There will be a primary, and I plan on being your next Congressman. The people of this district deserve the freedom to choose their candidate.
You deserve the freedom of a primary, and you deserve a rural candidate who lives in the district. I’ve shown you, my neighbors, that I have a plan to beat Chris Collins come November, and it starts with you.
Throughout this campaign, I’ve promised you honesty and accountability, and that’s why I am staying in the race. I’ve committed to you not to divide us on partisan politics, but to unite on the values that make us all Americans.
I encourage you to listen to all candidates, to learn about who we are and what we stand for, and choose the candidate that you want to be your next Congressman.
You’ll learn that I believe in family, in accountability, and in you. Imagine a Congressman who does not hide in Washington or does not believe that this is the next step in a political career. I’m running because we can do better.
I came back to Western New York to take care of my family and my family’s business. I’ve taken what I learned from business school and experiences throughout my career in business to invest in new technology and grow my family’s small business. Our small businesses can do better. They deserve the chance to grow and to thrive.
Imagine a Congressman who does not worry about your political party, how much money you make, or what you look like. A Congressman who only cares about ensuring every single person in Western New York is doing better than they were before, and a Congressman who ensures our children can do better than we ever believed.
I’m looking forward to meeting you on the campaign trail and learning how to make Western New York a better place. Remember, this is about your values, your voice, and your vote.