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No tin, but two-county health department earns gold seal this week

By Joanne Beck

There was no tin or aluminum present when Genesee and Orleans County officials celebrated a decade-old relationship, but it might have been proper, given the description of the two-county health system.

Gifts have been tin or aluminum for such 10-year bonds, as the metals traditionally symbolize strength and resilience. 

A proclamation to commemorate the occasion did include a gold seal and description that aptly translated to those two character traits. It states that residents of both counties have “benefited fiscally and operationally,” and that staff of both health departments “worked cohesively to fill workforce gaps, provide natural redundancy, drive efficiencies and look at innovative ways to advance collaborations” since an agreement was signed on Oct. 1, 2012.

Working as integrated departments, both were able to manage the needs, surges, tests and vaccinations, plus provide updated information to the public, during those crucial times of the pandemic, it states.

Perhaps most importantly, the proclamation — signed by Genesee County Legislature Chairwoman Rochelle Stein and Orleans Legislature Chairwoman Lynne Johnson — calls on their respective citizens to celebrate by “helping our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers and leaders better understand the value of public health, and integrated services.”

In doing so, there would also be an understanding of how this connection supports "great opportunities" as officials acknowledge  "GO Health's accomplishments over these last 10 years and into the future."

The event was conducted in Genesee County’s chambers as members of Orleans County participated via Zoom.

Being able to count on such a merged relationship has meant a lot to Genesee County, Stein said.

“It is absolutely an incredible service to this community,” she said.

Photo of Genesee County Legislature and GO Health members courtesy of Steven Falitico.

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