Jeff Starowitz was named Member of the Year by the South Byron Volunteer Fire Department during an awards and installation dinner Friday night at the South Byron Recreation Hall.

Jennie Starowitz was honored for her 65 years of service to the South Byron department. Pictured in the front row are: Assemblyman Steve Hawley, Theresa Hammer, Bob Fite, Jennie Starowitz and Jeff Starowitz.

Lt. Vito Muoio was named Firefighter of the Year. Chief Brian Hickey, Muoio, and President Dean Bates.

Allie Gurgel completed the most training hours -- while also being a new mother -- in 2019.

Capt. Any Konieczny made it to the scene of the most calls in 2019.

Administrative officers for 2020: Dean Bates, president; Reggie Macdonald, vice president; Theresa Hammer, secretary; Alfred Klycek, treasurer; Bob Fite, membership chair; Al Secash, is Bell Jar chair; Rev. Harold Coller, chaplain.
Firematic officers for 2020: Brian Hickey, chief; Jim McKenzie, deputy chief; Jacob Yasses, asst. chief; Andy Konieczny, captain; Vito Muoio, 1st lieutenant; Jeff Starowitz, 2nd lieutenant; Chase Cone, engineer; Matt Dougherty, fire police captain; Aaron Belluscio, fire police sergeant; and Allie Gurgel, fire police corporal.
Video: Members of the South Byron Volunteer Fire Department reflect on being a volunteer firefighter.