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Firefighters wearing pink ribbons in October to support heroes fighting breast cancer

By Howard B. Owens

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the uniform T-shirt of Batavia City Fire Department is adorned with pink ribbons on the front and back so that firefighters can show their support of those who have fought or are fighting the disease.

"We want people to understand that we appreciate the fact that firefighters are often given the term heroes, however people fighting breast cancer are really the true heroes," said Chief Stefano Napolitano. "We want to support those people that have lost the battle and those that are currently fighting and those who are going to be fighting in the future."

Napolitano's own mother was successfully treated for breast cancer (though she has since passed due to other health reasons) so this is a cause that is especially important to him, he said.

"I know several other ladies that are fighting or have fought and are survivors so this is just a small way that city fire can let them know that we're here supporting them," the chief said. "We enjoy the support of the community and it's an honor and it's humbling to be able to provide that support and return to those that are fighting their own fires."

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