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Today's Poll: Should Batavia offer incentives to convert apartments back into single-family homes?

By Howard B. Owens
Tammy Way

Its not the building being single or several units --its the people that live there -- people need to take pride in where they live -- whether or not they own it -- after all its their home -- sometimes its the landlords that need to step up -- instead of just collecting rent get out and check on your buildings --

Jul 23, 2012, 9:06am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Amen Tammy, however theres only so much that a landlord can do. Its hard enough to just get a tenant that pays rent let alone trying to get them to comply with the rules in a lease. Then the court system is so slow that getting them out can be almost a 6 month process. During which time some if not most tenants go into destructive mode.

Jul 23, 2012, 9:57am Permalink
Mark Potwora

Should Batavia offer incentives to convert apartments back into single-family homes?.......................................

I thought they allready do...........................

Jul 23, 2012, 11:56am Permalink
Michael Pullinzi

If they could require that they do then become single family owner owned properties it might make sense, but otherwise what is the benefit? Doesn't seem a way to require that they then become owner occupied. It would seem to make more sense to offer incentives and programs to assist all property owners to improve their properties.

Jul 23, 2012, 6:58pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

That was my job before I moved here. I lived in Ithaca right in the middle of a block of rental properties owned by the same person. They gave me a cell phone, an office and an apartment right in the middle of all the properties. I worked daytime in the office, renting and doing the day to day business. But the Landlord made sure the police, and tenants knew that I was given full authority to make decisions and I was the main maintenence guy afterhours for emergencies. Allowed the Landlord to have a life and maintain a standard of excellence with the appearance and maintenence of her properties and still make a profit. (These properties could be alot worse than what your see here due to the fact all of our tenants were Cornell College students and had the lifestyle that went with that IE parties, frat annexes and such.)

Maybe some of the landlords locally should look into this as well.

Jul 23, 2012, 7:13pm Permalink

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