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16-year-old Oak Street resident charged with second-degree assault after fight on Highland Park a week ago

By Billie Owens
  Lionel Anderson Jr.

Lionel Anderson Jr., a 16-year-old resident of Oak Street in Batavia, is charged with second-degree assault, a felony.

He was arrested following a fight at 8:10 p.m. on Nov. 28 at 16 Highland Park, Batavia.

According to Det. Eric Hill, the youth is suspected of injuring a 13-year-old victim who was slammed to the ground, face first, then the victim was struck in the face, twice, with a metal belt buckle. No information about the victim is being released.

Lionel was arrested after the alleged attack and initially charged with endangering the welfare of a child and harassment, 2nd. The upgraded charge comes after additional investigation. He was already in custody on the first charges when he was arraigned on the felony.

He was ordered held on $25,000 bail. He is due back in City Court at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 7.

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