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Owner of 'Trump Plane' takes to the skies to flip NY from blue to red

By Howard B. Owens

Mike O'Reilly lives in Queens, a borough of New York City that most in Western New York think of as a liberal bastion. Yes, a Trump bumper sticker on your car will result in insults and raised fingers but there's more support there for Trump than you might think, O'Reilly said today standing next to his private plane wrapped to express his support for the president's reelection.

JBRGraphfx, of Churchville, wrapped the plane while it was the Genesee County Airport and O'Reilly has been on a tour of New York trying to do his part to flip the state from blue to red.

"I’m flying around the state," O'Reilly said. "I’m flying to as many airports as I can. I wanted to go to all of the airports but with the weather, I’m hoping to get 12 to 15 stops. The media coverage has been great and people are getting excited. The whole idea is to get people to vote and not just Republicans, not just independents, not conservatives but Democrats because I believe that the Main Street Democrats, they’re not going for all of this looney, left-liberal stuff.

"They not going for doing away with securing our borders and law enforcement, defunding police. Democrats don’t want this. They want what Trump has to offer. They want a strong economy. They want good jobs. They want to be able to support their family. They want safe streets, good schools. That’s what Trump is offering and that’s my real appeal — Democrats in New York, come out and vote for Trump. It’s OK."

Photo: Mike O'Reilly, and Tim Jessop and Devin Jessop of JBRGraphx.

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