A box truck is stuck under the Prole Road Extension railroad overpass in Stafford, or as a dispatcher says it "may now be unable to vacate from underneath it." Stafford fire is dispatched to the scene in case firefighters can help.
UPDATE 1:09 p.m.: The driver managed to get his vehicle out from under the bridge by the time law enforcement arrived. A State Trooper said the driver will be cited for disobeying the height limit sign, which states the maximum clearance is 10' 8"; the box truck involved had a height of 11' 7".
"Let the air out of the tires
"Let the air out of the tires."
At least that's what I've been hearing my whole life...
how bout dont attempt it
how bout dont attempt it
Technically,he should have
Technically,he should have made it. Bridge heights are posted 1 foot below the actual clearance,unless the sign says "actual clearance",which the signs on Prole Rd. extension do NOT say. I'd fight the ticket,as the sign isn't technically correct. I don't know why the state/gov't does that.I believe all overpasses should be labeled "actual clearance", to take the confusion out. He should have had a whole inch to spare....when you take the CDL road test in Buffalo-they take you on a route on William St. that has an arch bridge that is posted 11'10"- but you can clear it w/ a 13'6" trailer as long as you go to left lane to go underneath it.....
Well it would have been the
Well it would have been the top or the sides stuck with that being a single lane bridge.
Thinking about the Prole Rd.
Thinking about the Prole Rd. RR overpass, the following Youtube video came to mind:
Just be thankful Prole Rd. isn't a main thoroughfare.