Press release:
St. Joe’s Regional School recently experienced a successful Mini Mammoth Sale at their new location in the school’s Annex building across from the school. The new location has five rooms loaded with items of all types, from furniture to a shop of collectibles and vintage articles.
The sale has expanded to include Fridays, 5 to 8 p.m., and Saturdays 8 a.m. to noon for the months of April and May, and sales throughout the year.
Donations of jewelry, furniture, household items and collectibles are greatly appreciated and can either be dropped off on the Annex porch or picked up by calling Randa Williams at (585) 356-5333.
A huge thank you to all who have supported our school through donations or purchases since we are no longer connected to a parish. Also, thank you to Carmen Campbell from the PennySaver as our promotional partner, Rick and Tom Mancuso for our storage facilities, and Dave at Tim Hortons for keeping our volunteers in Timbits and coffee. Also, Anibal Soler, city schools superintendent, and his executive secretary Brittany Witkop for advertising support.
John Bowen, Randa Williams, and Norm Argulsky and the school could not be successful without the support of the community.
Photos by Howard Owens. Top photo, sale cochairs Randa Williams and John Bowen.