Buffalo News writer Tom Precious pretty much says all that needs to be said about the state of the state in the first paragraph of his story today:
ALBANY — State lawmakers returned Tuesday to Albany, collected their per diems, ate free lunches, huddled with lobbyists and met with each other in private. But they were unable to accomplish the chief task that brought them back to the Capitol: budget repair.
That's good, honest reporting.
It is gratifying to see our
It is gratifying to see our hard earned tax dollars at work to support this privileged class of state citizens. The Good Old Boy club is working and well!
I just hope that the voters'
I just hope that the voters' memory doesn't fail them again when these bozos come up for election next time.
My new voting policy when it comes to voting for NY State offices is - if you're an incumbent, you're G-O-N-E.
I don't care which party you belong to, you're OUT!!
Call it stupid, call it uninformed, but I'm done with these guys. Ask yourself...how much worse could it be?
Of course...in these parts, the republican lemmings will no doubt prevent any change from happening.