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House fire reported at Molasses Hill Road and Chaddock Road

By Billie Owens

A fire is reported at an unoccupied house (People live there, but they aren't home.) at 1137 Molasses Hill Road at the corner of Chaddock Road. Flames are showing. It has gone to a second alarm. Alexander Fire Department is responding, along with mutual aid from the Town of Batavia, Town of Batavia's FAST Team, Bethany, Darien and Pavilion. Darien is also asked to fill in at Alexander's fire hall.

UPDATE 6:23 p.m.: A first responder on scene reports the location is probably in Bethany's fire district.

UPDATE 6:26 p.m.: Attica is also called to respond. A propane tank is exposed to the fire.

UPDATE 6:37 p.m.: Stafford is asked to fill in at Bethany's fire hall. Command says the flames have gone through the second floor of the structure.

UPDATE 6:40 p.m.: All tankers responding are told to come to the scene via Silver Road. That's Silver Road to Chaddock.

UPDATE 7:33 p.m.: Fire is out. Overhauling. Wyoming Correctional Facility requested to provide inmates for assistance. Mercy medics on scene in case needed.

UPDATE 7:43 p.m.: The cause of the fire is under investigation.

To purchase prints, click here.

UPDATE: Two additional photos submitted by Glenn Adams.

Leslie Crittenden

Howard, your photographs are always excellent but these images are honestly spectacular. My gratitude to these firepersons for being out there when needed on such a cold windy night. Thanks Howard for reminding us all.

Jan 4, 2016, 12:41am Permalink
George Richardson

Howard, remember when we had to set the f stop, the shutter speed and focus the lens all by ourselves? And then changing the film without screwing up, waiting days for the prints to come back from the lab and paying most of our beer money for a pack of random crap with three or four decent shots? I can still smell the darkroom chemicals because it was cheaper to do it myself. I love your digital photos and mine but we didn't have to work hard enough and that bothers me. Only us old guys understand the feeling of loss for all of the pain and suffering that photography used to entail. Like three rolls of 36 with a film speed setting of 500 when it was actually 125. Precision Camera film processing, in Austin, saved my ass on that one.

Jan 4, 2016, 6:34am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

George I have to agree, making photography so easy is a boon to us that grew up with film. Especially my favorite type of photography... underwater photography. You had to learn to develop an eye for good shots and selfies and taking pictures of your food while eating out and such would never happen. But alot more gets captured and other skills replace those we used.

You can still tweak aperture and exposure to get specialized photos but these may become a lost art. I am learning to do this now. Going old school so to speak. But it is amazing how tech can alter such things George, and funny thing, when I was reading your post a song came up on the radio that made me think of these things and feel quite nostalgic. So I thought I would share...

Jan 5, 2016, 1:36pm Permalink

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