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American Legion members from Machias make donation to PTSD clinic

By Howard B. Owens

The 1460 Legion Riders, from Machias, stopped by the PTSD clinic at the VA Hospital in Batavia today with a $2,600 check for the clinic.

The members raised the money this year with a dice run and a 9/11 memorial service.

"We have members in the club who have PTSD and we know what they go through and we know what the other veterans go through so when we first became a club we wanted to make PTSD what our money would go to," said Director Tom Ploetz.

Danielle Bergman, assistant director at the VA in Batavia, said the money will be used for recreation therapy, such as the purchase of bikes and kayaks.

Photo: Danielle Bergman, assistant director at the VA in Batavia, Tom Ploetz, director 1460 Legion Riders, Amy Ploetz, secretary, Bob Ponton, member, David Ramsey, nurse manager for the PTSD program, Jim Perkins, treasurer, Joan Perkins, member.

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