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Giving a nod to those who 'get the job done' during County Government Month

By Joanne Beck

Given the number of proclamations handed out to recognize the various groups and efforts in Genesee County Wednesday, it seemed like Proclamation Day during the county’s Legislature meeting at the Old County Courthouse.

Since the beginning of this month through to the end, there will be recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week, Crime Victims Rights Week, Fair Housing Month, Public Health Week and County Government Month.

As several representatives of public health, law enforcement, mental health, legal, human resources, criminal justice, and the various other county departments gathered behind Legislator Marianne Clattenburg, she introduced the focus for this fourth month of the year.

“I can see all right behind me. This is a perfect metaphor for county government. The Legislature does the public face, but the people behind us are what really gets the job done. And we appreciate them. So it's my privilege to proclaim National County Government Month April 2023, Counties Rise!,” she said.

On behalf of the Legislature and Chairwoman Rochelle Stein, Clattenburg read the proclamation:

WHEREAS, the nation’s 3,069 counties serving more than 330 million Americans provide essential services to create healthy, safe and vibrant communities, and WHEREAS, counties fulfill a vast range of responsibilities and deliver services that touch

nearly every aspect of our residents’ lives, and WHEREAS, Genesee Counties and all counties take pride in our responsibility to protect and enhance the health, wellbeing and safety of our residents in efficient and cost- effective ways, and

WHEREAS, under the leadership of National Association of Counties President Denise Winfrey, NACo is highlighting how “Counties RISE!,” demonstrating exemplary Resiliency, Inclusion, Solvency, and Empowerment, and  WHEREAS, each year since 1991 the National Association of Counties has encouraged counties across the country to elevate awareness of county responsibilities, programs and services, and WHEREAS, Genesee County takes pride in their talented and dedicated staff by

delivering excellent services to its citizens which makes Genesee County a great place to live and raise a family. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that The Genesee County Legislature hereby proclaims April 2023 as National County Government Month and encourage all county officials, employees, schools and residents to participate in county government celebration activities.

“(The proclamation) is attested to by Rochelle Stein and myself. Thank you very much for all you do,” Clattenburg said.

Mental Health Director Lynda Battaglia spoke in response to the citation and acknowledgment of the work performed by county employees.

“I want to say thank you for this proclamation. And for recognizing county governments, at least on behalf of mental health and all of my county employees and conversations with them recently,” Battaglia said. “They are excited in the direction the county's going. And they have felt unsure over the last few years the pandemic is behind us, but I think we are forward thinking and we are definitely becoming more progressive, and I know that they appreciate that, and I do as well, thank you.”

Top Photo show county Legislator Marianne Clattenburg reading a proclamation as county department leaders surround her; below are department leaders, including Lynda Battaglia with the proclamation, and Clattenburg. Photos by Joanne Beck.

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