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A Morning With Sadie


Sadie is a 5-year-old chocolate lab and not only a well-trained retriever, but a prime example of the classic relationship between gunner and gun dog. During the past couple autumns, I've been privileged to spend a few mornings with Sadie and her owner, Doug Harloff. Each outing has been invigorating, being able witness firsthand a good wingshot and his loyal sidekick at work.

A short wait in the dark was followed by a pre-sunrise calm.

Low light as Doug & Sadie both wait for the morning's first flight.

Decoys are in place.

The onset of a retrieve.

The return trip - mission accomplished.

Time for a little TLC.

Checking the northwestern sky - no ducks sneaking in the backdoor.


Doug explains to Sadie that the ducks have stopped flying.

Look at Sadie's facial expression: "Whaddya mean we're leaving?"

Happily for Sadie, on the way home there was a bit of pheasant action. She's equally good at locating ringnecks. 

Having spent time with Doug and Sadie both in the cattails and afield, I come away with the impression these two are not simply an owner and his dog - they're good friends.  

Don Hawkins

Sadie is just a beautiful girl. I've had labs all my life and their is no comparison with those eyes of complete devotion and adoration. What a special relationship. Beautiful pics, thanks.

Nov 5, 2010, 8:38am Permalink
Jim Burns

Better the dog had a disappointed look when you where leaving vs being disappointed at a missed shot

Labs are great upland dogs too. I was in SD years ago hunting over labs with a group of 6 hunters. We had all gotten birds but one of us who was very new to hunting and very clearly out of place.
The dominant lab caught a pheasant and walked over to the out of place hunter, waited for the hunter to look at him and released the bird for the hunter to shoot. The new guy took two shots at the bird and it flew off unharmed. The lab looked very disappointed. Best dog I have ever hunted over.

Nov 5, 2010, 1:14pm Permalink

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