Six probationary members of the Corfu Fire Department, all juniors and seniors at Pembroke High School, were recognized for their service to the fire department with the Service Person of the Year award. Collectively, they put in more than 800 hours of firefighter training in 2018.
The members are Casey Felski, Cyle Felski, Elizabeth Tebor, Megan Stiles, Ethan Librock, Jayden Eck and Dylan Lang.
In 2018, the department responded to 129 calls. Chief Brian Schollard said after the department fell just shy of 2,000 training hours in 2017 he set a goal of more than 2,000 training hours for the department in 2018. In 2018, collectively, members of the department reached almost 4,000 training hours.
To find out how you can join your local department, visit ReadyGenesee.com.

Installation of Officers

Installation of Fire Police

Jim Mallory was recognized by the department and Assemblyman Steve Hawley for 65 years of continuous volunteer service.

Jacob Stiles received an award for completing the most training hours.

Candle lighting in remembrance of members who have passed.

Ethan Librock, one of the probationary members from Pembroke HS, made this wooden flag for the department in his woodshop class.