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Day of Caring: Volunteers do chores to help nonprofits

By Billie Owens
Event Date and Time
2011-05-18T08:00:00 - 2011-05-18T17:00:00

The United Way of Genesee County's annual Day of Caring will kick off at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 18, at Dwyer Stadium. The day will be filled with chores to benefit more than 15 nonprofit groups in the community.

More than 300 volunteers are expected to pitch in for painting, yard work, construction and many more practical tasks for the Day of Caring.

For information or to volunteer, please call the United Way office at 343-8141.

Last year, more than 275 volunteers from area businesses and organizations worked on 48 projects at nonprofit agencies. A total of 1,675 hours of donated labor resulted in the completion of many much needed and long overdue projects.

To find out more about the Day of Caring, please contact the United Way office at 343-2874.

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