Neither Billie nor I know our birds very well. We spotted this red-breasted bird in our backyard and are curious about what kind of bird it is.

UPDATE: It's a rose-breasted grosbeak. Fellow Southsider Jason Smith sent over a video of one in his backyard.
From the front, it appears to
From the front, it appears to be a male red-breasted grosbeak.
Have 4 of them here
Have 4 of them here
yup rose breasted grosbeak
yup rose breasted grosbeak
The females are nearby, they
The females are nearby, they are partners for life. I've had a few this year.
Male rose breasted grosbeak.
Male rose breasted grosbeak. The girls are brownish and almost look like fat sparrows, but they have the Same shaped beak as the males. The girlfriends should be around too! These are one of my favorites at the feeders every year! Congrats
Words... to the Birds
Words... to the Birds
Birds - they are the angels of our sphere //often mesmerizing to watch - enraptureing to hear. Soaring high or chasing low commanding winds & thermals -- with minute feather flick - lending inspiration to athletes, adventurers, inventors as well as the bereaved, the downtrodden & the sick --- the endless spectrum of melodic warble or of metronomic tweet calling Bach and Beethoven to the window from their seat The colors and the shading of different bird specie --- are brush strokes cross the heavens --Van Gough would gladly treat - streaking psychedelic ty dye or stoic penguin monotone -- each a source of wonder and amusement --- from their beak tips to webbed toes --- I begin to doze and imagine... myself above in flight - as the circling, ascending Eagle I inhabit dissolves to pure sunlight.
Dan Norstrand. 3-18-17