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Photos: Start of 5K to benefit All Babies Cherished

By Howard B. Owens

The first runner rounds the corner on Bank Street this morning to start a 5K race benefiting All Babies Cherished.

Rachael Scott

Howard, is there a way to advertise these before the event? There's been coverage of several lately that I would have wanted to run but didn't know about until pictures were posted here.

Jun 6, 2015, 1:21pm Permalink
Billie Owens

On May 26, 2015, on the Home Page, a huge sponsored post was published about this event.

Here's the link to cut and paste in your browser to view it:…

Or go to the search window on the home page and type in all babies cherished and hit return and scroll and find it there by the aforementioned date.

Plus, this was listed on the Home Page calendar. On busy days, when more than 5 things are taking place at any given time, (that's how many links on found under Upcoming) you may have to click on the actual date to find all listings for, say, today, or tomorrow.

Also, ANY registered user of the site can post blog items on any page except the Home Page and they can add events to the calendar ANY time.

We try to keep readers informed of as much as we can but inevitably will miss something. That was not the case this time.

Jun 6, 2015, 1:42pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

I would venture to guess that 98 percent of the time, if we cover an event, there's been pre-publicity on The Batavian in some form -- calendar, announcements, sponsored post, top of content ad, other ad, home page story, something. Not every organization sends us pre-publicity on their events (I guess they expect us to know through osmosis or precognition), but most do. As Billie pointed out, this event was well publicized on The Batavian prior to this morning.

Jun 6, 2015, 4:58pm Permalink

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