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Is it any wonder that every Democratic county committee in the 26th District endorsed "the other guy”?

By Charlie Mallow
Let me try to give the Democrats out there a taste of why Jack Davis is not a good selection in this primary. The last thing I would want to do as Genesee Democrat Party Chair is to tell you not to vote for a Democrat, but in Jack’s case, I feel a duty to do so.
Jack Davis came before the Genesee County Democratic Committee and told us his plans. Chief among them was a vow to go to Washington and fight with other Democrats. That stance might win a few votes during the general election, but you have to be a few cards shy of a full deck to say that at a Democratic Party meeting. If you’re a Democrat, would that sort of thing convince you to vote for this guy in a primary? Jack Davis is NOT a Democrat, period.
Jack Davis thinks that money can buy you anything, even a seat in Congress. During that same party meeting, Jack Davis told us that he had $3 Million dollars and that was pretty much all the help he needed.  He then dispatched his hired hands to the Supreme Court to overturn the millionaire’s law, so he could limit what other people could spend to fight him. I don’t know about you but, there is just something foul about all of this to me. I have heard all the arguments from the libertarians out there, that the man has every right to spend his own money and I still find it distasteful. Jack Davis is throwing his money around to buy this election. In the latest scandal, it's being reported that Jack paid "consultant" fees to the wives of the Independence Party Chairmen  in Monroe and Erie Counties. At least one of the chairmen has already been forced to resign in disgrace. These types of things are something that we Genesee County Democrats can NOT just overlook. This is just unbelievable!
  As many other letter writers have shown, Jack Davis doesn’t know what issues matter to Democrats because....he doesn’t care to know them. During the last two elections, Jack didn't go out and meet anyone because he wouldn’t campaign. Jack is above all that.  Jack thinks that he can just buy an election with fancy two sided color mailers. I already received five of them in the mail. Rip off musical ads and buying people off with cheap gas are more of his most recent techniques. Those things don’t constitute  reasons to vote for someone. Ideology and platform do.
It would be a travesty as County Democratic Chairman for me to stand behind Jack Davis when he claims he is a Democrat.   I have tried to stay on the sidelines but, supporting Jack Davis would be irresponsible and a total abdication of my responsibility as county chairman. Win or lose, I will NOT support Jack Davis or anyone like him. In my America, people don’t buy elections.

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