Submitted photos and press release:
St. Joseph Catholic School is proud to announce its graduating class of 2018.
Congratulations to: Cole Ashley, Jayce Ashton, Madalyn Bochicchio, Nathanael Brew, Michael Cianfrini, Aaron English, Gianna Fanara, Nicholas Grover, Cody Henry, Aidan Hume, Camden King, Norman-Vincent March, Colin McCulley, Conner McWilliams, Hope Miceli, Matthew Neal, Amanda Nguyen, Danilee Schneckenburger, Aiden Sisson, Lucia Sprague, Christian Swiercznski, Benjamin Tomaszewski, Jose Torres and Lindsey Weidman.
On June 20, these 24 students along with their families, friends and teachers gathered together at Resurrection Parish (St. Joseph Site) one last time to celebrate mass and receive well deserved awards and scholarships.
Although this is the last time these students will walk the halls of St. Joseph School, this is not the last time they will see each other. Many of these students will be continuing their catholic education at Notre Dame High School.