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Hunter reportedly suffers a broken leg on Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge

By Howard B. Owens

A hunter has reportedly fallen and broken a leg on the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama.

The hunter is located in the woods about 300 yards east of the parking lot on Casey Road.

A caller is waiting in the parking lot for responders to guide them to the hunter's location.

Alabama fire and Mercy EMS responding.

Vehicle rolled over in a ditch in Alabama, unknown injuries

By Howard B. Owens

A vehicle is reportedly rolled over in a ditch in the area of Feeder Road and Klossen Road, on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation.

Unknown injuries.

Alabama fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 7:47 a.m.: There were no occupants at the scene. The driver was subsequently located at a relative's house, reportedly uninjured. All units back in service.

Attorney will seek probation for woman who went along with robbery attempt at smoke shop

By Howard B. Owens

A second person involved an attempted robbery of a smoke shop in May where the employees fought back and the suspects fled, leading to a regionwide manhunt, entered a felony guilty plea in County Court today.

Misty Dawn Souza, 26, of St. Johnsville, entered a guilty plea to the first count of a five-count grand jury indictment, for attempted robbery in the second degree.

Last week, Jeremy J. Reynolds, 34, of Johnstown, also accepted a plea deal.

The duo was arrested after the Genesee County Sheriff's Office sought leads on the suspects in a robbery of the Smoke Rings Smoke Shop on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation. The man and woman entered the shop with what appeared to be guns, but only the man tried to continue with the robbery after his partner fled. He was confronted by an employee he didn't initially know was in the store and briefly detained in a back room before managing to escape through a window, dangling from the window, held by one leg by an employee, for a time.

Without a plea agreement for Souza, the Class D violent felony carries a maximum penalty of seven years in prison. The plea deal caps Souza's possible sentence to three and a half years, provided she stays out of trouble between now and sentencing at 9:30 a.m., Jan. 4.

At sentencing, her attorney, Fred Rarick, will argue that Souza should receive a sentence of probation with no prison term. He said in court today that he believes he can make a convincing case.

As discussed in court today, and as Souza volunteered while sitting in a Town of Alabama courtroom following her arrest in May, Souza suffers from a series of mental health issues and is required to take multiple medications.

In court May 21, Souza was frazzled and disheveled and rambled on about her concerns, the crime itself and her mental health issues while sitting in court. She said she had been off her medication since prior to the robbery attempt. 

Today, in court, she was a different person -- calm, well-spoken and polite as she answered questions from Interim Judge Micheal Pietruszka.

These factors will be part of Rarick's attempt to help Souza avoid a prison term. 

Rarick will also need to make the case that the robbery attempt was really the idea of Reynolds and that Reynolds misled Souza into participating and that while she participated briefly, she fled the scene almost immediately.

Rarick will need to successfully argue that Souza does not present a danger to the community.

She has no prior criminal record -- in the Alabama court, she said she never even had a traffic ticket before. She also has no history of use or abuse of illicit drugs.

She also has five children.

Souza's mother was in court with her today. Rarick told Pietruszka that his client has been nothing but cooperative and timely in her communications and court appearances.

She is out of jail on $50,000 bond.

Pietruszka noted that it will be up to the new county judge, likely Charles Zambito, to decide on Souza's sentencing on Jan. 4.


College and Career Counseling Center at Byron-Bergen HS busy helping students and families prepare for future

By Billie Owens

Press release:

For students, the junior and senior years of high school are filled with many critical decisions about the future. The College and Career Counseling Center at Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School is working hard to make preparing for life-beyond-school easier for students and their families.

This is the second year for the school’s dedicated Center, led by counselor Rob Kaercher. The Center is busy in the fall with a full schedule of visits and special presentations from a wide range of regional and national two- and four-year colleges, trade schools, and military branches.

(A Financial Aid Night is scheduled at 6:30 on Oct. 20 to help families from Byron-Bergen, Elba, and Oakfield-Alabama with the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application.It will be held in the Byron-Bergen High School auditorium.)

Jr./Sr. High School Principal Patrick McGee said, "Our goal is to provide a wide variety of opportunities for our students in the areas of college and/or career. I feel we are ahead of the curve in this area as our students now have a daily chance to identify a pathway and gain a much better sense of what their post-secondary plans will be."

Students at the school not only have access to extensive in-person and online resources in the Center; they also get invaluable hands-on, one-to-one guidance from college-and-career expert Kaercher.

“This is a small school, and I can really get to know our kids as individuals,” Kaercher said. “I start as early as possible with them, so they have more options. I can help them find educational and career directions that match up with their interests and values.

"I enjoy working with them and their parents on financial aid, exploring scholarships, and completing their college applications. The commitment our district has to this initiative is extraordinary—kids at B-B can have a similar support experience to what they might find at a private school or with a paid independent college counselor.”

The College and Career Center has greatly expanded its services this year:

  • Instant Admissions Week is being offered Nov. 7-10. Participating colleges include Erie Community College, Finger Lakes Community College, Genesee Community College, Monroe Community College, Niagara Community College, The College at Brockport, and SUNY Alfred State. “It is an exciting opportunity for kids to present themselves, have a short interview, and potentially get an on-the-spot decision from that college,” Kaercher said.
  • Students will be ready for that interview thanks to another innovation the Center offers: virtual interviews with online avatars. The district’s teachers use an interactive professional development tool called Mursion, which employs practice with avatars to improve teaching technique. The Center has adjusted and expanded the program for students to use to develop better interviewing skills.
  • The Naviance Family Connection, which was introduced to seniors last year, is now available to juniors, too. The online program helps students inventory their interests, research careers, search for colleges, create resumes, and submit applications. "Our current focus has been working with upperclassmen,” Kaercher said. “But as the Center continues to become established, more opportunities, including Naviance, will be available to junior high school students."
  • The Center has also increased its college and industry visits this year. “We have found these to be very important,” Kaercher said. “Students have the chance to make connections directly with the actual decision makers, the admissions counselors and company human resources directors.”

“This can be a difficult and confusing time if you are trying to navigate it all by yourself,” Kaercher said. “We want to help make the process much easier. We are reaching out to parents and families—we hope they will contact the Jr./Sr. High School office to get more information.”

Grand Jury: Accused smoke shop robber indicted on five violent felonies

By Billie Owens

Misty Dawn Souza, AKA Misty Dawn Smith, is indicted for the crime attemped second-degree robbery, a Class D violent felony. She is accused of going into the Smoke Rings Smoke Shop, located at 449 Shanks Road, in the Town of Alabama, on May 20 with the intent of forcibly stealing property, engaging in conduct which "tended to effect the commission of such crime," while aided by another person who was present. In count two, she is accused of the same and in the comission of the crime or the flight from it, causing physical injury to a person who was not a participant in the crime. In count three, she is accused of the same, while displaying what appeared to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, or other firearm. In count four, she is accused of second-degree assault, a Class D violent felony, for intending to cause physical injury to another person, causing such injury to such person or to a third person by means of a dangerous instrument. In count five, she is accused of the same crime as in count four, and in the course of and futherance of the commission or attempted commission of a felony or the immediate flight thereafter causing phsical injury to a person other than one of the participants.

Patrick D. Neaverth is indicted for the crime of second-degree burglary, a Class C violent felony. He is accused of knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully in a house on Kingsbury Avenue in the City of Batavia on Aug. 13 with the intent to commit a crime therein. (In July, he was indicted for the same crime at the same location, which occurred in March.)

OACS Alumni Hall of Fame induction dinner and ceremony is Oct. 22, must buy tickets by Oct. 9

By Billie Owens

The Oakfield Alabama Central School Alumni Hall of Fame Committee will honor the Alumni Hall of Fame Class of 2016 at an induction dinner and ceremony Oct. 22 at the high school. It is located at 7001 Lewiston Road in Oakfield.

Tickets are on sale now and only available through Oct. 9. Cost is $15. You can buy them at the high school main office, Warner's flower shop on Main Street in Oakfield or by contacting committee member Jamie Disalvo at or by sending payment to Disalvo at: 7604 S. Pearl Street Road, Oakfield, NY 14125.

Doors for the event open at 5:30 p.m. and it begins at 6 o'clock.

The Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding OACS alumni who have achieved distinction in their lives after high school through significant contributions to their career, community or through personal achievements.

Group of people lost in the woods in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A group of people is reportedly lost in the woods north of Roberts Road near Sour Springs Road, Town of Alabama.

Alabam fire dispatched to assist.

UPDATE 6:11 p.m.: There is a woman and two other people. They plot to an area near a pond and not far from a small parking lot.

UPDATE 6:18 p.m.: There is 35 minutes of daylight left.

UPDATE 6:26 p.m.: They're not on a trail. They're in heavy brush, but they can hear the airhorn and they're going to start walking toward it.

UPDATE 6:28 p.m.: They are walking toward south, Walkers Road because that is a shorter walk.

UPDATE 6:44 p.m.: They're out of the woods.

State police arrest Alabama resident suspected in battery thefts

By Billie Owens

From our news partner WBTA:

State Troopers arrested 48-year-old Bart Towne, of Alleghany Road in Alabama, and charged him with two counts of felony grand larceny along with one count of petit larceny for allegedly stealing batteries in Batavia and Oakfield.

Towne was arrested just one day after the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release asking for public assistance in identifying the party responsible for burglarizing batteries from several businesses in the county. 

There were more than a dozen "Type 31"batteries stolen from large vehicles and heavy equipment in Alexander, Alabama, Byron and Elba as well as Batavia and Oakfield. The batteries can cost up to $300 each.

Towne had only been out of prison for a year and has prior convictions of grand larceny, forgery and possession of stolen property from 2010.

Currently he has only been charged by State Police, however the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is expected to also pursue charges. Towne was put in Genesee County Jail and the investigation remains ongoing.

Girls' volleyball Dig Pink Game is Oct. 6 at O-A Elementary School gym

By Billie Owens

Mark your calendars for the Dig Pink Game on Oct. 6 when Oakfield-Alabama and Elba high school volleyball players compete again Wheatland-Chili to benefit The Side-Out Foundation.

The JV matchup starts at 5 p.m. and the varsity game begins at 6:30. They will take place inside the Oakfield-Alabama Elementary School Gymnasium, located at 7001 Lewiston Road in Oakfield.

There will be 50/50 raffles, refreshments, raffles items and a serving contest.

This is the sixth year of the Dig Pink Game and to date more than $7,000 has been raised locally for the nonprofit foundation, whose mission is to enhance breast cancer research and awareness.

Sheriff's Office investigating series of battery thefts

By Howard B. Owens

Somebody is stealing batteries from large trucks, buses, and heavy equipment and the Genesee County Sheriff's Office is looking for the public's help in identifying the culprit.

These are known as Type 31 batteries. They retail for as much as $300 and have resale and recycling value.

Investigators say the series of thefts seem confined to Genesee County, particularly in Elba, Oakfield, Batavia, Byron, Alabama and Alexander.

The Sheriff's Office has received more than a dozen complaints of such thefts, which occur overnight.

Anyone with information that may pertain to the case can call (585) 343-5000.

Groundbreaking for STAMP expected next month, 1366 in the spring

By Howard B. Owens

A groundbreaking ceremony should take place in Alabama sometime next month for the WNY Science, Technology & Advanced Manufacturing Park -- the STAMP project -- complete with state government dignitaries, said Steve Hyde, CEO of the Genesee County Economic Development Center, during a meeting Wednesday of the County's Ways and Means Committee.

It will signal the start of development of STAMP, a planned high-tech industrial center that Hyde first proposed more than a decade ago.

Initial development will be building the infrastructure to support the site's first tenant and serve to attract additional tenants with the dream of eventually creating 10,000 jobs at the industrial park.

The first tenant is 1366 Technologies. With headquarters in the Boston area, 1366 will use a revolutionary manufacturing process to create silicon wafers for solar panels. 

Once the infrastructure work -- roads, sewer, water, electrical -- starts, 1366 will begin the design process for its facility.

Hyde expects there will be a second groundbreaking especially for 1366 sometime in the spring and the plant will be completed by the end of 2017.

Legislature John Deleo asked Hyde to explain why local residents shouldn't be worried about the prospects of 1366 when Solar City, part of the Buffalo Billions project, seems to be struggling.

Solar City and 1366 are completely unrelated projects and the two companies are pursuing very different business models, Hyde told Deleo.

Solar City is building a very large factory to manufacture residential and commercial solar panels that the company will sell itself to a domestic market.

Whereas, 1366 is only making solar wafers and its product will be a component in solar panels built by others for large industrial solar operations in overseas markets.

So far, 1366 has about $100 million in private investment capital, overseas strategic partners and its initial customers.

At full capacity, 1366 is expected to employ about 1,000 people.

For prior 1366 Technologies coverage, click here.

Law and Order: Wood Street resident jailed after warrant issued on unauthorized use of vehicle

By Billie Owens

Elizabeth Michelle Grattan, 26, of Wood Street, Batavia, is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the third degree, leaving the scene of a property damage accident and unsafe backing. Grattan was arrested on a warrant after being located at a residence in the City of Batavia by Genesee County Probation. An arrest warrant was issued by the Town of Alabama Court to answer the charges stemming from an incident at 1 a.m. on Aug. 1 on Judge Road. She was arraigned  Sept. 14 in Town of Oakfield Court and put in jail on $500 bail. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Richard Schildwaster.

WNY Perinatal Bereavement Network to hold Ride to Remember & Basket Raffle Saturday

By Billie Owens

The third annual Ride to Remember and Basket Raffle, presented by the Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network Inc., will take place Saturday, Sept. 17, starting at the Oakfield Alabama Baptist Church.

The church is located at 2210 Judge Road in Oakfield.

Ticket sales for the Basket Raffle will take place from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and the raffle starts at 12:30.

All proceeds will benefit the network and the "Remembering Love in a Heartbeat" Project.

Here is the story of Jennifer and Bruce Pritchett -- bereaved parents of Helen Lois (Jan. 4-13, 2012):

Five years ago, we were expecting our second child when we found out that our daughter, Helen, had a terminal condition. Through a series of counselors, we were given the Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network’s (WNYPBN) contact information. This organization provided our family with much support. One of the most treasured items we have of our daughter is a recorded heartbeat from our sonogram appointment. The WNYPBN provided us with the recordable sound box that we took to our appointment & we were able to record her heartbeat. We then made a stuffed animal with the heartbeat device inside. 

The purpose of this ride is to support the programs of the WNYPBN, especially the new program, “Remembering Love in a Heartbeat.” This program will provide families facing a similar situation the opportunity to have their baby’s heartbeat recorded and placed in a bear or bunny so they will always be able to hear their precious baby’s heart beat...another beautiful memory.

The Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network Inc. (WNYPBN) is an organization comprised of bereaved parents and healthcare professionals who promote standards of bereavement intervention through educational support, community programs and referral services for bereaved parents. The Network serves all eight counties of WNY and is run completely on donations and volunteers. The Mission is to assist the community in meeting the needs of people facing perinatal death:  the death of a baby due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infant death.

For more information visit:

Alabama Hunt Club to host Fall Black Powder Shoot Sept. 17-18

By Billie Owens
The Alabama Hunt Club will host a Fall Black Powder Shoot from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17-18.
The event is open to the public and features traditional black powder and inline muzzleloader matches.
There will be 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 yard ranges available to compete; or it is a good time to sight in your hunting gun.
New for 2016 -- INLINE MUZZLELOADER matches with or without a scope.
Lunch will be available.
The club is located at 1857 Lewiston Road, Basom.
For additional info contact: John at 716-714-5514 or Sam at 585-297-7747.

Law and Order: Swan Street teen charged with first-degree sex abuse, Varysburg man arrested for public lewdness

By Billie Owens

Shawn Thomas Rushok, 17, of Swan Street, Batavia, is charged with first-degree sex abuse. He is accused of having "inappropriate sexual contact with another person" on May 24 in the Town of Le Roy. He was arraigned on Aug. 15 in Le Roy Town Court and released under supervision of Genesee Justice. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy John Dehm.

Gannon David McNall, 20, of Centerline Road, Varysburg, is charged with public lewdness. He was arrested on Aug. 15 after allegedly being observed masturbating in the parking lot of a Batavia department store on Veterans Memorial Drive at 5:39 p.m. He was released on an appearance ticket returnable to Town of Batavia Court at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Michael Lute.

John Kauffman Stone, 49, of Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. The defendant was arrested for allegedly pushing and slapping another person on West Main Street Road, Batavia, at 8:52 p.m. on Aug. 14. He was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and jailed on $500 bail. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Robert Henning, assisted by Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Michael John Jarmuz II, 26, of Idlewood Drive, Tonawanda, is charged with second-degree criminal impersonation and second degree aggravated unlicensed operation. The subject allegedly gave the arresting officer his brother's information during a DWAI/drug arrest at 3:06 a.m. on Aug. 13 on Oak Orchard Road, Elba. The subject's "common law" stepmother reported to the arresting officer two days later with the subject's correct information. The subject allegedly gave his brother's information because he had a suspended driver's license and a warrant from another county. He is due in Elba Town Court on Sept. 7. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Chris Parker, assisted by Deputy Eric Meyer.

Bradley Edward Moore, 18, of Manning Road, Holley, is charged with petit larceny. The subject allegedly stole two cartons of cigarettes from a smoke shop on the Tonawanda Indian reservation at 2 p.m. on June 6. He is due in Alabama Town Court on Aug. 30. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Chris Parker.

Gina Lynn Avino, 41, of Haven Lane, Batavia, was arrested Aug. 19 on a bench warrant out of the City of Batavia PD following the investigation into a motor-vehicle accident in the Town of Batavia on that date at 3:25 p.m. on West Main Street Road. The case was handled by Sheriff's Dpeuty Michael Lute, assisted by Dpeuty Rachel Diehl.

An act of humanity after a hot, humid manhunt

By Howard B. Owens

Two people fled from a rollover accident on Route 77 near Bloomingdale Road on Friday afternoon, and while the woman was apprehended after a couple of hours, the man -- described as a black male -- continued to elude law enforcement and the volunteer firefighters enlisted to help cordon off the area. 

It was hot -- over 90 degrees -- and humid. After a short, dabbled rain, the sun blazed again on the deputies in their dark uniforms and the firefighters in their turnout gear, and they all continued the search.

Nobody was even sure if the man was still in the area. The woman said a friend had swung down Route 77 and picked him up. But deputies also didn't necessarily believe that tale.

And since he was known to be injured, suffering a facial cut in the accident, and because it was not a good day to be out in the sun losing blood, they searched, unsure why he fled, but certain if he didn't get a ride, he would need help.

The search was called off once, shortly after Erie County's Air One left the area, but then the weather shifted and the State Police helicopter was cleared to fly, so it headed toward Alabama and picked up Deputy Chris Parker (who used to be part of that unit) to continue the search.

By this time, Alabama Chief Gary Patnode was home, resting, as were most of the other firefighters, then Patnode's sister called. She had seen a man walking down Route 77 who matched the description of the man deputies were looking for.

Patnode hopped in his truck and headed south on Alleghany Road. He spotted the man and contacted dispatch, who notified patrols.

Sgt. Jason Saile, who had been part of the search the entire hot afternoon, pulled up behind the man first, got out of his SUV and as the man turned around, hands in the air, Saile put out his own hand, which held a bottle of water.

The man was later identified as Ralph F. Forte, of Rochester. Charges are pending against Forte.

The woman, Sabrina J. Brownell, of Little Genesee, is charged with DWI and is facing other possible charges. 

Brownell suffered minor injuries. Forte suffered cuts on his face from the accident and a possible dislocated arm. He was also suffering from heat exhaustion by the time he was located.

The incident began in Lockport with a report of a rolling domestic on Route 77, with the vehicle heading south. Then Genesee County dispatchers were informed of a rollover accident just north of Bloomingdale Road.

Civilians first on scene uprighted the vehicle and medics saw the two occupants flee, and they provided deputies with a description of the subjects.

When law enforcement arrived, they saw the subjects head into the wooded area just south of Bloomingdale and east of Route 77. A K-9 from Medina joined the search, and Air One from Erie County arrived about 40 minutes later.

During that part of the search, the woman appeared, apparently of her own accord, on a gravel road (a snowmobile trail when there's snow) and Patnode and Saile drove to her location. She was questioned and then provided medical treatment before being transported by Mercy EMS to Strong Memorial Hospital.

Then the search continued, including a time about 20 minutes later when the Air One pilot thought he had spotted the missing black male.

Some 30 minutes later, he still hadn't been located and Air One need to return to Erie County.

Just before a quarter to six, the State Police helicopter arrived on scene. At 6:10 p.m., the subject of the search was spotted on Route 77.

Saile handed him a bottle of water and then the man was allowed to sit in the shade of Saile's patrol vehicle. Medics arrived and provided first aid until a Mercy EMS ambulance arrived. The man was placed on a stretcher and put in the ambulance and transported to Strong.

Also assisting in the case are Deputy Andrew Hale, Deputy Michael Lute and Lt. Todd Draper, and the K-9 patrol with Medina PD.

(Initial report.)

One-vehicle rollover reported on Alleghany Road near Bloomingdale Road

By Billie Owens

A one-vehicle rollover is reported in the area of 7142 Alleghany Road, near the Bloomingdale Road intersection. Unknown injuries. Alabama Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 4:16 p.m.: This is a "rolling domestic" incident which began in Lockport. The couple involved fled the scene and law enforcement is searching for them. Fire police have cordoned off the area and a K-9 unit from Medina PD is working to find the parties. A State Police helicopter cannot be deployed due to the possibility of thunderstorms.

UPDATE 4:21 p.m.: Law enforcement is looking for a black male, about 5'6", wearing an orange T-shirt and black shorts; but the white female, also about 5'6", wearing a pink floral dress, is now out talking with Alabama Fire Chief Gary Patnode -- the chief is in a gator and he and the female are about 100 yards from the roadway of Route 77.

UPDATE 4:28 p.m.: Patnode said both parties had blood on them and the male appeared to have a cut near his eye. The vehicle was found a little north of the Post Office here and had rolled over. Bystanders uprighted the vehicle and afterward the couple got out and ran through yards and into the woods. First responders staged in the area until law enforcement arrived. Patnode said the scene was confused and chaotic at first.

UPDATE 5:03 p.m.: The female, who was the driver, was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital by Mercy medics. The Erie County "Air One" Sheriff's helicopter was eventually allowed to be deployed. The investigation of the incident continues.

UPDATE 5:09 p.m.: "We do not know why he fled the scene," said Sheriff's Sgt. Jason Saile. Alcohol has not been ruled out as a factor in the accident, Saile said, noting that a deputy is heading to Strong to interview the female driver. She told officers that the male "was picked up by a friend," but they are not certain of the truthfulness of the statement and are continuing to search for the male passenger for the time being. A perimeter was set up soon after first responders arrived and the couple fled the scene. The K-9 and helicopter are still deployed.

UPDATE 5:35 p.m.: Air 1 has left the scene; they will probably be stopping the search soon.

UPDATE 6:13 p.m.: Sheriff's deputies "believe" they are out with the suspect, who they found walking southbound on Route 77.

UPDATE 6:23 p.m.: A male is being detained and medics are treating his injuries. After Air One left the scene, the State Police helicopter flew to the scene for personnel reasons.

NRA Safety and Firearm Education Camp offered Sunday at Alabama Hunt Club

By Billie Owens

There will be an NRA Safety and Firearm Education Camp from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Alabama Hunt Club on Sunday, Aug. 14.

The hunt club, located at 1854 Lewiston Road in Alabama, is sponsoring the event. Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Lunch will be provided for all participants.

Registration and fee payment starts at 9, with a required Shooting Safety Course instruction beginning at 9:30.

That will be followed by:

  • Archery shooting
  • Paintball shooting
  • Air rifle shooting
  • .22-caliber rifle shooting
  • Trap shooting
  • And muzzleloading rifle shooting

To ask questions or for more information, call Dema at (716) 632-1264.

Law and Order: Darien man accused of choking juvenile

By Howard B. Owens

Hakeem Ellsha Cunningham, 20, of Alleghany Road, Darien, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, endangering the welfare of a child and harassment, 2nd. Cunningham allegedly grabbed the neck of a juvenile, causing her to have a hard time breathing, during an incident reported July 19.

Lance M. Mercado Sr., 26, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Mercardo is accused of shoplifting from Speedway. Surveillance cameras revealed Mercado allegedly placing merchandise in his pockets and leaving the store without paying for the items.

Anthony G. Milone, 52, of Transit Road, Depew, is charged with disorderly conduct. Milone allegedly stepped out in front of a vehicle on Summit Street, Batavia, blocking traffic, at 4:29 p.m., June 24.

Joseph M. Marsceill Sr., 46, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant. Marsceill allegedly failed to appear in court on a charge of aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd. He was released on his own recognizance.

Deborah R. Blatt, 56, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Blatt allegedly struck a police officer while being escorted to an ambulance to be taken to an area hospital for evaluation.

Charles-Gus Thigpen Williams, 37, of Robinson Road, Lockport, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Williams allegedly tried to gain access to a residence on Liberty Street at 10:32 p.m., Aug. 2, where the person living there was protected by a complete stay away order. Williams was located and arrested Tuesday. He was jailed on $1,000 bail, or $2,000 bond.

Douglas S. Sprague, 49, of Bethany Center Road, East Bethany, is charged with obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest. Sprague allegedly attempted to resist arrest following a disturbance on Hutchins Place, Batavia, at 10:27 p.m., Friday.

Benjamin L. Brade, 24, of Denio Street, Batavia, is was arrested on a warrant. Brade allegedly failed to show up to serve a weekend jail term. He was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Paul P. Cronan, 35, of Main Street, Williamsville, is charged with harassment, 2nd, disorderly conduct and coercion, 2nd. Cronan was allegedly involved in a domestic incident at 12:21 p.m., Sunday, at Dunkin' Donuts, Batavia. He was released to NYSP Clarence on unrelated charges.

Christian Richard Austin, 32, of Parce Avenue, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, failure to stop at stop sign and driver's view obstructed. Austin was stopped at 12:21 p.m. Saturday on Route 77, Alabama, by Deputy Michael Lute.

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