Chris Bardol of Brockport kept the hot hand for a second week as he registered an 834 series last Tuesday in the G&W Vending League at Rose Garden Bowl in Bergen.
Bardol topped the list of area high scores with games of 288-257-289. Last week, he posted a 776 series in the league.
Dave Emler of Rochester popped a big 278 game en route to a 759 series.
At Medina Lanes this morning, Jackie Jurinich came oh so close to perfection as she rolled a 298 game in the Sunday Roll-Offs League. The right-hander came a bit high on the final ball, leaving the 6-10.
For more high rollers in the Genesee Region, click on the Pin Points tab at the top of the page.
Mike Pettinella's Pin Points column will appear on Thursday.