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St. Joe's graduates 28 eighth-graders

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Father Ivan celebrated Mass at Resurrection Parish (St. Joseph site) to honor the 28 students who are moving on to high school in the fall.

Many of these eighth-grade students participated in their own Graduation Mass by saying the readings, reciting prayers and singing in the choir. A special moment of the Mass was when, after Communion, graduating eighth-grader Ariana deSa e Frias beautifully sang “Ave Maria” to everyone’s family and friends.

After Mass, Principal Karen Green, as well as many of the eighth-grade teachers, presented awards to honor all of these hardworking students.  Students received Honor Roll Awards, Music Awards, Excellence Awards as well as many other special Achievement Awards.

In addition, miore than $7,000 was given out in scholarships to those students attending Notre Dame High School in the fall. Congratulations to these St. Joseph Catholic School graduates!

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