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Photos: Mike Randall performs 'A Christmas Carol'

By Howard B. Owens

Mike Randall, WKBW's chief meteorologist and an actor, performed a reading of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens last night at the Richmond Memorial Library. In Randall's live solo performance he takes on the role of 25 characters from the story.

Rich Richmond

In a much loved red sandstone building and historical landmark. In a room so pleasant and peaceful to many of us, with its warm dark wood bookcases and solid old wood paneling.
A room with faded oil portraits on plaster walls. A room with a fireplace, and a brightly lit fir tree during the holiday season. A room with a high ceiling where the books we read there let our imagination soar. Books, perhaps, like “The Cricket at the Hearth?”

We sat in this room cleared of familiar, comfortable furniture to make room for all. A Christmas gathering of people to make the jovial and plump old Fezziwig in his counting house proud. Mike Randel as Charles Dickens made our imaginations soar as he brought us back to 1843. He had us mesmerized by the characters he brought to life, portraying them each will all their nuances.

Bravo, Sir, Bravo, for your heartwarming performance!

And special thanks to our friends and neighbours at the Richmond Library for hosting this Christmas Gathering!

Dec 15, 2017, 3:03pm Permalink

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