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Town of Batavia fire celebrates accomplishments, installs 2020 officers at annual dinner

By Howard B. Owens

Town of Batavia Fire Department held its annual awards banquet and installation of officers at Terry Hills on Saturday night. 

Bryan Moscicki was named Firefighter of the Year (top photo).

Tim Yaeger, a past chief and current board member, received the President's Award.

Jim Bouton responded to the most calls in 2019: 284.

Paul Barrett, a past chief, received his 35-year pin.

Joseph DeMarco, cofounder of Wings Flights of Hope, was on hand to accept a $1,000 donation from the department.

The 2020 Line Officers: Daniel Coffey, chief; James Bouton, deputy chief; Thomas Garlock, first assistant chief; Christopher Strathearn, second assistant chief; Conor Wilkes, captain; Russell Borden, lieutenant; Paul Barrett, safety officer.

Corporate Officers for 2020: Scott Garlock, president; Ian Sanfratello, vice president; Steve Coburn, secretary; Donal Koziol, treasurer; and directors -- Timothy Yaeger, Robert Tripp, Paul Barrett, Gary Giegelman and Daniel Jacques.


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Second video, Town of Batavia fire's 2019 in Review, produced by Clayton Gorski.

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