This beautiful, sleek indoor boy (betcha it's a Bombay) is named "Ted" and he is missing from his house on Osterhout Avenue in the City of Batavia. You've no doubt heard of TED talks. Well, we can assure you this Ted talks, he just doesn't speak English. A real chatterbox -- when he's not napping or noshing.
He made his stealthy escape Sunday night, well camouflaged in the cloak of darkness. His family (Greg Carney, Alicia Hale and their 5-year-old daughter) pines for him most acutely.
Please contact Alicia Hale at 585-300-9669 if you have any information about Ted. If you see him, try to engage him in a conversation, then call his mom. Hopefully, he'll hold forth until she can arrange for his safe return.