Today Timothy Zipfel, a senior at Pavilion High School and a volunteer with the Pavilion Fire Department, donned his turnout gear and air tank today to walk 110 flights of stairs at the school in honor of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America.
Of course, Pavilion only has three flights of stairs, so Zipfel walked up three flights and then down three flights about 36 times to complete the 110 flights.
There were 110 flights of stairs in each of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
The attack was 17 years ago and Zipfel is only 17 years old. He said the impact of the attack hit him when he was young when his parents told him about it and he determined then that he would do something to honor the victims.
This is the second year he's climbed the stairs.
"I believe that today is one of the days that no one in this great nation should ever forget," Zipfel said. "I feel like it should be honored."
Bravo, young man! You
Bravo, young man! You honored the brave first responders 17 years ago, What's more, you honored first responders today, your parents, your school and community. Well done!