I am really excited about this upcoming event in Batavia. Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union is going to Pay it Forward to the Batavia NY community with $10 CASH to each participant. I added a paragraph below to explain this event clearly!
You’ve heard people say, “a penny for your thoughts”. Visit TVFCU on Thursday, October 15th when we will be giving you 1,000 pennies - $10.00 - just for telling us how you would use it to help someone else! All entries will be videoed. Finalists will be selected from these entries and posted on-line for voting. The winner will be awarded $1000 to use however they wish in contributing toward their cause. Stop by October 15th, when videoing will take place between 10 am and 2pm, to tell us how you would “Pay it Forward”. Employees and their families are not eligible. For more details about TVFCU “Pay it Forward” and voting, visit TVFCUBatavia.com or see our Pay it Forward Video and Rules.