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Selden Road victim sleeping in bed before being shot to death

By Howard B. Owens

Norman Don Ball
Photo provided by a family member

Kyle G. Johnson, 53, of 7324 Selden Road, Le Roy, has been charged with murder in the second degree in the shooting death this morning of Norman Don Ball, 69, of 7421 Selden Road, Le Roy.

Johnson is also charged with first-degree burglary, third-degree arson, and reckless endangerment. Additional charges are pending.

Johnson is accused of entering the home of Ball through an unlocked rear door at about 3:50 a.m., going upstairs, asking a roommate if Ball was home, and then going back downstairs, entering Ball's bedroom, where Ball was sleeping, and shooting him in the head with a 12-guage shotgun.

Johnson then fled on foot, according to the Sheriff's Office, and returned to his house, which he then allegedly set on fire through unknown means.

The roommate reported hearing a pop, went downstairs and found Ball in his bed with a gunshot wound to his head. The roommate then went next door, where Mr. Ball's son lived, and informed him of the shooting, and the son called 9-1-1.

The first deputy arrived on scene at 4:02 a.m., followed by a Village of Le Roy police officer at 4:06 a.m.

At 4:15 a.m., dispatchers received a call from another Selden Road resident who reported a structure fire at 7324 Selden Road.

Le Roy fire was dispatched and a chief and village officer arrived on scene. The suspect fired his shotgun in their direction, according to the Sheriff's Office statement. 

No firefighters or officers were injured as a result of these shots.

Numerous deputies and troopers then arrived on scene and the suspect was contained within the general area around his house.

The Batavia PD emergency response team then arrived on scene and kept the suspect contained to the immediate vicinity. 

The suspect reportedly paced back and forth around his house and out onto the roadway and ignored numerous commands to drop his weapon.

The SWAT team of the Monroe County Sheriff Office arrived on scene and provided further assistance with its armored vehicles. 

The vehicles were used to confront Johnson, but Johnson allegedly failed to comply with commands to drop his weapon and surrender. 

"He would charge the armored vehicle and then back off," according to the statement. 

At approximately 7:55 a.m., Johnson placed his weapon on the ground and he was rushed by members of the SWAT team and taken into custody.

There was a press conference at the Sheriff's Office this afternoon and we will have an additional story on today's event later.

Photos of Johnson being escorted from his arraignment in Le Roy by Ray Coniglio.


Joseph Langen

I was impressed with the patience and restraint the police showed in a difficult situation. In some areas, police shoot first and ask questions later. Good job!

Dec 2, 2015, 3:01pm Permalink

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