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Deal of the Day: Larry's Steakhouse

By Howard B. Owens

Today's deal -- enjoy a good meal at Larry's Steakhouse with this $25 gift certificate available today at half price: $12.50 (plus a $1 service fee).

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  By state law, gift certificates cannot be used for alcohol purchase.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. (today or tomorrow) to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.


Police Beat: Illinois man wanted for home repair fraud apparently found in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

The long arm of Illinois law enforcement apparently got its man with the help of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office yesterday afternoon when William John Riley was stopped for excessive window tint on the car he was driving on Lover's Lane Road in Batavia.

Riley is either 32 or 39, depending on which date of birth he uses, and was allegedly wanted in Illinois on a charge of home repair fraud in Pontiac, Ill.

Sheriff's Deputy Ronald Meides became suspicious of Riley during the traffic stop, so Riley, who has been living in Rochester, was brought into the Sheriff's Office for questioning.

During the conversation, Meides suspected Riley of giving false information about his identity.

Riley's finger prints were live scanned at the Genesee County Jail and a short time later, his identity was confirmed, according to a Sheriff's Office press release.

Riley is being held without bail.

He faces additional charges  for the window tint and for carrying a radio in the car that is capable of picking up police frequencies.

Trisha Boyd, 20, of Glendale, Nova Scotia, Canada, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Boyd allegedly left two children unattended in a car while inside the Shoe Dept. store on Veterans Memorial Drive.

NYPA approves power allocation for proposed Yahoo! data center

By Billie Owens

The New York Power Authority -- which previously came under fire for denying power allocation to a planned data center in Albion for Google -- unanimously approved power for a similar facility for Yahoo! today.

Gov. David Paterson announced the decision and discussed details of the proposal in a teleconference this morning, according to the Buffalo News.

One site in Genesee County and two in Niagara County are under consideration.

The facility would cost $150 million and when completed would employe about 125 people with an average salary of $65,000.

Yahoo! has been negotiating with state officials for the past six weeks for an allocation of 10 megawatts of low-cost hydroelectric power in order to build phase one of the center.

If the Yahoo! Board of Directors accepts the state's deal, the company would move forward with the project. Phase two to complete the data center would be done by 2012 and Yahoo! would be allowed another 5 megawatts of hydroelectric power.

Increased patrols planned to deter aggressive driving

By Billie Owens

Press release

The New York State Police in conjunction with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and Village of Corfu Police Department will participate in a Traffic Safety Corridor to deter aggressive driving in Genesee County beginning this week.

The summer months bring an increase in traffic throughout the roadways of New York.  Congested roadways and increased hours spent driving often leads to aggressive driving. An aggressive driver is someone who operates a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of others.

Throughout the summer, the State Police and local law enforcement agencies will focus attention and dedicate patrols to state routes 66, 77 and 20 in Genesee County.

A high volume of traffic moves along these roadways everyday, increasing the chances of aggressive drivers and traffic accidents. Law enforcement officers will pay close attention to motorists who drive at high rate of speed, fail to signal when changing lanes, tailgate, fail to yield right-of-way and disregard traffic-control devices.

“With increased patrols and visibility along these roadways, we hope to remind motorists to follow safe driving practices,” said Major Christopher L. Cummings, Troop “A” Commander.  “Troopers will pay close attention to these designated roadways and enforce the vehicle and traffic laws in an effort to decrease accidents."

Not only can aggressive driving result in a ticket if found violating the law, this type of behavior puts the driver and others in danger. New York State statistics show that aggressive driving behaviors -- chronic speeding, frequent and unsafe lane changes, refusal to signal, tailgating, failure to yield the right-of-way and disregard for traffic -- are a contributing factor in 59% of all crashes and in 66% of fatal crashes, when a cause is attributed.

Aggressive drivers are not a new phenomenon, but the stressful pace of modern life and the ever-growing volume of traffic have combined to make their behaviors increasingly reckless and hazardous. The State Police hopes the Traffic Safety Corridor patrols will make roads a safer place to travel thereby avoiding fatalities.

Batavia Daily News picking fight with Jason Molino over fire chief story

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Daily News seems intent on teaching City Manager Jason Molino a little lesson after getting scooped on Fire Chief Tom Dillon's resignation. The lesson: Don't fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.

Friday, Batavia's "paper of record" published an editorial slamming what they called City Manager Jason Molino's secrecy.

It was pretty harsh.

City administrator Jason Molino, isn't talking, and neither are ''his'' employees -- we say "his" because that is how he refers to them, even though taxpayers pay their salaries.

In the editorial, they say Dillon's resignation became public only because a help wanted ad was spotted in the Democrat and Chronicle. That's not, shall we say, accurate.

The Batavian broke the story and it had nothing to do with an ad appearing in the D&C. If you read the original post, you'll see, we didn't even know about the ad when we first posted our story. We got the story the good old-fashioned way -- by talking with sources.

Of course, the Daily can't give credit where credit's due -- that would violate Tom Turnbull's mandate that the newspaper never print The Batavian's name (well, they did have to take our LLC ad).

Yet, the staff there pays attention when we get stories before them, and the Dillon scoop seems to have particularly rubbed the "newspaper of record" the wrong way.

Today, the lead story is about the fire chief but it doesn't tell readers much new. We already know that Molino would handle interim administrative duties for the department and that the four captains turned down the interim position. That takes care of the first two paragraphs of the story. From there, we're treated to the details of the Daily trying to get more information from the city and Molino's unresponsiveness.

The Daily News had asked City Manager Jason Molino what the city's plan was in lieu of a chief. He did not return phone calls or e-mails. Cox forwarded questions from The Daily News to Molino, who then sent a reply to all councilmen. He still has not replied to The Daily News.

After explaining the 211 waiver situation (again, nothing new here), we get more back-and-forth on the Daily's attempts to get more information from the city. Then we read again the fiction that the public wouldn't have known about the situation if the Daily hadn't asked:

The Daily News had also sent an e-mail last week to all City Councilmen to find out why the public was kept in the dark about Dillon's departure. The news was publicized only after The Daily News asked Molino and Dillon about Dillon's employment status.

Now, I can certainly sympathize with the editorial staff's frustration at getting shut out of communication with Jason Molino and city staff. We've made those complaints public ourselves, and perhaps with a tad too much arrogance and pettiness, but some honest reporting is in order here. The Daily got beat. It happens in a competitive news town. Between the Daily, The Batavian and WBTA, we've all had our own scoops in the past several months, and we will all continue to develop our own sources and stories and get some of them first. That's the way it goes. Unless a source deliberately burns you, there's no point in getting upset with government officials because another news outlet did its job and got the information.

UPDATE: I just saw the print edition -- this story is banner headline on the top of the front page.  Meanwhile, Pagent of the Bands folding after 35 years, and the Daily put most of that story below the fold. That's a huge story in a community like this.  Nice scoop. Wish I had it.

Master Gardener says consider a cutting garden

By Billie Owens

Press release

Master Gardener Column by Gail Culver, Consumer Horticulture Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Consider a cutting garden

Everyone loves to give and receive flowers. For gardeners, the ultimate pleasure is to be able to cut flowers from their own garden to bring indoors and to give away to friends and family. Many also love to have homegrown blossoms, foliage and seed heads handy for fresh or dried floral crafts and cooking. However, the problem is that picking flowers from the garden reduces the floral show in the yard. It is a tough decision whether to cut flowers for indoors or leave them on display outdoors. The perfect solution to this problem is to establish a separate cultivated area specifically as a cutting garden. Then you can have your flowers and pick them too!
Fill your cutting garden with plants that produce the flowers and foliage you love. Use it as an area to experiment with new plants and colors. Place it where it is not on public display and indulge your fancy. Consider making it part of your vegetable garden. This is a production garden, created to be cut down, so do not worry about design correctness.

Create a cutting garden much the same way you initially establish a flower garden. Choose a site that receives generous sun and prepare the soil so that it drains well. Add humus in the form of compost, peat moss or chopped leaves to improve clay or sandy soil. Create one or more beds of whatever size and shape to accommodate the available space. They can be tucked into sunny spots along the back boundary, in a neglected corner or behind the garage. By their very nature, they are transient, so they can be easily changed or reconfigured next season if necessary.
While cutting gardens often look beautiful at the peak of the season, this is incidental. So, because they are not intended for display, a purely utilitarian layout makes the most sense. Once they are established, they are easier to maintain and require much less attention than ornamental beds. For this reason, cutting gardens usually resemble traditional vegetable gardens. They are typically planted in widely spaced rows that are easy to move through and between while planting, thinning, fertilizing, deadheading and of course, harvesting.
Be sure and mix into the soil a granular, slow‑acting fertilizer at the beginning of the season. This will provide consistent, balanced nutrition to the plants over many, many weeks. Periodic doses of diluted liquid fertilizer sprayed on plant foliage will boost the energy of certain heavy blooming plants during peak production.
Rather than interplant seeds or young transplants of many different kinds of flowers, group the species of plants for efficient use of space and easy harvest. To get maximum production, plant annuals in succession ‑‑ early season, mid‑season and late-season bloomers grouped together. Cluster plants with similar requirements for sun, water and drainage for easier maintenance. Plant tall types together, away from where they might shade smaller ones.
To minimize watering and weeding maintenance, spread a 2- or 3-inch layer of some organic mulch on the soil around the plants in the cutting garden as soon as they are a few inches tall. It does not have to be attractive, so use whatever is inexpensive and at hand, such as chopped leaves, shredded newspaper or straw. The mulch will discourage weeds, keep the soil moist longer and contribute nutrients to the soil as it decomposes in the summer heat. Add to the mulch layer if it breaks down to less than an inch. If you grow plants that are notorious self‑seeders, such as spider flower (cleome), removing the mulch at the end of the season will help to clear away most of the seeds as well.
To spur and maintain flower production of annuals, pick blossoms regularly. Deadhead those that remain and become faded. This prevents them from forming seeds, which slows flower production. Water about an inch per week if rainfall is unreliable.  Unmulched beds will need more frequent watering, especially in the summer. Keep a lookout for aphids on tender young growth or plants that are stressed and unhappy. Pinch infested tips off or wash the foliage with a strong stream of water from the hose. Insecticidal soap spray will take care of stubborn infestations.
As soon as the blossoms from a stand of flowers have been cut and/or the plants begin to weaken, pull them, cultivate the bed and plant new seedlings to provide cut flowers for the weeks to come. For instance, plant only pansies in an area for an early season supply of flowers. Then, when summer heat arrives, replace them in that area with American marigolds or zinnias.
Lots of different kinds of flowering plants are suitable for a cutting garden. Long‑stemmed annuals or perennials are most useful. Typically, colorful annual flowers dominate these gardens, because they are such enthusiastic bloomers. Cutting their blossoms only encourages them to produce more. All kinds of daisies are enormously popular and combine well with lots of other flowers.
Long-blooming perennials have a place in the cutting garden as well as in the more formal flower border. Plants such as coral bells and fringed bleeding heart will produce flowers all season, especially if they are regularly picked. Some, such as purple coneflowers and black‑eyed Susan’s produce bold, bristly seed heads that are ideal for floral crafts. Of course perennials can be depended upon to bloom next season so there is no need to replant that part of the cutting garden.
Don't forget foliage plants that contribute texture and color to both fresh and dried arrangements. Silver‑leafed Artemisia varieties, lamb's ears and herbs such as lavender contribute grayish‑silver foliage that is both handsome and aromatic. (The source of this information is Professor Raymond T. Fox, Department of Floriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.)
For gardening tips and assistance, Master Gardeners are available Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. until noon at the Cooperative Extension office, 420 East Main Street, Batavia. They may be reached by calling 343-3040, ext. 127, or by stopping in at our office, or by email  HYPERLINK ""

Late night fire destroys home on Hutchins Place

By Howard B. Owens

(Photo submitted by Stacey Smith)

A vacant bungalow at 28 Hutchins Place was heavily damaged in a late-night fire that had crews from the city and town of Batavia on scene for more than three hours.

The blaze apparently started in the rear porch area and quickly spread to the main structure. The home was "well involved" by the time fire crews arrived, according to a Batavia Fire Department release this morning.

The cause is under investigation.

The home was owned by Nathanial Williams.

No injuries were reported.

View Larger Map

View Larger Map

More photos from Stacey Smith:

Deals of the Day: T.F. Brown's, Batavia Downs, Main St. Pizza

By Howard B. Owens

We have three great gift certificates available today: T.F. Brown's, Batavia Downs Grandstand Bar and Grille and Main St. Pizza Company.

T.F. Brown's features a great bar, sports on several televisions and a fun and tasteful menu.

Batavia Downs Grandstand Bar and Grille is set in one of Genesee County's great entertainment spots.

Main St. Pizza company is one of the areas post popular restaurants, and recently took first place in The Batavian's polls for favorite pizza and favorite wings.

All three gift certificates are for $25 and available through The Batavian for $12.50 (half off!), plus a $1 PayPal service fee.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  By state law, gift certificates cannot be used for alcohol purchase.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. (today or tomorrow) to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

T.F. Brown's


Batavia Downs


Main St. Pizza Company


Resurrection Parish raffling new Chevy

By Howard B. Owens

Barbara Bezon stands besides a Chevy Malibu LS that Resurrection Parish is raffling off as a fund-raiser for the church and St. Joseph's School. The car is provided by Ken Barret Chevy-Cadillac. The winner can select the car or $10,000 cash (taxes will be withheld). The drawing will be held during the Resurrection Parish Lawn Fete, June 12, 13 and 14.  Bezon spent the afternoon at a table outside the church selling tickets.

Deals of the Day: Adam Miller, Herbly Wonderful and Essence of Candles

By Howard B. Owens

We have three half-off gift certificates today from three great, fun and interesting retailers.

Each gift certificate is $25 and on sale today for $12.50 each (plus a $1 service fee).

Today: Adam Miller Toy and Bicycles on Center Street, Herbly Wonderful on Pearl and Essence of Candles on Liberty.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before. 

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. (today or tomorrow) to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Adam Miller Toy and Bicycles


Herbly Wonderful



Essence of Candles

Master Gardener's tips on container gardening

By Billie Owens

Press release:

MASTER GARDENER COLUMN by Gail Culver, Consumer Horticulture Educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension


One of my favorite forms of gardening is container gardening. My container gardens are only limited by imagination and the plants available. Anything that can grow in a garden can also be grown in a container. Just provide those plants with a few basic needs: a suitable container, a growing medium, water, nutrients and light and they will grow. 

Of America’s 60 million gardeners, probably 90% of them grow plants in containers.   Some gardeners don’t have a yard. Also, container gardening is a smart alternative if you are restricted by too much shade, poor soil, too little time, limited mobility or a difficult climate. Best of all, growing in containers brings your garden right up close, creating a sense of intimacy that you just don’t get in an ordinary backyard garden.

Here are some simple tips to help you with your container gardening:

Containers for your plants must be big enough to support your plants when they are fully grown, hold soil, and have adequate drainage. Without proper drainage, the plants can suffer from inadequate root aeration and excessive moisture. They will literally rot.  Have drainage holes on the sides of pots rather than the bottom so excess water can drain away and roots won’t get waterlogged. Line the bottom of your pot with newspaper (a coffee filter works in smaller pots) to prevent soil loss. Also, line the hanging baskets with sphagnum moss for water retention.

Anything and everything that fulfills these basic requirements can be used. Use your imagination! For example, among the containers that can be used are clay pots, plastic pots, terra cotta pots, bushel baskets, hanging baskets, wooden crates (lined with plastic so that they will hold soil), barrels, heavy gauge wire baskets, glazed ceramic, hay racks (again lined with plastic), wooden planters, concrete containers, and even old boots or shoes. As you can see, you do not need to spend a lot of money on containers. Keep your eyes open for suitable containers at garage sales. Watch discarded household items put out for collection. If you want something fancier, try building your own planting box out of wood.

Scrub old pots with a 10% bleach solution before reuse. This will kill disease, pests, and accumulated fertilizer salts. Season new clay pots by submerging them in water for 15 minutes before you fill them with soil. This forces air out of pore spaces and will aid in keeping soil moist.

Most plants, especially annuals, require at least 5-7 hours of sun per day. Grow plants together that have the same light and moisture requirements. When planting large pots you may want to place the container on a caddy before you fill it.

Hawley Drive will close temporarily

By Billie Owens

Hawley Drive will be closed from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily from May 26 through May 28 for road repairs. The closure will be between Bank Street Rd and Genesee Community College.

There will be no access to GCC from the west during these time periods. GCC
will still be accessible from Batavia-Stafford Townline Road via Route 33 (Clinton Street).

Crews will be digging ditches and replacing culverts. The culvert replacements are in advance of repaving work to be done later this summer with Federal Stimulus Aid.

Calling all BHS Class of '89ers

By Billie Owens

The Batavia High School Class of 1989 is seeking alumni for its 20-year reunion scheduled for July 31-Aug. 1.
Below is a list of classmates that the reunion committee is searching for. If you know how to reach any of these individuals, please email <>  or call Kelly Rapone at 343-7440 ext. 23. 
The reunion information is posted online at <>. Tickets can also be purchased on that site.  

  • Richard Baker
  • Thomas Balicki
  • Annette Bogue
  • Thomas Brenkus
  • Dawn Burch
  • Dawn Cipra
  • Sue Ellen Comeau
  • Tammy DiSalvo
  • Christopher Earll
  • Keith Emminger
  • Judy Ford
  • Leo Geitner
  • Steven Green
  • Ester Jackson
  • Tim Jackson
  • Meredith Kenney
  • Diane Kortykowski
  • John LaFanara
  • Kimberly Lane
  • Doug Lewis
  • Linda Lyons
  • Jamie Marciniak
  • Tracy Marvin
  • Angela Moats
  • Chad Mureness
  • Lisa Murphy
  • Thomas Pillo
  • David Pitz
  • Kim Porter
  • Paul Remsen
  • Heather Ross
  • Ann Royce
  • Amy Rzeznik
  • Shannon Sanders
  • Ethel Sison
  • Stacey Stiles
  • Sheri Stumpf
  • Charmagne Swanz
  • Regina Toal
  • Regina Townsend
  • Scott Voorhees
  • Jolene Wenzel
  • Amy Wilson


Batavia captains who declined temporary chief position could apply for permanent job

By Howard B. Owens

Any one of the four fire captains who turned down the provisional fire chief position for the City of Batavia could still take command of the department.

There is not yet an eligible list for the position, said Karen Marchese, personnel officer for Genesee County, but a civil-service exam for fire chief has been scheduled for January. An eligible list are those people who are qualified and have applied for the job.

Marchese's office handles civil-service issues for governments in the county.

Chief Tom Dillon resigned week before last, and served his last day Friday, after the New York State Civil Service Commission denied a waiver that would have allowed him to draw his pension and his full-time salary.

The waiver, known as a 211 waiver, has its uses, according to the state's Web site, but Marchese said the commission is trying to reduce the number of such waivers, especially when there are eligible non-retired candidates for the job.

The hearing in which the 211 waiver for Dillon was reviewed by the commission was available in a webcast, Marchese said (the webcast is no longer online since the commission has met again since then).

"My recollection is that they discussed the nature of fire and police service -- there's a lot of tradition, as you know, in police and fire service -- and they discussed how it's primarily a promotion-based system," Marchese said. "They discussed that there were candidates who applied for the job who are not retirees.'

Marchese said she was not trying to speak for the commission and the exact reason for the denial is not clear.

Asked if she had anything to add, Marchese said, "I work very closely with the city and other localities on issues like this. This has been rather high profile and Jason and I have worked closely on it. We've had an open line of communication about it. He's working in good faith. There is no bad faith here on his part."

As for the captains, they've been told by Jason Molino not to discuss the situation with the media, according to two sources. The captains were told this was a "personnel issue," so they were prohibited from talking publicly about it.

Two reported under-age drinking parties in two nights at one house lead to five arrests

By Howard B. Owens

Five people were taken into custody in connection with alleged under-age drinking parties on successive nights at 3065 Pearl St. in the Town of Batavia.

Adam B. Thomas, 20, of Batavia, was pepper sprayed after allegedly giving false information about his age and then resisting arrest. He is charged with false personation and resisting arrest and was jailed in lieu of $300 bail. The incident occurred at 5 a.m. Saturday morning.

Less than 24 hours later, Sheriff's deputies were again summoned to the residence after receiving a tip that another under-age drinking party was in progress.

Deputies and State Police arrived at 2:30 a.m. and reportedly found several youths drinking.

Taken into custody were: Anne M. Culliton, 45, and Michael K. Culliton, 44, both of Batavia. They were charged with unlawful dealing with a child stemming from the Saturday morning incident.

Also arrested were Christian Culliton, 24, of Le Roy, and Brandon Culliton, 23, of Batavia, for unlawful dealing with a child stemming from the early Sunday morning party.

All four were issued appearance tickets.

Investing the incidents were Sgt. T.A. Sanfratello, deputies Kevin M. McCarthy, James Diehl, Chad Minuto, Jason E. Saile, Patrick J. Reeves along with state troopers Weslowski and Franz.

Police Beat: Teen accused of shooting child with BB gun

By Howard B. Owens

Michael J. Elmore, 18, of  Batavia, is accused of shooting 8-year-old boy in the leg with a BB gun at the skate park on Evans Street. Elmore is charged with reckless endangerment and endangering a child.

Megan J. Nenni, 21,of Albion, is charged with DWI following a traffic stop in the City of Batavia early Saturday morning.

Jake Myers, 19, of Batavia, was charged with possession of marijuana following a traffic stop early Saturday morning. Myers was also cited for drivers view obstructed, but no details on that violation were provided.

Eric L. Skeet, 20, of Corfu, is charged with DWI and possession of Marijuana following a traffic stop following a traffic stop on Pearl Street early Saturday morning. He is accused of having a BAC .08 or more.

UPDATE: Somehow I missed a couple of faxes from the weekend this morning. Below are additional items not part of our original report.

Jerod L. Trebian, 30, of Batavia, is charged with DWI stemming from a traffic stop for alleged speeding Friday evening in Pembroke on Route 77. He is accused of having a BAC of .08 or greater and driving 59 in a 40 m.p.h. zone.

Lazeuia D. Washington, 32, of Buffalo, was arrested in Darien for an alleged DWI, resisting arrest and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. She was placed in jail in lieu of $1,500 bail.

Shuvon Williams, 32, of Batavia, is accused of shoplifting from K-Mart. He is charged with petit larceny.

Red's Taxi - Anyone remember?

By Bea McManis

Does anyone remember where the dispatch office was for Red's Taxi?

Was there a taxi cab company near the Blue Bus Station on Court St?

While we are at it, does anyone remember an ice cream parlor attached to the Family theater on Jackson St.

....and to settle a dispute, where was Alexander's clothing store located.


Future farmers help fix up Corfu barn

By Billie Owens

A bunch of teenagers in red T-shirts spent Friday toiling in the sun to fix up an old barn off Route 77 in Corfu. And they did so willingly, even enthusiastically.

They spent the day scraping off old paint, powerwashing, brushing on new red paint, replacing worn out two-by-fours and doing landscaping. They'll do the trim and wrap things up Saturday and then enjoy a well-deserved banquet Sunday.

The workers are students from BOCES in Batavia and Albion High School in Orleans County and the barn is one of only five chosen nationwide to get an overhaul thanks to a generous donation from the Campbell's Soup Company.

It's all part of a project to help sustain family farms and aid the next generation of farmers. It also provides scholarship money for a prestigious six-week leadership conference this summer in Washington, D.C..

The Campbell's initiative is being done in conjunction with the national Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni Association, FFA student chapters, farm families and the agricultural community.

The soup maker ponied up $250,000 for the coast-to-coast campaign called "Help Grow Your Soup." Of those funds, $75,000 was set aside to refurbish five specially selected barns (at about $5,000 each) and provide scholarships to FFA students.

The barns, iconic symbols of family farms, had to be visible to the community and belong to a multi-generational farm family that produces something used to make soups.

The local one belongs to the Reynolds family, who operate a 600-cow dairy (for cream of broccoli, maybe?). The Reynolds also own 1,500 acres of land on which they grow feed crops. They sell their milk to Syracuse-based Dairylea Cooperative.

The other "Help Grow Your Soup" barns are in Illinois, Oregon, Tennessee and Kansas.

The hulking Allegheny Road structure is about 60 feet long and 40 feet wide and built sometime in the 1800s, no one seems to know exactly when. It's been used for hay storage but used to be where cows were fed and milked by John Reynolds' late parents.

The Reynolds built a new milking structure in 1997 and a new barn last year. Since the old barn was no longer essential, the family thought of tearing it down.

But family friend Barry Flansburg sort of intervened. He's also a Future Farmers of America alumnus and thought the Reynold's barn would be a good choice for the Campbell's opportunity. Apparently, his lobbying efforts weren't wasted.

"You're the first person I thought of, and you're right off Route 77," Flansburg said to Shelley Reynolds, who is delighted her family was chosen for the refurbishment project.

She likes what she and John do for a living, too.

"There's something about raising calves and seeing them become milk producers," Shelley said. "Sometimes you have to do chores on Christmas Eve, but you're responsible for it all and it's a good life. My kids never spent one day in day care. ... we operate as a family."

The family also includes Tyler, 18, MacKenzie, 17, and Andrew, 15.
Incidentally, MacKenzie is this year's Genesee County Dairy Princess and Tyler will be a freshman at Cornell this fall.

She says the kids say after college they'll come back to Corfu to run the dairy.

"It's their choice," she said, adding that it wouldn't be a bad one either.

Pictured above: Left: Christina Kirby, 11th grader at Albion; Right: Sarah Connor, 10th grader at Albion.

Batavia without fire chief as qualified captains decline temporary appointment

By Howard B. Owens

At the close of business today, the Batavia Fire Department will be without a fire chief, as none of the four captains who are qualified to fill an interim position wanted to take on the role at this time, CIty Manager Jason Molino told WBTA this afternoon.

Molino said he will handle routine administrative tasks for the department while the job search for a new chief continues.

Chief Tom Dillon resigned after learning last week that the New York Civil Service Commission denied the city's request for a waiver on his position. Dillon retired after 29-years with the Rochester Fire Department and the commission said he could not continue to draw retirement and earn more than $30,000 per year.

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