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Real estate company to move into historic downtown Batavia property

By Joanne Beck

Peter Hunt, chief executive officer of Hunt Real Estate

A much-coveted piece of downtown property will soon be home to Hunt Real Estate, Chief Executive Officer Peter Hunt says.

The company has purchased 97 Main St., Batavia, at the corner of Main and Jackson streets. Give them a few months, and his blossoming staff  — of about 16 people and growing — will be operating out of the site. 

Company leaders chose to add a branch in Batavia because it provides an integral connection between two of the company's major markets, Hunt said.

“First, it provides a very powerful link for us between Rochester and Buffalo. We've watched the market closely and believe that there's stability there and that there's a seeming energy and a renewed spirit of investment, particularly along Main Street, that we weren't a part of,” he said, addressing the company’s impending move. “We’re very excited about it.”

Peter Hunt lives in Buffalo, and he was pretty familiar with this area as a hockey coach, and that athletic role brought him to Batavia whenever his team played at the ice rink. Hunt Real Estate has been in temporary digs at 5 Jackson St. for the past year. The new space will have room — an estimated couple of thousand square feet on each of three floors — for growth of personnel and offices, and an apartment on each of the second and third floors, he said.

“And also we see the way the real estate market has changed, particularly since the pandemic descended on us. We see that communities like Batavia have a great opportunity for both improvement of the quality of life and also growth because it's becoming increasingly desirable to be in small to midsize cities and communities that have the kind of natural beauty that Batavia has all around it,” he said. “And we think that being part of that renewed excitement about communities like Batavia will be very important to us.”

Hunt followed in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps and joined the family business right out of college. His son Charlie Hunt has done the same, and the chief operating officer has 10 years in at this point. The company has 58 branches from Boston, MA to upstate New York and in Phoenix, AZ. The company deals in mortgage, titles, insurance, residential/commercial sales. It is poised to provide services that no one else offers in Batavia, Peter Hunt said.

“Our vision very simply is ‘always there for you,’ which means that we are an integrated real estate and homeownership services organization, which we are the only one of currently serving Batavia,” he said. “So we're excited about adding value to the relationships that our sales professionals have with our customers and clients.”

With an eye toward growth, another sales professional was recently added to the Batavia branch, and 97 Main will eventually include two apartments to be renovation projects on the upper floors of the building. 

“Which really, I think, are going to be very cool units. You may know that they are in a  beautiful space in terms of high ceilings and beautiful windows, and so it's going to be a great spot,” he said. “We intend to grow; that's always our goal. As far as I'm concerned, growth is the name of the game in any business.”

Real estate sales were at a record high in 2021 — the best in sales during the company’s entire 110-year existence, he said. There’s a balancing act of supply and demand, and Hunt believes “there’s way, way less supply than there is demand,” which will keep pushing the market upward.

“So in order for that market to really cool down, there'd have to be a huge influx of inventory, more homes for sale. Percentage-wise, there has been huge growth, or there'd have to be a huge lessening of demand. Interest rates have moved up just very little over the last two months, and that will move affordability to make things less affordable. And we think that will affect demand a little bit, but not a real lot, because there's still a lot of pent-up demand for a nice house, a decent place to live,” he said. “We are four generations into the business, and while I guess I didn't wake up at age six or seven and say, ‘gee, I want to be in real estate,’ it's always been, obviously, part of our family culture.”

Batavia’s market includes many older homes, as compared to brand new projects, which make for a great product in the eyes of younger homebuyers, he said.

"It's all of Upstate that has had, really, a shortage of brand new housing for a long time. So the existing housing — you say older homes — really remain in high demand,” he said. “Young people, in particular, will see that as an opportunity to get a very nice home for still a very reasonable price compared to other parts of the country, and also the opportunity to improve that house and make it more valuable.”

The timeline is to get moved in and settled at 97 Main St. in the next few months, before focusing on apartment renovations, he said. He expects work to begin on the two apartments at the end of this year or early in 2023. The former Genesee Bank building also housed Thomas & Dwyer shoe store in downtown retail's heydays, and more recently House of K, Foxprowl Collectables, and other varied businesses.

Top and bottom photo by Howard Owens.

Top Photo from front left, Carol Hunt, Branch Manager Michelle Schlossel, Annette Rotondo, Gavin Townsend, Carson Marzolf, and back row left, Stephanie D'Alba, Bob Kwandrans, Marie Scofield, and Office Administrator Lauren Becht. 

The property at the corner of Main and Jackson streets, Batavia.


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