The bible tells us in the book of Joshua about a man who led the tribes of Israel into the land of Canaan, the land God had promised their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob they would inherit. (Gen 12:1-3; Exodus 6:2-8) Joshua was a faithful leader who loved God, prayed to God, and was obedient to the instruction God gave him for the people. These are the words Joshua spoke to the Israelites in his final hours, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
What was it that led Joshua to say these final words to the Israelites? He knew he was near the end of his days on earth so he pleaded with the people to stay true to God Almighty. The land God promised them was filled with people who worshiped other gods. God had commanded the people to love Him with all of their heart and not to worship any other god but Him, the one and only true God. The bible tells us that these people were a stiffed necked (stubborn and rebellious) people! Too often they turned from God, grumbled, and fell into temptation and worshiped other gods besides Him. Joshua reminded the people of what God had done for them and told them, “Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left.(Joshua 23:6) Fear the Lord and serve Him with al lfaithfulness.” (Joshua 24:14)
They, like all people, had to make a choice…obey the Lord, who had proven His faithfulness, or follow in the ways of those who did not! Before Joshua, Moses was leading them, and at one point they became impatient as they waited for Moses to come down the mountain after meeting with God. They melted down gold earrings and made an image of a golden calf to worship. (Exodus 32) A god does not have to be a golden image; it can be anything we put above and before loving and serving God. Joshua made up his mind that he and his family would serve God only! He was a leader who was led by God’s word and not by what everyone else was doing around him; he was not going to compromise his faith and relationship with his Father in heaven. He was a leader to be commended for his faithfulness to God Almighty.
In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln made this his proclamation on National Day of Humiliation and Fasting: It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history; that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
Joshua gave the Israelites a national challenge… he urged the people to put God first and to continue in His ways! I pray that the words of Joshua, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” are words that we can say and mean as well! President Abraham Lincoln urged the people to humbly seek God for their sins and recognized that it was only through the obedience of the Holy Scriptures we would be a blessed nation! I humbly ask God to forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Thursday, May 1st, is National Day of Prayer, a day in which God’s people join their voices in prayer for the nation and its leaders. I like to think of it as a symphony of prayer which blends together to reach the heart of the Lord. Batavia Assembly of God, located at 24 North Spruce Street, will be hosting a United National Day of Prayer event. Local churches from different denominations will come together to pray. Please join us from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Thursday, May 1st, as we unite in a symphony of corporate prayer for our families, our churches, our nation, and the world. The number to reach the church if you have any questions is (585) 343-8521.
Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing to hear of Christian churches all over the nation being full to overflowing on May 1st with His people, seeking Him in one accord in obedience to His word for His forgiveness; and for His blessing? Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing if out of the present and future leaders living in the White House we heard the words…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord? According to God’s word prayer ispowerful and effective. (James 5:16) With God, ALL things are possible! (Matthew 19:26) Amen!
United National Day of Prayer
Event Date and Time
2014-05-01T19:00:00 - 2014-05-01T20:30:00