Genesee County didn't have the biggest voter turnout in the special election on Tuesday, but we made a good run at it.
Board of elections officials have said our turnout was "about 25 percent."
That's 8 percentage points behind Erie County, but still at the high end of anticipated turnout for a single-ballot item, special election.
Depending on how "about" the GC turnout was, it also looks like Niagara County also had a slightly higher turnout at 25.7 percent.
These are unofficial numbers before absentee ballots have been counted.
Monroe County's turnout was 21 percent, Orleans 22 and we haven't been able to obtain the numbers for Wyoming County.
Even though we couldn't beat Erie (33 percent) -- where all four candidates were from -- our turnout was strong. The Batavian will go ahead and make its $100 donation to the Genesee Justice Foundation.
I'm dropping my check off for
I'm dropping my check off for Child Advocacy Center to Donna Ferry in an hour.
I will also stand behind my
I will also stand behind my pledge, even though we weren't the highest. How about everybody else?
You weren't the highest
You weren't the highest County but it sure looks like the highest ever for Genesee County. Nine percent of registered voters in Austin, Tx determined two out of three City Council Members and we still have to spend a half million in taxpayer dollars on a run off race.
"I think you really got out the vote big time mofo', now can we git on down the road?"
-Rick Perry Teabag Yellleader Esq. Douchebag
Heh, heh.
I'm good for my pledge to
I'm good for my pledge to Genesee Justice.
Wow, what an awesome day to
Wow, what an awesome day to be a proud Genesee County resident! Thanks everyone who voted and everyone who is making a donation despite falling short of the goal.
Dropped my check for
Dropped my check for Care-a-Van off to Howard the night of the election. Great idea, glad so many participated.
I'm good for my pledges. But,
I'm good for my pledges. But, 25% is absolutely pathetic, I will not be convinced otherwise. I don't care what other counties do, I don't care what history has been. 25% is disgusting. Period.
Howard, can you provide the
Howard, can you provide the information on where to send a donation to Genesee Justice? Thanks.
District Attorney Lawrence
District Attorney Lawrence Friedman will also be following through on his pledge, $500 each for the Child Advocacy Center's Foundation and one to the Genesee Justice Foundation.