Voters in the Le Roy Fire District are being asked this evening to decide whether to approve a plan to purchase a new ladder truck for the Le Roy Volunteer Fire Department.
The polls are open from 6 to 9 p.m. at the district office, 4 Clay St., Le Roy.
The district is asking voters to approve a loan of $1 million, an expenditure of $400,000 from reserve funds, and the sale of an existing ladder truck.
The two resolutions:
Resolution 1: “Bond resolution of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Le Roy Fire District in the Town of Le Roy, Genesee County, New York, authorizing the acquisition of one firefighting vehicle at a maximum cost of $1,400,000; and authorizing the issuance of up to $1,000,000 in serial bonds of said fire district to finance a portion of the cost thereof.”
Resolution 2: “Resolution of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Le Roy Fire District in the Town of Le Roy, Genesee County, New York, authorizing the disposition of the fire district’s 2002 Pierce 100-foot ladder truck including incidental equipment and apparatuses to be used in connection with such vehicle.”
In a letter of support for the resolutions, commissioners said now is the time to act because of anticipated increases in the costs of manufacturing, additional mandated certificates, and economic conditions that will drive up the cost of replacement of the current ladder truck.
At the same time, the resale market value of the existing truck, which will be 18 years old by the time it is taken out of service, will only decrease.
When the current truck was
When the current truck was purchased in 2001, it was touted to last 30 years, what happened?
Not bashing, simply asking. We have had the current truck for 17 years. That's not even 70% of the expected life we were sold.