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Teen reportedly sick because of smoking incense

By Billie Owens

Law enforcement and medics are responding to a call of a 16-year-old male roadside in a vehicle at 5109 Ellicott St. in the Town of Batavia who is vomiting and nauseous due to a possible overdose from smoking incense.

UPDATE 8:25 p.m.: The boy is being transported to UMMC with a complaint of severe overdose of an intoxicant known as "Spice." He is reportedly experiencing "twitchiness" and general nauseousness.


I have said for years and years...incidents like this should be videotapped to show other kids what happens when you make a bad decision.

You can talk until you are blue in the "see" something like this, would bring the point home very quickly.

May 19, 2012, 11:34pm Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

Hopefully this kid will learn a lesson from this. Unfortunately, a new "shop" has plans on coming to Batavia.
This shop sells all kinds of bath salts, and after reading some articles on side effects of this shit, I am very concerned for the teens who will try this crap.The article states using bath salts is like LSD, METH,PCP, AND COKE, all rolled up in one substance.
It's use results in paranoia, psychosis, hallucinazations, and some of the symptoms may be irreversIble.It can provoke suicidal thoughts, causes sleep depravation, weight loss, and a lack of appetite.
Parents, please keep a close eye on your kids, if they display any of these symptons, be very careful, but by all means, seek medical attention ASAP.

May 20, 2012, 12:46pm Permalink
Gary Spencer

Where, when and who is opening this "shop" and how do you know so much about it?

The state makes one substance illegal and the makers of this poison keep changing the formula, the latest is called "Pump It" it is basically the same crap and people, not just kids, are having some bad trips from it. It can be picked up on toxis, but as soon as a lab finds out one formula, the makers change it just enough so we can't detect it!

May 20, 2012, 10:08pm Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

Gary, heard the whole story from a Brockport student who frequents the shop in B-port, claims he heard this from the shop owner. That would be how much I know about it. I don't care to divulge the "shop's" name,but rest assured,
they are selling the salts, not sure about spice however.
I was also told the "salts" are legal.

May 21, 2012, 9:23pm Permalink

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