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Recycling collection's 'nasty' side shows up this year

By Joanne Beck

Apparently, recycling has its nasty side.

At least, that’s what Recycling Administrator Peggy Grayson discovered during this year’s hazardous waste collection.

“Hopefully none of you had screaming, yelling people. We did at the County Highway Department,” said Grayson for her GLOW solid waste annual review this week. “We booked more than we normally do. And we did have long lines. But a lot of that was because of the new paint stewardship law. And we were taking latex where we wouldn’t before, and we couldn’t in the past," she said during Monday's Public Services meeting. "So our vendor had to keep anything on that list. And it’s pretty comprehensive. They had to keep that separate, and it had to be packed a certain way.

"So we kind of had lines down both sides of Cedar Street. I had to go direct traffic, because people weren’t letting people come in from Route 5 and turn left, and they weren’t taking turns," she said. "And there were some very nasty people.”

Grayson is hoping that a new arrangement for year-round drop-off sites will alleviate the high volumes during the waste collection in Genesee County every two years. The GLOW paint recycling program allows folks to dispense of up to five gallons of paint at:

  • Sherwin Williams, 16 Liberty St., Batavia
  • Crocker’s Ace Hardware, 8457 North Street Rd., Le Roy
  • Sherwin Williams at 4176 Lakeville Road, Geneseo

They are encouraged to call the site beforehand to ensure it will take the type of paint they have.

During her annual review of the GLOW Region Solid Waste Management Committee, Grayson listed the various services provided, including a farm pesticide collection program, which began in 1995 and has been conducted annually. This collection is for disposal of household chemicals, cleaning products, vehicle fluids and other similar materials.

The 2022 collection was in September in Batavia. Of the 470 participants, 268 were from Genesee County, she said. The program is funded by county contributions and an expected state Department of Environmental Conservation grant that funds half of eligible expenses.

A separate electronics collection, held one week later in Batavia and also by appointment, had an attendance of 361 people, of which 240 were from Genesee County.

“The value of these programs is in minimizing the potential contamination of area wells, streams and aquifers,” Grayson said in her report. “The 2023 household hazardous waste collection will be held in Livingston County. Because of changes to the State Electronic Recycling Law, it may not be possible to hold electronics collections in the future.”

Other efforts include an emphasis on composting, providing technical assistance to other municipalities in the region on “a variety of solid waste-related topics,” she said, and fielding calls from individuals, businesses and other entities.

“GLOW provides technical assistance to businesses, institutions and residents on an as-requested basis. These requests are normally made through GLOW’s Recycling Hotline and consist of questions on how to dispose of trash, hazardous materials or other items,” she said. “These callers are often referred to contractors and haulers in the region and/or are told about GLOW programs, such as household hazardous waste or the materials exchange programs. Staff normally fields from six or more calls per week or more, concerning household hazardous waste disposal.”

The GLOW staff currently consists of a single person, which is Grayson. GLOW’s payroll and invoicing is performed by an employee of Genesee County’s IT Department at no charge, and in the spring of 2021 three funding counties — Genesee, Livingston and Wyoming — agreed to renew an Intermunicipal Cooperation Agreement for the calendar years of 2022 and 2023.

As a result of that agreement, the Genesee County contribution was reduced from $27,000 per year to $25,805, a reduction of $1,195, or 4.4 percent. The contributions will remain at those levels in 2022 and 2023, she said.

For more information about recycling, go HERE  or click on PaintCare for details on the paint recycling program.  

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