Although Flag Day is actually Tuesday, June 14, there will be a Flag Day Ceremony on Sunday, June 12, at the VA WNY Healthcare System, Batavia.
It starts at 1 p.m. with a prelude comprised of a motorcycle procession.
This will be followed by the Presentation of Colors by the Genesee County Joint Veterans Color Guard, and then the Invocation will be given by Chaplain Robert Chambers of the VA Chaplain Service.
Next, those assembled will say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mark J. Francis, volunteer program manager, will welcome participants and then Michael Mazutto will speak. Mazutto is a veteran of Afghanistan/Iraq and a recipient of the Purple Heart.
James Neider will speak on the Flag Day tradition. He is with the American Legion Genesee Veterans Club.
A Tribute to Veterans follows, provided by Batavia Middle School students and Assistant Principal Maureen Notoro.
St. Joe's Brass Ensemble will perform a musical salute and concert.
The ceremony ends with Chaplain Robert's benediction and the Retirement of Colors.
The public is welcome to attend. The VA medical center is located at 222 Richmond Ave. in the City of Batavia.