(Rock Waiting for Spring- Leroy, NY))
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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Just barely.
JOE: You mean just barely morning or just barely good?
CALLIOPE: Just barely morning.
JOE: Don't pout. I have had a great morning. I was up early to read the paper, write my morning pages and take a walk.
CALLIOPE: Glad you are enjoying it.
JOE: I'm on a roll from yesterday.
JOE: I mentioned that I was reading Julia Cameron's Vein of Gold.
CALLIOPE: You did.
JOE: One of her suggestions was a weekly "Artist's Date."
CALLIOPE: Did you have one?
JOE: Yesterday I set out on a journey with my camera and found quite a few interesting images within a mile of my house. I realized that there were probably many other places within walking distance.
CALLIOPE: Is that where you were this morning?
JOE: Yes. I was scouting new photo sites and walked through a local cemetery where several people I knew are buried. I'm looking forward to more adventures. Talk with you on Monday.