Genesee County’s Legislature recognized Older Americans Month this week, though locally it will be hard to ignore the needs and importance of older folks with estimates of remaining Baby Boomers turning 65 during the next seven years.
And why should we? The file photo above displays a group of senior citizens who put their skills to use as volunteer tax preparers, bringing back a cumulative $1 million to the county in state and federal tax refunds.
Projections of an aging population mean that the number of 16,000 people ages 60 and older living here in Genesee County are expected to rise to 20,000 by 2035, and ages 65 will reach 16,000 to 17,000 by that same time period, according to Office For the Aging statistics.
While those age groups are prime candidates for OFA services, they are also veterans, experienced workers, people who have garnered a lifetime of wisdom and abilities to share, which is all part of why Older Americans Month was celebrated on Wednesday.
A proclamation was read that stated:
“Whereas, Genesee County includes a growing number of older Americans who contribute their time, wisdom, and experience to our community, and
Whereas, communities benefit when people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and live independently, and
Whereas, Genesee County recognizes the need to create a community that offers the services and supports older adults may need to make choice about how they age, and
Whereas, the community also recognizes the key role older Americans play in sharing the wisdom and experience that inform today’s decisions and actions, and fostering the connection and engagement that builds strong, resilient communities, and
Whereas, in this year of peril and promise, older Americans have suffered through economic constraints while demonstrating inspirational strength.
During Older Americans Month, we honor these citizens and their continued contributions. Genesee County commits to learning from them, and supports their knowledge and experience that they bring to our community, and
Whereas, the community can work to build an even better community for our older residents by ensuring every citizen has the opportunity to age with independence, proper care, and dignity. Not limiting our thinking about aging, exploring and combating stereotypes, emphasizing the many positive aspects of aging, inspiring older adults to push past traditional boundaries, and embracing our community’s diversity.
Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Genesee County Legislature does hereby proclaim the month of May as Older Americans Month. We call upon Americans of all ages to celebrate older Americans during this month and throughout the year.”
There are programs and resources available for seniors that offer recreational and social activities and outings, exercise classes, group gatherings, card games, volunteer opportunities, insurance guidance, educational and research resources and many other amenities at OFA, YMCA GLOW, Richmond Memorial Library, AARP, Alzheimer’s Association, Genesee Community College, RSVP (volunteer program), and your medical practitioner for maintaining one’s mental, financial, social and physical health.
For more information from OFA, call 585-343-1611.