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Today's Poll: Do you agree with Gov. Cuomo that there should be tougher gun laws?

By Howard B. Owens
tom hunt

New York State has on the books some of the toughest gun laws in the Nation. This has not stopped gun related violence. Gun laws only impact the law abilding citizen. The criiminal will always have access to illegal weapons.

Aug 15, 2012, 7:45am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Its just a bunch of crap, I wish someone would take all the gun control supporters and ask them, whats next? Shall just disregard the whole Constitution? I always hear the gun control people make the argument that our founding fathers intended this to be able to create milita and that each state now has National Guard so its obsolete. But I am gonna post something that makes me lose sleep at times with those in our Govt that support gun control.

Evidence of an Individual Right

In his popular edition of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1803), St. George Tucker (see also), a lawyer, Revolutionary War militia officer, legal scholar, and later a U.S. District Court judge (appointed by James Madison in 1813), wrote of the Second Amendment:

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and this without any qualification as to their condition or degree, as is the case in the British government.
In the appendix to the Commentaries, Tucker elaborates further:
This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty... The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Whenever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. In England, the people have been disarmed, generally, under the specious pretext of preserving the game: a never failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any measure, under that mask, though calculated for very different purposes. True it is, their bill of rights seems at first view to counteract this policy: but the right of bearing arms is confined to protestants, and the words suitable to their condition and degree, have been interpreted to authorise the prohibition of keeping a gun or other engine for the destruction of game, to any farmer, or inferior tradesman, or other person not qualified to kill game. So that not one man in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject to a penalty.
Not only are Tucker's remarks solid evidence that the militia clause was not intended to restrict the right to keep arms to active militia members, but he speaks of a broad right – Tucker specifically mentions self-defense.

Makes one wonder what the TRUE intent of our Govt is, in getting guns out of the hands of it's citizens

Aug 15, 2012, 8:04am Permalink
Doug Yeomans

Let me first state that I have owned firearms my entire life and also have a pistol permit (Monroe County). I have always been a member of the NRA and I also have a lifetime supersportsman license in NY state.

Here's an example of how restrictive gun laws are. (Don't forget, I already have long guns and pistols.) A few years ago I decided that I that wanted a single shot, 20 GA shotgun for deer hunting. (I'm a fan of single shot firearms.) I traveled to gander Mountain in Henrietta, made my selection and was promptly place on a 4 day hold by NICS. Gander Mountain has a policy that if anyone is placed on a "hold," they also add another 6 days to the hold.

I asked why I was placed on hold and the sales clerk said it happens all the time at random. NICS delays the sale of the firearm for no apparent reason, just because they can. Now, does that make any sense at all for someone who has already proven repeatedly over the decades that they're clear to purchase firearms?

The next, obvious step is to get a UPIN from the FBI (unique personal identification number). I don't understand why I should even need a UPIN since my drivers license number and SS number already uniquely identify me. It's just more bureaucratic bulls**t.

Aug 15, 2012, 9:18am Permalink
Doug Yeomans

Was just listening to the radio...our government wants to treat illegal Mexicans better than its own citizens by going out of its way to help them remain here.

Aug 15, 2012, 9:36am Permalink
Ted Wenzka

Doug, I also heard this. My feelings are, if this is the way our gov't wants to operate - let's do away with our borders, border patrol, etc. and have totally open borders.

Aug 15, 2012, 10:26am Permalink
Rich Richmond

Tying into posts #2 #3 & #4:

Has anyone noticed that when politicians, many with private armed security details, who live in safe neighborhoods or gated communities with private police forces, propose tougher gun laws, there is never a provision for harsh mandatory sentencing for recidivist felons and/or violent and brutal gang members who repeatedly use illegal firearms in the commission of a crimes?

Can anyone explain why?

I find it unsurprisingly ironic since the Governor has his own private 24/7 armed bodyguards with almost unlimited resources available to them funded by New York Tax Payers; they are called the New York State Police.

As with the Monarchies of old Europe, surrounded by the Kings Men, the new Aristocracy- Career-Politicians, would grant themselves privileges and rights denied to us serfs.

Aug 15, 2012, 11:33am Permalink
Daniel Jones

As big of a fan as I am of Governor Cuomo and his agenda, I'll have to respectfully disagree. I think it's a shame that whenever there is a tragedy our first focus is on guns and that we completely ignore the need for better mental health services.

Aug 15, 2012, 11:43am Permalink
Cheryl Wilmet

I wasn't sure.what my answer would be but upon reading other posts it solidified my own personal beliefs. People have the right to bear arms and it is highly unlikely that stricter laws will stop the violence.

Aug 15, 2012, 1:29pm Permalink
Tom Frew

I have to agree on all comments here. It has to be a first as I usually disagree with someone! I was at the SCOPE Event last night. As a strong supporter of the Republican Party, I have to in say I was impressed with Ms. Hochel. I don't agree with her position on Obamacare but she is Pro 2nd Amendment and I applaud her for going against the grain of her party. It should also be known that Mr. Collins was invited to this event and did not respond. I would bet his primary opponent would have been there, probably early. Very sad....

Steve Hawley and Ranzenhofer were strong as usual. You always know where Steve Hawley stands on a topic, agree or disagree a great representative.

Aug 15, 2012, 2:17pm Permalink
Tom Frew

John: No I don't but it was communicated at the meeting that Collins was left a message and return call number. No return call was made back to the SCOPE caller.

Aug 15, 2012, 3:12pm Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

I laugh everytime I hear a politician call for tougher gun control laws. I can drive to Rochester tomorrow , and come home with a 9mm, a 357, a 45, almost any type of pistol made, without waiting 10 minutes.
How are tougher gun control laws going to stop me from buying an illegal handgun?
Get tough on the criminals, not the hunters, the trap shooters, the competition shooters,and all the legal gun
Like I have said in the past, the govt. just keeps trying to chip away our rights.

Aug 15, 2012, 7:10pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

When will Federal, State and Local Governments ever realize, GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE! PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! I can prove my point by putting my fully loaded SIG SAUER P250 on the table in front of any politician. I guarantee I can yell at my handgun (Until blue in the face) to kill someone and IT WILL NOT! Harsher penalties on those who misuse any firearm should be used in this solution. Even if you make it tougher for individuals to purchase a gun it will not stop them from illegally obtaining such. However, our justice system protects the rights of the criminal more so than the victim. Plead deals are abundant and violators are released on parole or serve a lesser punishment. Not to mention with today's economy criminals get three hots and a cot every day. How many families go hungry? We need a Sheriff Joe in New York.

Aug 15, 2012, 7:30pm Permalink

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