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Local piano teacher offering 'virtual camps' for children so they don't miss out on extracurriculars

By Joanne Beck

In a new world of all things virtual — from business meetings and telemedicine to therapy sessions — it may be no surprise that piano teacher Laura Kauppi took to this new existence with the same passion she has for her craft. She has evolved from private individual lessons to group sessions online.

“I really like virtual camps,” Kauppi said during an interview with The Batavian. “They’re very parent-led. I’m just giving parents an opportunity to do things with their kids. It’s not fair that extracurriculars are only for people with money.”

Enter Zoom, the popular online meeting room for groups of people. Kauppi’s Zoom camps opened up creative opportunities for children and parents alike, and at a price that fits everyone’s music level: free.

The camps were an extension of Kauppi’s virtual piano lessons. In an effort to reach more children, the lessons were done in groups for kids 5 to 14. They learned the basics using both hands, she said. Kauppi, a resident of Corfu, drew attention through online posts and handing out flyers at special events and with candy at Halloween. More than 40 students from Batavia to Buffalo have reaped the benefits so far.

Kauppi’s hope is to instill some musical aptitude before kids get older and move on to college. Her latest endeavor is to begin even earlier with a toddler program for 1- to 5-year-olds. Those lessons involve fun activities such as dancing and clapping to music and playing rhythm games, she said. Kauppi instructs the parents so they in turn can assist their children during and in between sessions.

“So the parent can replicate the lessons ... putting music in their days,” she said.

As for the cheap price tag of the program — all free — Kauppi’s intent is sincere, she said. Going virtual incorporates music into the lives of kids who may not otherwise be able to participate. It also alleviates the need for transportation to her home, she said. 

“I just want to be able to offer kids this experience,” she said.  “I get a lot from teaching these kids. I've learned so much about hope, strength, tenacity and hard work from them. They make me remember why I love teaching.”

You may remember Kauppi when she first offered piano lessons to low-income children four years ago. It was formerly called Every Child Music School, which has been changed to The Arts Are For All. The veteran teacher of more than 15 years wants to continue the career she has loved while paying it forward.

“I want others to have the same opportunities I have had,” she said. 

The virtual music class for toddlers will run two Sundays a month beginning in September. Class for ages 1-3 is at 2:15 p.m. and for ages 3-5 at 2:30 p.m. For more information or to register, call Kauppi at 585-861-0153.

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