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Byron-Bergen student participates in leadership conference in D.C.

By Howard B. Owens

Ava Wagoner, a student at Byron-Bergen, spent a week in Washington, D.C., for the 2017 Junior National Young Leaders Conference, sponsored by Envision.

It's a six-day conference for sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students from all over the nation, that includes workshops, simulations and visits to historically significant sites, such as Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and memorials throughout the District of Columbia.

Here's what Ava wrote about her experience:

My name is Ava Wagoner and I just returned from attending Junior National Youth Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. I was nominated by my teacher at Byron-Bergen Central School. At the conference, I learned leadership skills through focus groups, simulations, hands-on field trips and conducting a group presentation at the end of the week. My experience was very rewarding, I made life- long friends and truly feel I gained more knowledge and leadership skills. One of the best parts was the key note speaker, Anthony Robles, who with only one leg became the 2011 NCAA Wrestling Champion in the 125lb weight class. I learned that he was proud to be different and that everyone has to "wrestle" in life in some way and anything is possible if you try hard enough.

About myself: I am going into 7th grade at Byron-Bergen Central School. I was recently accepted into GCC's ACE program. I play travel soccer, travel basketball, am in All-County band and am in chorus. My love of science pushed me to obtain 151, 2nd or 3rd place in the Science Fair every year since it started when I was in 2nd grade. 

Photos and info submitted by Yvonne Ace-Wagoner.

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