiday spirits of veterans at NYS Vets Home

By Howard B. Owens

The Oakfield-Alabama Hornets Cheerleaders are collecting holiday decorations to donate to veterans staying at the New York State Veterans Home in Batavia.

They are accepting donations for any decor as well as holiday craft supplies so that veterans can decorate their rooms, doors, and bulletin boards for the holidays. 

The cheerleaders are also collecting holiday cards written to veterans.

There are donation boxes at the high school or contact cheerleading coach Kate Engle at

Submitted photo.


STOP-DWI program honors poster contest winner, top DWI cops in county

By Howard B. Owens

For the fourth straight year, Zoey Shepard created an award-winning STOP-DWI poster, but this time, the Byron-Bergen senior nabbed the grand prize in the program's annual poster contest.

She received her award Monday from the Genesee County STOP-DWI Advisory Board at Terry Hills.

The board also honored the top cops for the past 12 months -- the officers in Le Roy, Batavia, and the Sheriff's Office with the most DWI arrests and a demonstrated commitment to preserving the safety of Genesee County residents. For Le Roy, Jordan Wolcott, for Batavia, John Gombos, and for the Sheriff's Office, David Moore.

Jordan Wolcott

John Gombos

David Moore


Torch gets passed on for firefighting family and new city chief

By Joanne Beck

Josh Graham’s career path began awhile ago as a kid going on ride-alongs with his firefighting grandpa.

And now, the torch has seemingly been passed on to Jaxon, Graham’s 11-year-old son. Jaxon has regularly accompanied his dad to the Arcade department to clean or roll the hose and other tasks. In other words, “he’s right there with us,” Graham said.

The father-son team intends to be a firefighting duo for some time to come no matter where they are.

“He’s got his Arcade Fire Department jacket. He gets a weekly allowance if he does his chores, and he likes us to put that on Amazon; he’s been ordering medical equipment to build his own EMT bag,” Graham said Tuesday at his office at Batavia City Fire headquarters. “I plan on seeing myself retire from here.”

Graham, a Corfu native now living in Arcade, has been in the fire business for more than 20 years, ever since he volunteered as a firefighter at age 16. He was hired by the city as fire chief, and has been learning his new role for about a month now.

Equipped as an assistant fire chief with Arcade, associate degrees in Strategic Operations Management and in Fire Science and a bachelor's degree in Fire and Emergency Management, Graham reached the rank of Senior Master Sergeant in the military, and  held the position of Deputy Fire Chief with his Reserve Flight.

The 37-year-old was only hesitant about one thing when taking his current administrative position.

“If there was a reservation about taking this position, it was probably that I love riding in that truck on calls. Where I came from, the fire chief and the deputy chief did not respond to calls, unless there was something catastrophic. This position is kind of unique in that I can go to whatever calls I want to go to,” he said. “So even though I'm not riding in the fire truck, I can still respond to the calls. I'm still assisting on the scene and things like that.”

That doesn’t mean he can skimp on administrative duties, and he has been working on paperwork, schedules, new and future hires, trainings, and — tis the season — the city’s annual budget.

City Manager Rachael Tabelski has been knee-deep in the budget process, she said, beginning to meet with department heads to find out what their needs are, and what can and cannot be included in the overall financial plan. For Graham, he is determining what equipment, materials, and other costs will be part of his roughly $4.4 million budget this next year.

“So we're at the very beginning of all that, but the city manager has been great," he said. "And anything that our initial talks, that she and I discussed, and something that we need is justified, she's been very understanding of that stuff. So, there's a balance … it's just finding that balance that allows us to continue to operate efficiently and serve the community while not going crazy.”

Renovations have been slated for the Evans Street station, including at the one bathroom available to the men and women personnel, he said. Work has just been put out for bid, so that’s likely a project that will go into next year.

So what is it about the role of firefighter — and chief — that has drawn him in so deeply?
“I've always wanted to be a firefighter since I was a kid. I just like the thought of helping people. And 9/11 had a lot to do with it as well,” he said. “I was a junior in high school when 9/11 happened … that made me want to serve my country, so I figured I would join the military as a firefighter.”

He, his wife Carrie and Jaxon live in Wyoming County and will continue to do so until Graham has passed his six-month probation period. After that, the family will move to the city, per residency requirements. The new chief is also a state fire instructor, which means teaching classes periodically in his home county.

While much has remained the same when responding to fires and accidents, two things have changed, he said: more lightweight structures that don’t hold up to flames and electric vehicles. EV batteries are "super hot" and can burn for hours. Although he hasn't encountered such a situation here yet, it's something to be aware of and trained for, he said. A typical vehicle fire may use up to 1,000 gallons of water, versus 20,000 to 30,000 for electric vehicle batteries, he said. 

When asked what moments hang with him from being on the job, he first thought about the survivors: to be there and calm them down and help them to get through the incident. He also remembers saving people who were in cardiac arrest — dramatic saves that don’t often happen when people are having heart attacks, he said.

Six new hires and a transfer from Jamestown have meant more training and initiation of personnel. But he doesn’t believe in fixing what isn’t broken, and the city fire department is in great shape, he said.

“When I came in, I saw that they were doing a fantastic job,” he said. “My goal is to maintain the same level of proficiency and level of care that’s been provided for quite some time.”

His induction has been more about meeting people, learning about what and who is at the station, and throughout the city, including Tabelski, the Public Works Department personnel and city police, he said.

To say he’s been busy is an understatement.

“I told someone I think I’ve eaten lunch three times since I started,” he said with an unreluctant smile. “It’s absolutely a lifestyle, for the last 20 years.”

The department is climbing its way back up to full platoons, with an expected total of 36 people in the next year. Retirements, transfers, and — yes, still — COVID issues have bogged down hiring practices for the last couple of years, he said. He's ready to lead.

"I always say I have a servant leadership style," Graham said. "My job is to make sure that everybody that works here has everything they need to do their job, and that would include their morale, it would include the equipment, training, anything that may come up as a hindrance to them being able to do their job and serve the community is something that I need to handle."

In his free time, Graham enjoys hunting deer and turkeys, and camping and riding ATVs with his family.

Photo: Newly appointed City of Batavia Fire Chief Josh Graham at the Evans Street station. Photo by Howard Owens.

Shop With a Cop set for Saturday

By Press Release

Press Release

The Batavia Police Department in collaboration with the Village of LeRoy Police Department and Genesee County Sheriff’s Office will hold the 8th annual “Shop With a Cop” event. The event will take place Saturday, December 10th at the Walmart located at 4133 Veterans Memorial Drive in Batavia. 

Approximately 30 children will be participating in Saturday’s event, and any excess funds raised will be banked towards next year’s event. Each child will have the opportunity to take a photograph with Santa and meet their individual police officer before browsing the store.

“I want to acknowledge the hard work and effort put forth by our officers into organizing this event for the community and in particular Detective James DeFreze who does a tremendous job every year in putting this event together,” Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch said. “We are proud of the efforts of our department to have started this event eight years ago, and by partnering with the Le Roy Police Department and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, this has become a highly anticipated event in the community.”

Donations have been received from Wal-Mart, H.E. Turner & Company, Inc., the Batavia Police Benevolent Association, Civil Service Employee Association (CSEA), Bonarigo and McCutcheon law office, and other members of the community.

Approximately $2,800 has been raised to date.  Those interested in donating can contact Detective James DeFreze at

“On behalf of our department, the Village of LeRoy Police Department and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office we would like to thank Walmart for their generosity and assistance in making this event possible,” Heubusch said.

File Photo of City Police Chief Shawn Heubusch participating in Shop With a Cop in 2021. Photo by Howard Owens.

Esther Leadley receives life-time achievement award

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Interagency Council, Inc. honored Esther Leadley at their monthly meeting on Nov. 16 with their first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award.  The council recognized Esther with a plaque citing “outstanding service and commitment” to the council for 26-plus years.

Leadley began her career in Genesee County in 1985 with Genesee Community College working with displaced homemakers.  From there, Leadley worked as a member of the Genesee County Legislature and the EOP in Geneseo, as well as served on many area boards and councils.  Leadley is currently a board member of Community Action of Orleans and Genesee, as well as a Community Advocate.

North edges South in Karl Marth Cup bowling event

By Mike Pettinella

Sparked by 26-year-old team captain Hayden Allis of Medina, the BBA North team edged the BBA South team, 62-61, Saturday in the 28th edition of the Karl Marth Cup challenge match at Mancuso Bowling Center in Batavia.

The 26-year-old right-hander, one of seven members of the Allis family on the team, averaged 267 for his four games and won the maximum number of points (10.5) in the event, which features competition in Doubles, Singles, Baker Doubles and Baker Team. In Baker matches, bowlers alternate frames.

Allis’ first three games totaled 815, qualifying him for a United States Bowling Congress-certified honor score, and his overall performance resulted in him being named the Scott Wright Memorial Award winner.

The BBA North team now leads the series, 16-12. The tournament began in 1994 and now held in memory of Karl Marth, a Batavia Bowling Association Hall of Famer, who passed away in 2003. It was not held in 2020 due to COVID-19.

The BBA South, which was led by Scott Shields of Batavia who averaged 246 and won eight points, dominated in Doubles before the North rallied to win both the Baker Doubles and Singles. Shields was selected as the Joe Trigilio Memorial Award recipient for his effort.

The outcome came down to the final frame in the Baker Team event, with Jake Rosenbeck of Medina striking out in the 10th frame to lock up the victory for the North. Rosenbeck averaged 232 for his four games.

Other members of the winning team were Alex Allis, Mike Allis, Roger Allis, Scott Allis, Tom Allis, Mike Lavender (who is married to Amy Allis), Dean Cadieux Jr., Tim Talbot, Scott Gibson and Jason Mahnke.

For the South, Geoff Harloff averaged 236, Scott Culp 230 and Matt Balduf 230. Other members were Ed Doody (non-playing captain), Fred Gravanda, Steve O’Dell, Josh Elliott, Mike Johnson, Jim Pursel, Jason Quilliam, Paul Bacon and Paul Spiotta.

Submitted photo. The BBA North team, from left, Roger Allis, Mike Lavender, Jason Mahnke, Hayden Allis, Tim Talbot, Tom Allis, Dean Cadieux Jr., Alex Allis, Mike Allis, Scott Allis, Jake Rosenbeck, Scott Gibson.

Taking health on the road: county health department seeks RV, pursues lead detection efforts

By Joanne Beck

From the study of diseases and visiting people where they're at, to finding families that have been exposed to toxic levels of lead, it would seem that the Health Department of Genesee Orleans is taking health on the road. 

The Health Department would like to set up a mobile clinic to provide various services, such as health checks and vaccines, and had issued a request for proposals. Only one bid came in — for a 25-foot and a 30-foot recreational vehicle from Don Brown Bus Sales, Inc. of Johnstown, Public Health Director Paul Pettit said during Monday’s Human Services meeting. 

Pettit asked that the county reject the bid in lieu of finding something for a smaller price tag.

“We've been working on trying to get a mobile RV in place with some of the COVID money. We could have utilized one of these to do things through all of the last couple years with our testing clinic and also the vaccines,” Pettit said. “Unfortunately, when we put it out, all things came in over our price point. So I'm working with Jeff to modify that and put it back out again, and hopefully get something that's within the budget. So we have to reject this one.”

The bid would have been about $40,000, which is several thousand more than what’s available, he said. When asked for other uses of the mobile van, Pettit pointed to migrant outreach.

“So we do go to the farms and different things, we take it out to different clinical activities in the evening. And it’s available for other departments, essentially a mobile vaccination clinic,” he said. “But if we use it for other purposes, we're also looking to get a sprinter van, and they are in Orleans County. So we'll have different types of approaches and so forth … and to have it available, again for, hopefully, we don't have to use the word pandemic again, but for a similar situation.”

Pettit proposed an inter-municipal agreement for a shared position of director of health promotions and epidemiology coordinator to the current agreement between Genesee and Orleans counties. The annual stipend for shared administrative staff listed in this agreement will increase to $8,500 annually, effective Jan. 1, 2023.

A year from then, effective Jan. 1, 2024, the contract would include a 2 percent cost of living increase. Related expenses to this move are eligible for state aid, the resolution states.

Epidemiology is the study of the presence or absence of diseases, including the frequency and origins of diseases that occur in different groups of people.

Human Services Committee members were also asked for preliminary approval of a grant from the Housing and Urban Development agency to support a lead removal effort in Genesee, Orleans, Livingston and Wyoming counties.

The total grant of $2,455,000 would help minimize hazards, especially from older homes that may contain higher levels of lead in paint.

“So you're dealing with homes with younger kids, typically. We obviously are going to get their blood level tested when they want to do it, and if it's elevated, that's where we get involved. But there's probably a lot of scenarios where these homes just don't have the kids anymore, and you're not getting blood tests,” he said. So the XRF machines (considered the gold standard in lead paint testing) are pretty amazing. And they literally — you could shoot this wall and it can tell you all the layers of paint. They literally can read it right through a textbook. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty amazing.”

The committee agreed to pass the resolution on to the Ways & Means Committee, and then on for a final vote by the Legislature. The $2.455 million grant would be for related lead detection and treatment through December 2026.

Getting a charge out of Batavia Towne Center

By Joanne Beck

At least one question that readers and The Batavian had about the new electric vehicle charging stations on the west side of town has been answered: they are open for business.

Two Teslas were captured in action this weekend at the station on Veterans Memorial Drive in Batavia. Emails and a phone call this past week to Lisa Appelbaum, project developer of Charging Infrastructure, were not returned, nor were emails to Tesla's Press Office returned for comment. 

Photo by Howard Owens.


Batavia Middle School to celebrate centennial this week

By Press Release

Press Release

In celebration of Batavia Middle School’s 100th anniversary, the Batavia City School District is hosting a celebration on Thursday, December 8, at 7:00 PM with a special concert by the Batavia Middle School Band, Orchestra, and Chorus, as well as a presentation of the recently restored historic bells that called students to school more than 150 years ago. 

Construction of the current Batavia Middle School building began in 1922. The building originally housed both junior and senior high school students. The existing Batavia High School building was built in 1961, and 96 Ross Street was officially redesignated Batavia Middle School. 

“We’re proud to be celebrating the 100th anniversary of Batavia Middle School. The history of 96 Ross Street is the foundation of the Batavia City School District. Whether through the old Batavia High School building or the Middle School building we enjoy today, generations of Batavians have passed through these halls,” said Superintendent Jason Smtih. “Batavia Middle School is a jewel in our District, and we can’t wait to see what the next 100 years will bring.” 

Over the last year, Batavia Middle School staff members, in collaboration with Genesee Valley BOCES, worked to restore a pair of historic bells that were once used at 96 Ross Street, then Batavia High School, through 1924.

With support from the Batavia City School District leadership team and in collaboration with our BCSD Maintenence Department and the Genesee Valley BOCES Auto Body Department, the bells have been restored to working condition and will be placed inside the Batavia Middle School auditorium on both sides of the stage. 

“It’s been so rewarding to restore these historic bells to their original beauty and purpose,” said Batavia Middle School Principal Nathan Korzelius. “It truly was a collaborative effort between our BMS team and the wonderful crew of teachers and students at Genesee Valley BOCES. These bells will be displayed proudly and will remind every student who passes through these halls of the history of this wonderful building.” 

The 100-year celebration and presentation of the restored bells will take place in the Batavia Middle School Auditorium (96 Ross Street) on Thursday, December 8, at 7:00 PM. The school’s band, orchestra, and chorus will perform a special arrangement designed especially for this event. The celebration is free and open to the public.

Bartender Challenge serves up $300 for GO Art!

By Joanne Beck

A battle of the publishers this weekend came close to a tie, pitting former Daily News publisher Tom Turnbull against Howard Owens, publisher of The Batavian. The match-up was for GO Art!'s Bartender Challenge, a fundraiser for the Batavia-based  nonprofit.

After about two dozen patrons participated, the total tips were counted: $164 for Turnbull and $159 for Owens. All in good fun, it ended well with a contribution of $323 for Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council. 

Photos by Stephen Ognibene.


Photos: Christmas in the City Parade

By Howard B. Owens

Downtown merchants, through the Business Improvement District, hosted their annual Christmas in the City Parade on Saturday evening.

Photos by Philip Casper.

Cline, Hanks eclipse 800; Fluker, Herold post 300 games

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Region USBC bowlers produced three 300 games and two 800 series during another week of prolific league bowling.

At Mancuso Bowling Center, Middleport left-hander Brian Cline added to his long list of honor scores by finishing with a 300 game for an 815 series in the Mancuso Real Estate Monday Night Doubles League.

Cline's games were 268-247-300, raising his average to 239. According to his list of achievements on the United States Bowling Congress website, he has a remarkable 43 800 series and 63 perfect games since August 2001.

At Rose Garden Bowl in Bergen, Batavia right-hander Tom Fluker notched his 12th USBC-certified 300 game in the Wednesday Men's Handicap League. His games were 204-300-238 for a 742 series.

The previous week, Fluker picked the 4-6-7-10 ("Big Four") to earn a special award from the GRUSBC.

At Legion Lanes in Le Roy, Shayne Herold of Batavia registered his second perfect game in the American Legion Thursday Men's League. The right-hander started with 279 and 300 before struggling in game three for a 737 series. 

And at Oak Orchard Bowl in Albion, Robbie Hanks of Spencerport spun 279-269-256--804 for his fifth USBC-certified 800 series. The son of hall proprietor Randy Hanks, he raised his average to 233.

In the Turnbull Heating Triples League at Mancuso's, Batavian Mike Pettinella finished with 269-277 for a 793 series, upping his average to 230, and in the Wednesday Nite Ladies League, also at Mancuso's, Kim Williams closed with 227 for a 638 series.

For a list of high scores, click on the Pin Points tab at the top of the home page.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered

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