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Alabama has its own Christmas story to tell, and stranded travelers aren't 'home alone'

By Howard B. Owens

This is a story that should be told in black and white, like an old Hollywood screen gem about a Christmas miracle, the small town banding together against adverse conditions, saving a bunch of strangers from some dread uncertain fate as the winds howled and the snow blew on a moonless night.

But you won't find this story on Turner Classic Movies. 

This story doesn't star Jimmy Stewart.

This is the story of the Town of Alabama responding to an unexpected crisis caused by an epic storm, some unplanned turns prompted by current technology and a few broad assumptions travelers made about what to anticipate down the road.

The central characters are Joe Bradt, Brian Kotarski, Craig Alexander, and Bonnie Woodward, along with a supporting cast of rescue crews and of Alabama residents who donated blankets, air mattresses and toys to help about 140 people from all over North America who found themselves stranded in their small town during the most powerful blizzard to hit Western New York since 1977.

Our setting is a wood-framed, two-story building that has provided warmth, comfort, and perhaps a few libations to weary travelers for 182 years. That's why it's still called the Alabama Hotel.

That word hotel might explain why, when motorists found they could go no further in the midst of Winter Storm Elliott, they came to the intersection of Lewiston Road and Alleghany Road seeking shelter.

That's where they found Bradt willing to open the door to all who knocked.

"I would say that 80 percent of the people that walked through the front door, the first question was, 'Do you have any rooms around?' And I'm like, 'We're not really a hotel. We're a restaurant, but come in, let us feed you and let us keep you warm,'" Bradt said.

I'll Be Home for Christmas
Friday was supposed to be a regular work day for Bradt, Alabama Hotel owner Bonnie Woodward, and the rest of the staff, except that it would be the last day before closing for the week for Christmas and New Year's.

Bradt, the restaurant's general manager, got a call from Woodward as he drove to work on Friday morning. She wanted to discuss the forecast. She asked Bradt, "what are your thoughts?"

"I said, 'Man, I don't know. You know, last time, they weren't right about the forecast, but it doesn't sound like they're playing around.'"

For the safety of their employees, Woodward and Bradt decided to keep the doors closed on Friday and reopen as planned on Jan. 4, so Bradt continued on to work and proceed to secure the building and supplies for the planned closure.

When he was done, "I loaded up the Jeep with my Christmas dinner and Bonnie's Christmas dinner, which I was going to drop off at her house, and left here about 12:30. I didn't get a quarter mile up the road, and there was no visibility. The roads were completely covered, and there was already an accident right here. 

"I immediately turned around and said the safest place I can be is here for now. You know, I'll just wait it out here. No sooner did I put the key in the back door and unlock the back door than people were knocking on the front door. That didn't stop for two days."

The weather outside was vicious.  Heavy, lake-effect snow blown around by 35 mph winds with 70 mph gusts. The roads were no place for anybody in any type of vehicle, let alone people unfamiliar with the area in sedans, minivans and luxury SUVs. 

But when the Thruway authority decided to close the I-90 with no plan to direct travelers to safe routes, and Google and Apple proving incapable of warning drivers of hazardous conditions ahead, drivers who plotted Canada into their smartphones did what Siri or Googlebot told them to do: hop on Route 63 or Route 77 and head toward Niagara County.  Right into the worst of the blizzard.

They didn't get far.

Buffeted by high winds and snow moving vertically across their windshields, drivers couldn't see the end of their hoods, let alone the roadway, and motorists became stranded up and down the state highways (if this were a black and white movie, we would mention "hood ornament" and cut to a shiny chrome object weaving through a field of white while trombones honk ominous tones).

Holiday Inn
Some made it on their own as far as Lewiston and Alleghany. Others were brought there by rescue teams or area residents. All of them were a lot better off sheltered from the elements with hot meals and warm blankets.

Shortly after Bradt opened the doors to all who showed up on the restaurant's front porch, he was joined by Brian Kotarski, who lives just a bit more than a mile down the road but thought that as long as his wife and small children had power, they were safe, and he wouldn't necessarily be safe if he tried to make it home, and his friend Joe and all these people at the Alabama Hotel needed help.

Kotarski has no training in the hospitality industry. None. Nada.  He owns a construction company.

"I've never cooked," Kotarski said. "Never. I've always been on the other side of the bar or in the dining room. It was definitely a new experience, you know, cooking on the grill and serving at the bar. You know, I've never done that before."

But he quickly became Bradt's right-hand man.

They were joined by Craig Alexander, the co-owner of Holly Farms, the small grocery store across the street famous for its meat counter.

For the next 48 hours, the three of them led the effort to keep all of the unexpected visitors well nourished.

Bradt said they started off with a buffet of chicken and biscuits because that was something that could be put out quickly and was an easy self-serve meal, giving them time to plan their next move. 

They made chili for dinner, another easy meal.

"We didn't sleep over that whole 48 hours," Bradt said. "When everybody settled down that first night, we dimmed the lights at probably 11 o'clock  and Brian and I walked in the kitchen and were like, 'hey, what's next?' And next is breakfast. And we're like, what do we have? So we started going through the freezer. We pulled 20 pounds of bacon, 20 pounds of sausage, Brian stood over the grill and made 350 pancakes.  When these guys got up between six and seven, we had the buffet set up."

There was no worry about supplies, Bradt said. Not only was the restaurant well stocked, but with Alexander's help, there was a ready pantry of meal ingredients less than 50 yards away.

"He didn't even think twice," Bradt said. "Like, 'what are we going to eat next?' 'Roast beef.' 'I'll be right back,' and he goes next door and comes back with 40 pounds of roast beef. Those guys were a godsend to us."

Alexander is on the quiet side, and when interviewed, he said he was happy to help and "it was a fine Christmas."

It's a Wonderful Life
Everybody that made it to Alabama Hotel signed in so there would be a record of who was safe in case somebody wanted to go looking for them.  Looking at that list, Bradt notes, "there are people from Canada, New Jersey, Niagara Falls, LA, Toronto, Ohio, Delaware; there's a few from Shelby and Oakfield and Lancaster, but 75 percent of the people that were here were from out of the state."

There was never a thought about charging these travelers for lodging, such as it was, or food.

Bradt doesn't have an exact estimate of how much serving all those people, all that food, cost the restaurant. He's told national media outlets -- yes, the Alabama Hotel's Christmas hospitality has become national news -- it cost about $5,000. He said the price is somewhere between $4,000 and $6,000. But who's counting?

The lodging consisted of people pulling chairs together to sleep on, or sleeping on the floor or finding space upstairs.  Families with kids got the somewhat remodeled rooms upstairs, including the ones with a couple of couches.

Blankets and air mattresses came courtesy of a few of the residents in the hamlet.

"One lady down the street, she put on her snowsuit, she grabbed two sleds out of her garage, and she strapped totes and bags of blankets and air mattresses to them," Bradt said. "She literally came with flashlights on her forehead, trudging through the blizzard right up to our front door and was like, 'Here's some supplies.' That continued on for the whole two days. Just random people walking here with supplies."

When travelers didn't have blankets, they grabbed eight-foot long table cloths.

"I've never seen so many people from so many different nationalities in one place," Bradt said. "And all they cared about was each other. There was no politics. There was no arguing. There was no fighting. It was just, 'how do I help the person next to me?'"

Kotarski added, "It's pretty humbling to have that many people, no arguments. If somebody needs something, somebody figured it out."

There were two Canadian families with teenagers who became the bus and wait staff.

"They pitched in as if they knew me and Joe forever," Kotarski said. "They were washing dishes, cleaning up out here. I mean, there was one burden we didn't have to worry about. They catered to everybody. They made coffee the whole time, tea the whole time."

Bradt interjected, "The only time they came to us was to ask, 'where is this? Where is more toilet paper? Where is more coffee?'"

If you've followed the story this far, you may have noticed the meals being prepared were pretty heavy on meat -- chicken and beef. That's our next plot complication. In a group of travelers, not everybody is going to eat animals.

That soon became another problem that solved itself.

"Somebody came up and said, 'We're from Canada, and we're Indian, and we are vegetarians,' Bradt said. "And I'm like, I am not a chef. I'm not sure what to make. So we opened the salad bar. They're saying, 'Hey, what do you have for vegetarian options? And I said, 'What I have is I have a lot of ingredients.' And they were like, 'do you mind if we come back there and cook?'  It was absolutely mindblowing. Mindblowing."

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
When Christmas Eve rolled around, Bradt mentioned to an Alabama resident that they had 10 kids in the group.  Pretty soon, people were showing up with wrapped presents, wrapped toys, so the kids would have something to open on Christmas morning.

Woodward didn't venture from her home during the storm, but Bradt stayed in contact and let her know what was going on, and on Christmas Eve, he wondered what he should do for their patrons.

"I called her at about 4:30, and I said, 'Listen, we've served chicken and biscuits. We've served chili. We've served pizza. We've served wings, breakfasts, roast beef, I mean, you name it, we served it.' I said, 'Well, how do we make Christmas Eve special for 115 people that are here together? And she said, 'I want you to walk out to our walk-in cooler and I want you to take out the 60 pounds of prime rib that is in there. I want you to make a prime rib dinner.'"

So that's what Bradt did.

"We didn't just make prime rib and throw it out there," Bradt said. "We made it special. We served them. I stood right there at the end of the table and carved the prime rib as each person came up, and the first thing they did was stop and take a photograph. Everything we did, there was clapping and excitement, and we just really made the best of it, you know, absolutely made the best of it. It's definitely a Christmas that none of us -- that none of them -- will ever forget."

At about 3:30 in the morning on Christmas Day, Bradt ventured out and could see things were starting to clear up, and he knew that pretty soon it would be time for him and all these people who had bonded over meals at the Alabama Hotel to head home.

In the morning, Bradt started giving people a ride in his Jeep to the travel center, to Oakfield-Alabama, to side roads, wherever their cars were parked. When he dropped them off, they would try to stuff money in his pockets. He would refuse but they would persist.

"I got home and started talking to my family, and I was like, 'oh, yeah,' so I started emptying my pockets out onto the dining room table."

He counted $1,700.

There was another $300 left in the restaurant's tip jar.

"I called Bonnie, and I'm like, 'this isn't my money,' Bradt said. "This money is coming back to the restaurant, and we're gonna find a way to use it. On the way here today, I was thinking, 'You know what, maybe we use some of that money to go out and buy 100 blankets, you know, and set up upstairs so we can be prepared.' Hopefully, we never need them."

Then his thought shifted.

"It's been a very, very humbling, very humbling experience. These are the times when you figure out who your friends are and who's got your back."

And that's how the story ends, it seems, with more than 100 holiday travelers who passed through a small town in Upstate New York on Friday and Saturday to find out that total strangers can be their friends just when they might need them the most.

Photos: Inset photo of Joe Bradt and Brian Kotarski by Howard Owens. All other photos courtesy of Alabama Hotel.

A message left on a social media post by Alabama Hotel.

Photos: Snow along Judge Road, Alabama and Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavian was out in Oakfield and Alabama today for follow-up stories for Winter Storm Elliott (watch for more coverage over the next day or so) and we stopped a few times for storm-related photos along Judge Road (Route 63).

Above, a snow-covered residence at Judge and Wight roads, Alabama.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Rollover accident reported in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A rollover accident is reported at 1081 Lewiston Road, Alabama.

Entrapment reported.

Alabama Fire Dispatched.

UPDATE 2:47 p.m.: Oakfield is assisting with Alabama's call. Town of Batavia to fill-in for Oakfield.  An Oakfield responder also reported a vehicle off the road near Bliss Road.

UPDATE 2:49 p.m.: All occupants are out of the vehicle and in a nearby residence. The vehicle is on its roof.  Traffic control requested. "I've got tons of cars here."

UPDATE 2:52 p.m.: There were three people in the vehicle. One minor injury. All units can continue non-emergency.

County leaders counting blessings in midst of 'wicked storm'

By Howard B. Owens

So far, it might be classified as a Christmas miracle, said County Manager Matt Landers.

With dozens of people trapped in vehicles for hours and cars all around Oakfield and Alabama buried in up to five feet of snow, emergency crews have yet to uncover any fatalities.

County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens said with hours of the storm yet to weather, and emergency responders working around the clock, he's still nervous about people's safety, but he, too, is hoping for a Christmas miracle.

Hens spent all night with County Highway workers running heavy loaders with big plows attached ahead of convoys of search and rescue crews, and he said the situation is the worst he's seen in his life.

"It is frustrating because we knew people really needed to help, and he just couldn't get to him," Hens said. "It seemed like no matter which way we went, whatever road we went down or whatever piece of equipment we took, it just was zero visibility. I mean, you could literally not see past the hood of your own car. Even though we had loaders with huge blades on them, and the Sheriff's were using MRAPs, the military vehicles that they've acquired, and we had tracked vehicles and groomers that are used for snowmobile trails and things like that, you just couldn't see where you're going. It was just extremely frustrating and scary."

Hens said in those conditions -- strong winds, zero visibility, 20 degrees below zero with windchill, a person outside without protective gear couldn't last long.

"You just can't see where you're going," Hens said. "It's disorienting. It's cold. The wind is ripping right through everything you've got on. Like I said, every little hair on your body accumulates ice and snow. If you didn't have goggles on, you're out of luck. The one time I jumped out (of my truck) to put a strap on a truck to pull somebody out, I forgot to put my goggles on, my eyelashes froze together. That was interesting."

While many people have been rescued, there's no way of knowing how many people haven't been rescued, hence the hope for a miracle. 

"I'm still relatively nervous about it because, I mean, there's still a lot of cars that have not been found yet," Hens said. "So there are still people in cars that have been there for a long time. There is the possibility that people got out of their cars and went looking for their own help, to a neighboring house or something like that and like I said, it is so disorienting. If you got out of your car last night, you wouldn't have known that there could have been a house 20 feet from you, and you wouldn't have seen it."

A large number of cars being located after getting stuck on Route 77, Route 63, Ledge Road, Judge Road, etc., have Canadian or out-of-state license plates. That's a factor of the state closing the Thruway and motorists relying on Google or Apple maps.  They got no warning that there was a travel ban in place or that a blizzard was passing over the very routes Google and Apple were suggesting.

"We probably would have had to have dealt with 30 or 40 cars, maybe, of our own people," Landers said. "But now we're having a couple of hundred cars. This is the GPS that was sending everybody right through Route 63, Route 77, right through the heart of the worst of the storm."

Landers said he isn't pointing a finger at the state.  He understands the need to close the Thruway, but there needs to be a better plan, and the state needs to lean on GPS mappers so that the maps do a better job of warning drivers of critically dangerous conditions.

"The solution can't simply be close the Thruway, and now it's a free for all into the small communities like Genesee County, Alabama and Oakfield," Landers said. "So it's something that I have reached out with the state about this morning. And again, it's not to be pointing the finger. It's just a matter that we have to learn from this because this situation was exasperated multiple times over by the fact that we get people from Los Angeles, people from Ohio, people from all over the place going on our back roads."

Hens said he hopes the governor's office will lean on Google to fix its technology.

"A lot of Canadians we talked to last night said, 'I was following my Google Map. I was following my Google Map, and I saw the red lines on the Google Map for traffic, and we just thought it was a traffic jam,'" Hens said. "They didn't know it was a lake effect snow band. And most people have never been in a lake effect snow band, so they didn't even know what it's like."

There are still hundreds of personnel -- volunteers and paid staff -- out on search and rescue missions.

Landers praised their dedication, hard work, and willingness to put their own safety at risk to help others.

He also marveled at all the residents and business owners who have been open to provide food and shelter to stranded travelers.  He said the county's human resources director, Anita Cleveland, took in a family of five overnight after the deputy who rescued them had become stuck in the snow.

Currently, there are 11 warming shelters open, and they are caring for 582 people.

"It's all hands on deck," Landers said.

And it's not over.

While the large lake effect snow band that hovered over Alabama and Oakfield most of the night has moved north, giving rescues some respite to get their work done, it's expected to drive south again, not only passing over those communities again but also into Batavia.

"The band is forecast to slowly move south across the county, I think, beginning about two or three o'clock this afternoon and will be kind of centered around the county, more of a traditional Airport, Batavia, kind of alignment for most of the afternoon and early evening from what the National Weather Service says," Hens said. "With snowfall rates of one to two inches an hour, so I would say from my experience, Darien, Pembroke, Alexander, and Batavia will take the brunt of it from a severity standpoint, and then it'll taper off. It looks like conditions will deteriorate for most of the center part of the county later this afternoon."

With the storm expected to last well into the night and perhaps into Sunday morning, Hens isn't just nervous about the safety of people out on the roads, he's nervous about remaining operations. People are tired and equipment is being heavily used.

"I'm just nervous that we're gonna have equipment breaking," Hens said. "You know, we've been using it pretty heavy now for 24 hours straight in some pretty wicked conditions. ... I'm nervous that someone's gonna get hurt or equipment is gonna get broken, and then we're going to have the band come back through, and we're going to be caught sideways a little bit, but fingers crossed, like Matt said, we need a little bit of a Christmas miracle."

Genesee Snopackers assisting with search and rescue efforts during storm

By Howard B. Owens

Members of the Genesee Snopackers have been out all night and into the morning assisting search and rescue crews locate and rescue stranded motorists in the Alabama and Oakfield areas, Vice President Nate Fix reports.

Fix said he's been working with fellow Snopacker Tony Johnston since about 9 p.m.

They've deployed the Snopackers groomers to assist rescue convoys, which includes two MRAPs from Orleans County and Livingston County along with five Sheriff's patrol vehicles and the Oakfield Fire Department.

"We have successfully rescued over 25 people some would not have made any longer and needed immediate medical attention," Fix said."We covered from the Oakfield Fire Hall to a mile west of Macomber Road, leading the convoy back to Oakfield with rescued people. We then went Route 63 toward Batavia Townline Road, Maple to Ledge Road, and all the way to the Indian Falls Fire Hall where we took more survivors.

When he provided the report, about 30 minutes ago, the crew was back on Ledge Road and moving toward the Tonawanda Indian Reservation. They were on their way to rescue a family of five. 

Photos submitted by Nate Fix.

UPDATE: Johnston and Fix back at the Snopackers garage after 15 hours of search and rescue work.


Accident reported on Lewiston Road, Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A motor vehicle accident with injuries is reported at 1534 Lewiston Road, Alabama. 

One person has a head laceration. 

Alabama Fire is dispatched.

There are reportedly multiple vehicles off the road in the area.

UPDATE 3:10 p.m.: Alabama Fire has the patient at the Fire Hall awaiting Mercy EMS's arrival. 

Grand Jury Report: Child sex abuse case charged

By Howard B. Owens

Kevin T. Kaminski is indicted on two counts of sexual abuse in the first degree and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Kaminski is accused of having sexual contact with a child less than 11 years old in December and with another child less than 11 years old in January.  Both incidents were reported in the Town of Alabama.

Law and Order: Task Force investigation leads to drug dealing arrest at Hutchins Street residence

By Howard B. Owens

Jennifer M. "Miss B" Morton, 38, of Driving Park Avenue, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance 4th, and promoting prison contraband 1st, and Angela R. Bateman, 50, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal nuisance 1st and criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. As the result of a joint investigation by Batavia PD and the Local Drug Task Force, a search warrant was executed on Dec. 5 at a residence on Hutchins Street, Batavia. Morton, currently on probation related to prior drug charges, was allegedly found in possession of 150 bags of cocaine, and during processing, allegedly entered a secured portion of the Genesee County Jail in possession of cocaine. Bateman, on parole from prior drug charges, is accused of maintaining a premises where narcotics were being sold.  Both Morton and Batement were arraigned and ordered held without bail.

Chad W. Main, 41, of Warsaw, is charged with felony driving while ability impaired by drugs, felony aggravated unlicensed operation, two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, obstructing governmental administration, uninspected motor vehicle, unlicensed operator, open alcoholic container, failure to signal, and inadequate plate lamps, and James W. Sherbert, Jr., 49, of Perry, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Sgt. Mathew Clor initiated a traffic stop on Dec. 2 at 12:41 a.m. on Parmelee Road, Le Roy and upon stopping, Main allegedly fled on foot. He was apprehended a short time later by Clor and Deputy David Moore. Sherbert was allegedly found in possession of two controlled substances.  Main was arraigned and released on his own recognizance. Sherber was issued an appearance ticket.

Herbert B. Gennis, 33, of Raymond Avenue, Batavia and Jason W. Whitehead, Jr., 33, of Bank Street, Batavia, are charged with multiple crimes. It's not entirely clear from the Sheriff's Office which charges apply to which defendant. The charges are criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance 5th, criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, criminally using drug paraphernalia 2nd, aggravated unlicensed operation 2nd, operating with an interlock device, and other vehicle and traffic law violations. On Dec. 1 at 7 p,m., deputies Nicholas Chamoun and Kenneth Quackenbush stopped a vehicle on Park Road reportedly driven by Whitehead. Whitehead is accused of driving on a revoked license, without an interlock device, and was in possession of a weapon and narcotics. Gennis was allegedly in possession of narcotics with intent to sell. Whitehead and Gennis were arraigned in Batavia Town Court and released on their own recognizance.

Demetrius W. Richardson, 41, no permanent address, is charged with petit larceny and criminal possession of a forged instrument 1st. Richardson was arrested on three warrants containing four charges of each of the listed charges. He was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail.

James W. Cason, 67, of Batavia, is charged with sex abuse 3rd. Cason is accused of subjecting another person to unwanted sexual contact at a location on Bank Street on Nov. 28 at 3 p.m.  He was arraigned in City Court. An order of protection was issued. He was released on his own recognizance. 

Jeannine M. Mobley, 46, of Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Mobley is accused of stealing from a business on Jackson Street, Batavia, on Sept. 26 at 9 p.m. She was arraigned in City Court on Nov. 28 and released on her own recognizance.

Tonya M. Weber, 38, of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Weber is accused of stealing from a business on East Main Street, Batavia, on Nov. 26 at 3:19 am. She was issued an appearance ticket and released.

Joshua P. Moore, 32, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd and criminal obstruction of breathing. Moore was arrested following the report of a disturbance at 1:35 a.m. on Nov. 24 at a location on Chase Parkway, Batavia. He was arraigned in City Court and released on his own recognizance.

Julie R. Richardson, 31, no permanent address, is charged with grand larceny 4th. Richardson is accused of stealing a credit card from a parked car outside a business on East Main Street in Batavia on Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Richardson was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail. Richardson is also charged with petit larceny. On Nov. 11 at 10:50 p.m., Richardson is accused of stealing items from vehicles at a business on East Main Street, Batavia. 

Christopher P. Robinson, 24, of Amherst, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Robinson was stopped at 2:49 p.m. on Nov. 21 at Batavia City Centre by a Batavia patrol officer. He was ordered to appear in City Court on Nov. 30.

Shyanna M. Williams, 19, of Hamburg, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd and criminal contempt 1st. Williams is accused of violating a stay-away order of protection by contacting the protected party via text message multiple times over several days in November. Williams was arraigned in City Court and released under supervision.

Colleen A. Wisniewski, 28, of Middlebury, is charged with petit larceny. Wisniewski is accused of shoplifting from a store on West Main Street at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 26. She was released on an appearance ticket.

Charles R. Brown, 47, of Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Brown is accused of violating an order of protection on Nov. 14 at 5 a.m. by talking with the protected party. He was ordered to appear in City Court on Dec. 6.

Kaitlyn Nicole Brooks, 30, of Shelly Road, Livonia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, aggravated unlicensed operation 3rd, unlicensed driver, and inadequate headlights. Brooks was stopped at 6:58 p.m. on Nov. 27 on Ellicott Street Road, Bethany, by Deputy Zachary Hoy. She was allegedly found in possession of Fentanyl. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Joseph P. Gerwitz, 24, of Central Avenue, Lancaster, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, and moving from lane unsafely. At 4:55 a.m. on Dec. 3, Deputy Jacob Kipler and Deputy Alexander Hadsall were dispatched to Alleghany Road in Alabama to investigate a report of a vehicle parked roadside. When they arrived, they found a vehicle that had crashed into a road sign and the driver was unresponsive at the wheel. Gerwitz was arrested and transported to the Genesee County Jail for processing. He was released on appearance tickets.

David John Conrad, 34, of West Ivy Street, East Rochester, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Conrad is accused of violating an order of protection at 8:40 a.m. on Nov. 23 at a location on South Lake Road, Pembroke. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Michael J. Fazio, age not released, of Walworth, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property 4th and petit larceny. Fazio is accused of using a stolen credit card to make purchases at the Kwik Fill in Le Roy in August. Fazio was arraigned in Le Roy Town Court on Dec. 6 and ordered held without bail. He is currently incarcerated in the Wayne County Jail on unrelated charges.

Kevin Wayne Howard, 23, of Lake Street, Le Roy, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs. Howard was located during a property check at the Kwik Fill gas station in Le Roy at 2:37 a.m. on Nov. 28 and taken into custody. He was issued an appearance ticket.

James Junior Santiago, Jr., 43, of Hundremark Road, Elba, is charged with bail jumping 2nd. James is accused of failure to appear in County Court on Jan. 16 after being released from custody on felony charges. James was arraigned and ordered held.

Joseph David Krug, 28, of Somerset Lane, Victor, is charged with bail jumping 2nd. Krug is accused of failing to appear in Batavia Town Court on May 24 after being released on felony charges. He was arraigned and ordered held.

Beth Ann Jeffres, 40, no permanent address, is charged with bail jumping 1st. Jeffres is accused of failure to appear in County Court on Oct. 21 after being released on a Class B felony charge. Jeffres was arraigned in County Court and ordered held.

Carl Thomas Amesbury, 30, of School Street, Batavia, is charged with bail jumping 1st and bail jumping 3rd. Amesbury is accused of failure to appear in County Court on Sept. 29 after being released on a Class B felony charge and in Stafford Court on Oct. 13 on another charge. Amesbury was arraigned in County Court and ordered held.

Donald Brown, 48, of Loomis Street Rochester, is charged with bail jumping 2nd. Brown is accused of failure to appear in County Court on March 9 after being released on a felony charge. Brown was arraigned in County Court and ordered held.

Erik Robert Motquin, 40, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with bail 3rd. Motquin is accused of failure to appear in Batavia Town Court on Sept. 13 after being released on a criminal charge. He was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Shana C. Dugar, 31, of Hawley Avenue, Syracuse, is charged with bail jumping 2nd. Dugar is accused of failure to appear in Batavia Town Court on Aug. 30 after being released on a criminal charge. Dugar was arraigned in Batavia Town Court and released on her own recognizance.

Jada Imari Smith, 21, of Mourning Dove Road, Niagara Falls, is charged with criminal trespass 2nd. On Dec. 3 at 8:58 p.m., Smith was located on Genesee Community College property after previously being told she wasn't allowed on the property. She was released on an appearance ticket.

Bryan Paul Bartha, 61, of Boyce Road, Corfu, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, moving from lane unsafely, and leaving the scene of a property damage accident.  Bartha is accused of driving a vehicle that struck a utility pole on Boyce Road, Pembroke, at 6:30 p.m., June 27. He was arrested following an investigation on Dec. 7 and issued an appearance ticket.

Keith P. McNaughton, 24, of West Seneca, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs. McNaughton was stopped by State Police at 1:30 a.m. on Dec. 6 and issued an appearance ticket. 

Shawnna L. Lamont, 33, of Perry, is charged with petit larceny. Lamont is accused of shoplifting $19.45 in merchandise at the Dollar General store on Big Tree Road in the Town of Pavilion at 7:50 p.m. on Dec. 3 and was arrested by State Police. She was issued an appearance ticket.

A two-car MVA with leg injury reported in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car motor vehicle accident has been reported at Route 77 and Ledge Road, Alabama.

A person reportedly has a leg injury.

Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

Lunch in Alabama to feature speaker on Stop the Bleed

By Press Release

Press release:

Our group gets together the third Tuesday of each month for lunch at the South Alabama Firehall (Bring a dish to pass) from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and is followed by a speaker or an event. 

Our October program is Stop the Bleed, which is a very worthwhile program sponsored by the Alabama Fire Department. 

Participants will be instructed on how and where to put pressure on a major bleeding wound.  A person can bleed to death in 5 mins or less and most emergency responders can not get to you in that short period of time.  So, it is very important to train the bystanders, who are usually first  on the scene, on how to stop the bleed until emergency people can take over. 

You can save a life with this knowledge. 

Please come and bring a dish-to-pass and immediately following lunch join the Alabama Fire Department to learn all about the Stop the Bleed Program!

Co -Chairpersons:  Michael Hamm and LaNora Thompson     Contact Person:  LaNora Thompson (cell):  (630) 888-8966

Our Bus Trip:  November 2-3, 2022 Lancaster, PA to Sights and Sounds to see “David”, is SOLD OUT.  If any questions, please contact Jane Glor (585) 948-3066


Law and Order: Two people charged in fire started at newly opened smoke shop on reservation

By Howard B. Owens

Brandi L. Reuben, 26, and Garrett S. Porter (no residences provided), are charged with arson 3rd, criminal mischief, and conspiracy 5th. Reuben and Porter are accused of starting a fire at a newly opened location of a smoke shop at 368 Martin Road, Alabama on Sept. 29 at 10:38 p.m. The pair was arrested following an investigation by Deputy David Moore.  Reuben and Porter were arraigned in Town of Alabama Court and are scheduled to appear again on Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. (Previously: Judge gives Tonawanda resident a chance to put his past behind him)

Gerald Kenneth Freeman, 70, of South Spruce Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny of a motor vehicle. Freeman is accused of stealing a Ford water truck from the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Oct. 4 at 7:43 p.m. Freeman was released on an appearance ticket.

Rufus Garrett Johnson, 29, of Park Way, Chili, is charged with burglary 3rd and petit larceny.  Johnson is accused of going to Walmart in Batavia after previously being banned from the property with the intention to shoplift and of stealing merchandise on Oct. 8 at 10:07 a.m. He was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and ordered to return on Oct. 26.

Matthew Jacob Zon, 41 of East Main Street, Byron, is charged with criminal contempt 1st.  Zon is accused of violating a full stay-away order of protection on Oct. 9 at 6:18 p.m. at a location on East Main Street, Byron.

Christina M. Sanchez-Anderson, 34, of Bergen, is charged with obstruction of governmental administration 2nd. Sanchez-Anderson is accused of leading police officers on a brief foot pursuit after being stopped on warrants on Oct. 4 at 3:36 p.m. on Main Street, Batavia. Sanchez-Anderson was released on an appearance ticket and held at the Genesee County Jail on her warrants.

Tammy L. Cicatello, 52, of Batavia, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs and uninspected motor vehicle. Cicatello was arrested on Oct. 1. She was stopped by a Batavia city patrol officer on July 30 at 5:34 p.m. on Mix Place, Batavia. She allegedly failed a field sobriety test. She was released on appearance tickets.

Marcia R. Goodenbery, 70, of Batavia, is accused of DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Goodenbery was stopped on Sept. 28 at 7:57 p.m. on Court Street, Batavia, by a Batavia city patrol officer. She was allegedly observed appearing intoxicated at a local business and returning to her vehicle. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Judge gives Tonawanda resident a chance to put his past behind him

By Howard B. Owens

Not too many criminal defendants have good things to say about the prosecutors who came down on them hard and recommended they be locked away for as long as possible. 

Isaac D. Abrams has only good things to say about Melissa Lightcap Cianfrini.

"She isn't God but she's right up next to him," Abrams said Thursday from inside a smokeshop he's opening on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation. "She's up there. She's a force to be reckoned with. Don't (expletive) with her."

Cianfrini was the first assistant district attorney in early 2018 when Abrams was sent to prison as a 17-year-old for one-and-a-third to four years for making terroristic threats. That conviction has now been expunged, but Abrams had a track record at the time, as Cianfrini noted back then, that indicated he was a young man out of control.

In arguing against any kind of leniency for Abrams, Cianfrini told then County Court Judge Charles Zambito that Abrams had engaged in increasingly violent acts, shown a disregard for authority and human life, and violated his release under supervision contract numerous times.

"He's a high risk to the community," said Cianfrini, who is now the County Court judge. "Look at his statements. He seriously minimizes his conduct. He said that he gave people something to talk about at dinner. This is not somebody expressing remorse."

Abrams said he has no bitterness toward Cianfrini.  She was doing her job, and in doing her job, she put him in a position that forced him to look at the world differently.

"What she put me through," he said, "I honestly feel that if I hadn't gone through that, I would still be a bad little shit just like everybody else. I had an eye-opener. She gave me an eye-opener."

And life in prison isn't something he wants to repeat.

"I went through horrible experiences," Abrams said. "I have scars on my eyebrows now that are permanent. I have stab wounds on my back and on my shoulders. I went from prison to prison. It was a horrible, horrible experience."

Not that getting his life straightened out has been easy for Abrams.  He's had setbacks. He's made mistakes. He's had people set up roadblocks. But he says he's determined to be a successful businessman, to become wealthy, and at age 22, to be an example for younger kids on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation that success is possible and you can overcome life's errors.

He was in court on Wednesday, standing before Cianfrini on an attempted burglary conviction, prepared for the worst because of one of the mistakes he's made while on his path toward redemption (he carried to court a plastic grocery bag filled with toiletries and personal items in case he was sent back to prison).

The possibility of going back to prison
In August, Abrams admitted to attempted burglary in the second degree. The incident involved Abrams entering the residence of a man identified as his mother's boyfriend on Dec. 29 after the boyfriend reportedly abused her.

First Assistant District Attorney Joseph Robinson, on Wednesday, was just as certain as Cianfrini was in 2018, that Abrams deserved no leniency in sentencing.

The 2018 felony conviction was off limits for Robinson to cite since the record is sealed, but Robinson had plenty of material to draw from to try and make the case that Abrams deserved prison time.  He said Abrams has a history of misconduct going back to high school, that he had violated terms of a conditional discharge on another conviction, and that he had faced a criminal contempt charge in Erie County.

"Mr. Abrams is not a good fit for a community-based, probationary sentence," Robinson told Cianfrini. "He enters the house of another person and then strikes the victim and claims it was in defense of his mother because of prior abuse. He took the action of judge, jury and executioner. That is not the way society works."

Robinson recommended four years in prison (the statutory range on the conviction is 2-7 years) and three years post-release supervision (parole).

Defense Attorney Fred Rarick offered a very different take on his client's prospects for complying with the terms of a probationary sentence. He noted that Abrams has been in full compliance with the terms of his release-under-supervision contract while awaiting sentencing, that his client had been diagnosed with mental health issues that had never been treated, and that his client understands that he mishandled the situation in December that led to his arrest.

Rarick said his client's relationship with his father is non-existent, and when mental health treatment was recommended for Abrams as a teenager, his mother decided the trip to counseling was too far to drive, so Abrams never got the help he needed.

He said Abrams had previously witnessed his mother being abused and on the night of this incident, his mother, instead of calling the police, called her son to say she had been abused. Rarick suggested that she knew her son, who has anger management issues, would take matters into his own hands.

She should have called the police, Rarick said.

But once she called Abrams, the young man should have called police, he said.

Sending Abrams to prison, Rarick said, would disrupt the positive path the young man has been on -- a year ago, he opened a small smoke shop on the reservation and was getting ready to open a second.

When it was his turn to talk, Abrams told Cianfrini, "when I first met you, I didn't really like you. But then I went to prison and I realized you did a lot for me. You changed me. You changed the way I talk. You changed the way I walk." 

He said he wanted to lead the younger generation on the reservation out of trouble.

"I'm a changed man from when you first met me," he said.

He said he felt like he had let her down and that he understood if she was disappointed in him.

"I promise I will never be in a situation like this again," Abrams said.  "If something like this happens again, I'm calling 9-1-1.  I promise."

Call 9-1-1
That promise was put to the test on Thursday night.

On Thursday afternoon, a new pre-built building was delivered to 368 Martin Road in Basom, the site of Abram's new smokeshop and dispensary.

Shortly after he opened the doors for the first time, he met with The Batavian and discussed his future plans.

That night, at about 10:45 p.m., the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to 368 Martin Road.  The Batavian sent a text message to Abrams, who responded that he had already been told of the fire by a family member, was on his way to the shop, and that he had called the police to report the crime.

As he promised Cianfrini, rather than get mad, he called 9-1-1.

The fire burned itself out before fire crews arrived on scene.  The fire was intentionally set, a fire investigator said, at the base of the building by the front door.  It caused some minor heat damage to the metal plates at the base of the door.  A Sheriff's deputy opened a criminal investigation.

Earlier in the day, Abrams said that many people on the reservation encourage him and are happy to see him turning his life around.  Others, he said, want to pull him back down.

When asked why he thought anybody would try to torch his new building, he said, "jealousy."

"This would  be the bad crowd," he said, "like the alcoholics, the drunks, the ones who like to stay out all night."

Rather than prison, an opportunity
Earlier in the day, Abrams was full of enthusiasm for his new business.

With only a few cartons of cigarettes and some jars of marijuana in the new building, Abrams said it was just a start.  He is funding the venture with profits from the Weeping Willow, his first smokeshop on Purdy Road.  

On his small plot of land, Abrams cleared trees and put down gravel.  As a reporter looked on, the excited young man paced off his expansion plans -- where the handicap-accessible ramp will go, leading to double doors and windows, and shelves filled with product.  Abrams sees it all in his mind.

"My dreams are progressing every day as every day I’m one step farther into becoming a new man, a man in new business and a man of new character," Abrams said. "My dreams and goals for the shop are just to succeed in an all-around aspect so I can help my customers, friends, and family succeed around me, too. I really would like for the business to succeed. It took a lot of community members to get this far, and a lot of trust, so there’s no going back now all I can say now is 'Hi. My name is Isaac Abrams. How may I help you and be at your service.'"

The fire, he said later, was a momentary setback, but just financially, not "mentally or spiritually, and tomorrow is a new day with lots of potential."

Abrams is getting the chance to pursue his dreams because the person who took a dim view of the young man's future in 2018 is now persuaded that he deserves a shot at building something better for himself.

On Wednesday, after Robinson, Rarick, and Abrams all spoke, Judge Cianfrini said she needed a few minutes to research something and adjourned the court.

When she returned from chambers, she asked Abrams whether, if given the opportunity to go through Mental Health Court -- which would mean no prison time if he successfully completes the program -- would he commit himself to follow through and do what he needed to do.

A beaming Abrams said he would. He turned around so he was speaking to the whole court and said, "if anybody was here and saw me here before, I'm a changed man.  I promise you I'm not the same person you saw here before."

Cianfrini explained that Abrams will be screened for Mental Health Court to ensure he's a good candidate for the program, and once the screening is done, she can place him in the program.

Embracing what Abrams said about being an example to younger people on the reservation, she told him he had a chance to show a younger generation that the justice system is a place to "get help and rehabilitation and that it's not just for punishment."

Robinson told Cianfrini that he wanted to place on the record his objection to giving Abrams an opportunity to go to Mental Health Court.

Inside his new shop on Thursday, Abrams was nothing but grateful to Cianfrini.

"She honestly changed my life around.  I thank her for helping me. She did a lot.  Honestly, I wouldn't be here in these shoes.  I wouldn't be free today," he said. "I wouldn't be thinking clearly. I would have done none of that. I would have nothing.  I'd probably still be that broken little shit."

Photos by Howard Owens. Top photo, Isaac Abrams outside his new smokeshop.  Inset photo, file photo of Melissa Cianfrini in 2018 at a press conference on an unrelated case.

GOP in Alabama looking for Town Justice candidate

By Press Release

Press release:

The Town of Alabama Republican Committee is seeking candidates for recommendations to the Town of Alabama Board. The following positions are open. Town Justice, Town Assessor and the Assessment Review Board. Please send your letter of interest to Earl LaGrou 7420 Macomber Road, Oakfield, NY 14125. Please submit no later than Oct. 7. If you have any questions, you may call Earl LaGrou at (716) 912.8195 or send an email to

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of fighting with deputies following traffic stop

By Howard B. Owens

Kyle John Stack, 36, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest, obstruction of governmental administration, and aggravated unlicensed operation 3rd. Stack was stopped on Sept. 15 at 6:15 p.m on West Main Street, City of Batavia, by Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush for an alleged traffic infraction. Stack reportedly fled on foot and fought deputies when caught.  He was allegedly found in possession of a controlled substance. Stack was released on an appearance ticket.

(name redacted upon request), 19, of Batavia, is charged with strangulation 2nd, assault 3rd and petit larceny. xxxx is accused of assaulting a person in a parking lot on Cedar Street on Aug. 29 at 6:26 p.m. xxxxx was arraigned in City Court and ordered to return at 1 p.m. Sept. 14.

  Amber Turner xxxx

Amber L. Turner, 29, of Batavia, is charged with burglary 3rd and petit larceny, and in separate incidents, charged with two counts each of criminal possession of a forged instrument 2nd and petit larceny. Turner is accused of entering a business on Pearl Street, Batavia, on Aug. 23 at midnight with the intention of stealing from the location.  Turner is also accused of giving a person a forged check on Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. at a location on Pearl Street in exchange for money.  She is accused of presenting a forged check in exchange for money on Aug. 14 at 1:44 p.m. at a location on South Main Street, Batavia.

Timmy J. Frazier, 65, no permanent address, is charged with harassment 2nd, trespass and resisting arrest. Frazier is accused of trespassing at a local business on Sept. 10 at 12:18 a.m. When officers attempted to arrest him, he allegedly resisted and attempted to strike an officer.  He was issued an appearance ticket.

Thomas Michael Tacito, 62, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief 4th.  Tacito is accused of throwing a rock through a window On Sept. 14 at 1:45 a.m. at a location on West Main Street Road, Batavia. He was ordered to appear in Batavia Town Court on Sept. 27.

Anthony D. Rossi, 42, of Alfonso Drive, Greece, is charged with burglary 3rd and criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Rossi is accused of entering a shed attached to a residence on Oak Orchard Road, Elba, on Sept. 14 at 4:27 p.m. with the intent to commit a crime inside the structure. He was allegedly found in possession of crack cocaine at the time of his arrest. He was processed at the Genesee County Jail, arraigned in Town of Batavia Court, and ordered to return to Elba Town Court on Sept. 27.

Calvin Paul Doctor, 33, of Mitten Lane, Alabama, is charged with two counts of menacing 2nd. Doctor was arrested on a warrant stemming from an incident reported at 11 p.m., Sept. 12.  He was arraigned in Alabama Town Court and released on his own recognizance. 

Carlo Robert D'Angelo, 43, River Road, Pavilion, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. D'Angelo was taken into custody on a Federal arrest warrant and allegedly found in possession of methamphetamine at the time of his arrest on Sept 17 at 11:30 p.m. at a location on Park Road, Batavia.

Matthew S. Williams, 34, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd and resisting arrest. Williams allegedly resisted and fled on Sept. 15 at 10:41 a.m. when Batavia patrol officers attempted to detain him on pending warrants. He was taken into custody after a short foot pursuit. He was turned over to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office on pending warrants. After processing at the jail, he was released and allegedly threw a cup of juice at a Batavia police officer leading the harassment charge. Williams was also arrested by State Police and charged with criminal contempt stemming from an incident reported on March 24 at 2:10 p.m. in the Town of Elba. He was released on his own recognizance on that arrest.

Nicole K. Dell, 36, of Warsaw, is charged with DWI/drugs, aggravated unlicensed operation, and inadequate lights. Dell was stopped on May 23 at 2:09 p.m. by a Batavia patrol officer on Ellicott Street Road, Batavia. She was arrested on Sept 13 and issued an appearance ticket.

Jamie S. Kraft, 37, no residence provided, is charged with obstruction of governmental administration, aggravated harassment and falsely reporting an incident. Kraft is accused of making numerous false reports and threatening phone calls to the Emergency Dispatch Center between Sept. 12 and Sept. 13.  Kraft was released on an appearance ticket.

Dylan J. Wilson, 26, of Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, and moving from lane unsafely. Wilson was stopped on Sept. 11 at 2:44 a.m. on West Main Street, Batavia, by a Batavia patrol officer.  Wilson was issued an appearance ticket.

Christina L. Holley, 19, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Holley is accused of striking another person during an argument on Sept. 10 at 3:28 p.m. at a location on Swan Street, Batavia. Holley was released on an appearance ticket.

Jarrod K. Fotiathis, 27, no permanent address, and Julie R. Richardson, 31, no permanent address, are charged with criminal trespass. Fotiathis and Richardson are accused of trespassing inside an abandoned residence.  They were issued an appearance ticket and released.

Cameron A. Coles, 29, of Batavia, is charged with Criminal Contempt 1st and Harassment 2nd. Coles is accused of threatening another person in violation of an order of protection on Aug. 26 at midnight at a location on Lincoln Avenue. Coles was arraigned in City Court and released under supervision.

Jamie L. Broadbent, 39, no permanent address, is charged with grand larceny 4th. Broadbent is accused of stealing an E-bike on Sept. 8 at 6:45 p.m. at a location on Bank Street, Batavia. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Ericc P. Doleman, 52, of Pembroke, is charged with burglary 3rd and petit larceny. Doleman is accused of entering a business and taking a packet from inside the business on Aug. 22 at 1:09 a.m.  Doleman was arraigned in City Court and ordered to return at a later date.

Matthew R. Taylor, 39, no permanent address, is charged with burglary 3rd and petit larceny. Taylor is accused of entering a business on West Main Street, Batavia on Sept. 12 at 9:43 p.m. and stealing alcohol. He was arraigned in City Court and released.

Aaron T. Hendershot, 26 of Batavia (he is also listed as an Auburn resident), is charged with criminal mischief 3rd, obstructing governmental administration, criminal contempt 2nd, criminal trespass 2nd, and criminal mischief 2nd. Hendershot was arrested three times. He is accused of damaging property during a dispute on Ellsworth Avenue on Sept. 10 at 9:45 p.m. He was arrested again on criminal contempt and trespass changes for an incident reported on Sept. 11 at 7:57 p.m. at a location on Ellsworth Avenue. He is also accused of kicking both rear doors of a patrol car resulting in significant damage on Sept .11 at 8:39 a.m. On the criminal contempt charge, Hendershot was ordered held on bail.

Leonard E. Aguayo, 35, of Rochester, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Aguayo was arrested by State Police for an alleged incident reported on Sept. 17 at 6:47 p.m. in the Town of Batavia. Aguayo was issued an appearance ticket. No further details released.

Sugeiry Vazquez, 33, of Rochester, is charged with bail jumping 2nd. The charge is out of the Town of Batavia. He was arrested by State Police on Sept. 17 at 2:30 a.m. in the Town of Cheektowaga and ordered held on bail. No further details released.

Matthew J. Dahl, 30, of Pavilion, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Dahl was stopped by State Police on Sept. 14 at 7:44 p.m. in the Town of Alexander. He was released on an appearance ticket.

Head-on collision reported in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A head-on, two-vehicle collision, believed to be with injuries, is reported at Bloomingdale Road and Purdy Road, Alabama.

Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

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